No Time to Mourn

Book Description

A shape bends over a drink at the end of the bar in Big Emma¿s on Oakland¿s Jack London Square, looking like a bundle of black clothes someone has left on the barstool. Full red lips that match brightly dyed hair provide the only color, as if an artist had begun to colorize her just before she walked out of frame in a 40¿s noir movie. Her name is Susan, and she is there to hire PI Jim Wolf to find the killer of her husband, and to protect her from a man called Red. Wolf takes her case, but Susan herself is then murdered and Red attempts to kill Wolf¿and the hunter becomes the hunted. With the help of two very different, but important women in his life, Lori Mazzetti, his former lover whom he can no longer live with, but can¿t seem to survive without, and Connie Hernandez, an investigative reporter for the Oakland Tribune, Wolf sets out to track Red down. Now it¿s personal. The bullets fly, and the blood flows, but Wolf is just getting started. Like the alpha predator of his namesake, private investigator Jim Wolf is the last guy you¿d ever want to see coming behind you, following in your tracks. Or at your door.

A Time To Mourn, a Time To Comfort (2nd Edition)

Book Description

A Step-by-Step Guide for Honoring the Dead and Empowering the Living When someone dies, there are so many questions—from what to do in the moment of grief, to dealing with the practical details of the funeral, to spiritual concerns about the meaning of life and death. This indispensable guide to Jewish mourning and comfort provides traditional and modern insights into every aspect of loss. In a new, easy-to-use format, this classic resource is full of wise advice to help you cope with death and comfort others when they are bereaved. Dr. Ron Wolfson takes you step by step through the mourning process, including the specifics of funeral preparations, preparing the home and family to sit shiva, and visiting the grave. Special sections deal with helping young children grieve, mourning the death of an infant or child, and more. Wolfson captures the poignant stories of people in all stages of grieving—children, spouses, parents, rabbis, friends, non-Jews—and provides new strategies for reinvigorating and transforming the Jewish ways we mourn, grieve, remember, and carry on with our lives after the death of a loved one.

No Time to Grieve--

Book Description

A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance

Book Description

Tony Rodriguez was a compassionate and well-respected trauma therapist who devoted his life to helping survivors thrive, until his life was cut short in a tragic accident. Traumatized by the sudden loss of her husband and overwhelmed by the impact of his untimely death on their two sons, Jennifer Ohman-Rodriguez was determined to blaze a path toward healing. From the excruciating days immediately following his death, to navigating the bewildering labyrinth of young widowhood, to forging a new life for herself and her sons, A Time to Mourn & A Time to Dance chronicles her story with unabashed honesty and deep vulnerability, blended with authentic faith and teeth-clenching determination to do the hard work of healing. From the depths of despair back into the joy of living, retraced by the one who blazed her own path out of trauma’s grasp, this book is infused with the Jennifer’s heartfelt prayers, real-life applications of somatic and spiritual healing practices, and the kind of profound and practical wisdom that only reveals itself in life’s moments of truth.

A Time to Mourn

Book Description

While Northern Rhodesia was preparing for independence as the Republic of Zambia in 1964, impoverished villages in the remote north east of the country were divided by a bitter conflict fuelled by apparently irreconcilable political and religious convictions. This book describes the origin of the dispute and how it led to skirmishes, defiance of authority, massacre, torture and displacement: a previously unreported mutiny. It is as such an important contribution to Zambian history, with a significant proportion of the material being published for the first time. The author was a district commissioner at Isoka during the time of the massacre and was personally involved in the peace settlement. He argues that the situation need not have escalated had the authorities acted to prevent it; and that for different reasons, both the colonial government and its independent successor tried to distort the gravity of what occurred.

A Time to Mourn

Book Description

In what is often called her most important book, Verena Kast examines the role of mourning in the therapeutic process.

Gendered Experiences of Genocide

Book Description

Between February and September 1988, the Iraqi government destroyed over 2000 Kurdish villages, killing somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 civilians and displacing many more. The operation was codenamed Anfal which literally means 'the spoils of war'. For the survivors of this campaign, Anfal did not end in September 1988: the aftermath of this catastrophe is as much a part of the Anfal story as the gas attacks, disappearances and life in the camps. This book examines Kurdish women's experience of violence, destruction, the disappearance of loved ones, and incarceration during the Anfal campaign. It explores the survival strategies of these women in the aftermath of genocide. By bringing together and highlighting women's own testimonies, Choman Hardi reconstructs the Anfal narrative in contrast to the current prevaling one which is highly politicised, simplified, and nationalistic. It also addresses women's silences about sexual abuse and rape in a patriarchal society which holds them responsible for having been a victim of sexual violence.

No Time to Mourn

Book Description

No Time to Mourn is a collection of short stories, poems, artwork and photography penned, produced and presented by South Sudanese women. It reflects the lives of the women writers and artists, and at the same time gives voice to the very real lived experiences and lives of every woman of South Sudanese heritage. The ideas and experiences in this book span decades they straddle borders, they cross continents and describe events that are hard to imagine, even with some knowledge of South Sudan's history. It is hard not to be moved as you read what many of these authors have lived through as they strive to achieve those basic of human rights: life, liberty and security. Through this book, we learn more about the cost of war and the value of peace, and how they affect women's abilities to found a home, bear and raise children, stay healthy and safe, secure education for themselves and their children, seek professional fulfilment and even fall in love, all while navigating society's often narrowly defined gender roles.

Stone in the Sky

Book Description

Brother Blue. His name, even the color, filled me with a furious fire of pure hatred. Years ago, Tula Bane was beaten and left for dead on a remote space station far from Earth, her home planet. She started with nothing and had no one, but over time, she found a home, a family, and even love. When it's discovered that the abandoned planet beneath the station is abundant with a rare and valuable resource, aliens from across the galaxy race over to strike it rich. With them comes trouble, like the man who nearly killed Tula years ago—the man she has dreamed of destroying ever since. In this sequel to Tin Star, Cecil Castellucci takes readers on an extraordinary adventure through space in a thrilling and thoughtful exploration of what it means to love, to hate, and to be human.