Dictionary of Minor Planet Names

Book Description

According to a long-standing astronomical tradition, the naming of minor planets in the solar system is the privilege of the discoverers. Contrary to most other kinds of celestial objects which receive complex alpha-numerical designations, the names of minor planets often say more about the discoverers than about the object in question. There is a rich and colourful variety of ingenious names, from those of heavenly goddesses in the nineteenth century, to the more prosaic and sometimes very specific names of observatories, towns and mountains, computers and persons, given by present-day discoverers. Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union, under whose auspices the naming of minor planets falls, has long been concerned with the need to establish a complete catalogue of these names, as well as of the interpretation of their meanings. For this purpose, a Study Group on the Origin of Minor Planet Names was set up at the time of the IAU General Assembly in Baltimore in August 1988. The Working Group immediately started to collect information about these matters from all available sources, including some earlier, incomplete compilations made in the U.S. and in Europe, and also by personal interaction with living discoverers of minor planets.

Discovery and Classification in Astronomy

Book Description

This book shows that astronomical discovery is a complex and ongoing process comprising various stages of research, interpretation and understanding.

Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Volume Three

Book Description

Volume III of a comprehensive three-part guide to celestial objects outside our solar system concludes with listings from Pavo to Vulpecula. While there are many books on stars, there is only one Celestial Handbook. Now completely revised through 1977, this unique and necessary reference is available once again to guide amateur and advanced astronomers in their knowledge and enjoyment of the stars. After an extensive introduction in Volume I, which gives the beginner enough information to follow about 80 percent of the body of the material, the author gives comprehensive coverage to the thousands of celestial objects outside our solar system that are within the range of telescopes in the two- to twelve-inch range. The objects are grouped according to the constellations in which they appear. Each constellation is divided into four subject sections: list of double and multiple stars; list of variable stars; list of star clusters, nebulae and galaxies; and descriptive notes. For each object the author gives names, celestial coordinates, classification, and full physical description. These, together with a star atlas, will help you find and identify almost every object of interest. But the joy of the book is the descriptive notes that follow. They cover history, unusual movements or appearance, and currently accepted explanations of such visible phenomena as white dwarfs, novae and super novae, cepheids, mira-type variables, dark nebulae, gaseous nebulae, eclipsing binary stars, the large Magellanic cloud, the evolution of a star cluster, and hundreds of other topics, many of which are difficult to find in one place. Hundreds of charts and other visual aids are included to help in identification. Over 300 photographs capture the objects and are works of beauty that reflect the enthusiasm that star gazers have for their subject. Robert Burnham, Jr., who was on the staff of the Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, conceived the idea of The Celestial Handbook decades ago, when he began assembling a notebook of all the major facts published about each celestial object. In its former, privately printed edition, this handbook was acclaimed as one of the most helpful books for astronomers on any level.

Transactions of the International Astronomical Union

Book Description

The XXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union was held in Baltimore, Maryland USA from August 02 to 11, 1988. The Inaugural Ceremony on August 02 was held in the presence of representatives of the United States Governn:ent, t~e S~ate of Maryland, the City of Baltimore and the host institution -the Johns Hopkins Umverslty- as well as of the National and Local Organising Committees. The scientific programme maintained the high standards of the Union and the scientific proceedings may be found either in this volume or in volume 8 of Highlights of Astronomy. The scientific programme was organised by the 40 Commission Presidents and coordinated by the General Secretary (1985-1988), Dr. J.-P. Swings. The local arrangements were effectively made through the National Organising Committee under the Chairmanship of Prof. F. Drake and the Local Organising Committee under the co-Chairmanship of Prof. A. Oavidsen and Dr. R. Giacconi. The smooth day to day operation of the meeting resulted from the incomparable dedication of Karen Weinstock and Harold Screen.

Classifying the Cosmos

Book Description

Since the invention of the telescope 400 years ago, astronomers have rapidly discovered countless celestial objects. But how does one make sense of it all? Astronomer and former NASA Chief Historian Steven J. Dick brings order to this menagerie by defining 82 classes of astronomical objects, which he places in a beginner-friendly system known as "Astronomy’s Three Kingdoms.” Rather than concentrating on technicalities, this system focuses on the history of each object, the nature of its discovery, and our current knowledge about it. The ensuing book can therefore be read on at least two levels. On one level, it is an illustrated guide to various types of astronomical wonders. On another level, it is considerably more: the first comprehensive classification system to cover all celestial objects in a consistent manner. Accompanying each spread are spectacular historical and modern images. The result is a pedagogical tour-de-force, whereby readers can easily master astronomy’s three realms of planets, stars, and galaxies.