Non-Equilibrium Quantum Dots: Transport

Book Description

The electronic transport through three-dimensionally confined semiconductor quantum dots is investigated and analyzed. The spectrum corresponds to resonant tunneling from laterally confined emitter contact subbands through the discrete three-dimensionally confined quantum dot states. Momentum non-conservation is observed in these structures.

Nonequilibrium Quantum Transport Physics In Nanosystems: Foundation Of Computational Nonequilibrium Physics In Nanoscience And Nanotechnology

Book Description

This book presents the first comprehensive treatment of discrete phase-space quantum mechanics and the lattice Weyl-Wigner formulation of energy band dynamics, by the originator of these theoretical techniques. The author's quantum superfield theoretical formulation of nonequilibrium quantum physics is given in real time, without the awkward use of artificial time contour employed in previous formulations. These two main quantum theoretical techniques combine to yield general (including quasiparticle-pairing dynamics) and exact quantum transport equations in phase-space, appropriate for nanodevices. The derivation of transport formulas in mesoscopic physics from the general quantum transport equations is also treated. Pioneering nanodevices are discussed in the light of the quantum-transport physics equations, and an in-depth treatment of the physics of resonant tunneling devices is given. Operator Hilbert-space methods and quantum tomography are discussed. Discrete phase-space quantum mechanics on finite fields is treated for completeness and by virtue of its relevance to quantum computing. The phenomenological treatment of evolution superoperator and measurements is given to help clarify the general quantum transport theory. Quantum computing and information theory is covered to demonstrate the foundational aspects of discrete quantum dynamics, particularly in deriving a complete set of multiparticle entangled basis states.

Nonequilibrium Electron Transport in Quantum Dot and Quantum Point Contact Systems

Book Description

Much experimental research has been performed in the equilibrium regime on individual quantum dots and quantum point contacts (QPCs). The focus of the research presented here is electron transport in the nonequilibrium regime in coupled quantum dot and QPC systems fabricated on AlGaAs/GaAs material using the split gate technique. Near equilibrium magnetoconductance measurements were performed on a quantum dot and a QPC. Oscillations were seen in the conductance of the sensor which corresponded to Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the quantum dot, to our knowledge the first such observation. Sudden jumps in the conductance of the QPC were observed under certain gate biases and under certain magnetic fields. When the gate biases and magnetic field were held constant and the conductance was observed over time, switching was observed with the form of a random telegraph signal (RTS). RTS switching is usually attributed to charging of a single impurity. However, in this case switching may have been due to tunneling via edge states in the dot. Nonequilibrium transport in single quantum dots was investigated. A knee or kink was observed in the current-voltage characteristics of two dots on different material. The bias conditions under which the knee occurred point to electron heating as the physical mechanism for the observed behavior. However, the data can not be fit accurately over all bias ranges with an energy balance hot electron model. Modifications to the model are needed to accurately represent the devices studied here. Finally, the effect of nonlinear transport through a one dimensional (1D) QPC on the equilibrium conductance of an adjacent OD quantum dot was explored. This was the first attempt to observe Coulomb drag between a OD and 1D system. It was observed that the equilibrium conductance peaks in the quantum dot were broadened as the current in the QPC increased. This apparent electron heating effect in the dot can be explained by a simple ballistic phonon model. However, reasonable phase coherence times can be estimated from peak fitting using a Breit- Wigner formula which points to a Coulomb interaction. More detailed numerical calculations should illuminate the dominant scattering processes.

Lessons From Nanoelectronics: A New Perspective On Transport (Second Edition) - Part B: Quantum Transport

Book Description

Everyone is familiar with the amazing performance of a modern smartphone, powered by a billion-plus nanotransistors, each having an active region that is barely a few hundred atoms long. The same amazing technology has also led to a deeper understanding of the nature of current flow and heat dissipation on an atomic scale which is of broad relevance to the general problems of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics that pervade many different fields.This book is based on a set of two online courses originally offered in 2012 on nanoHUB-U and more recently in 2015 on edX. In preparing the second edition the author decided to split it into parts A and B titled Basic Concepts and Quantum Transport respectively, along the lines of the two courses. A list of available video lectures corresponding to different sections of this volume is provided upfront.To make these lectures accessible to anyone in any branch of science or engineering, the author assume very little background beyond linear algebra and differential equations. However, the author will be discussing advanced concepts that should be of interest even to specialists, who are encouraged to look at his earlier books for additional technical details.

Nonequilibrium Charge Transport Through Quantum Dots with Electron-phonon Interaction

Book Description

Zusammenfassung: The subject of this thesis is the nonequilibrium charge transport through single-molecular quantum dots. For such nanostructures a single excess charge on the molecule can cause quantized nanomechanical vibrations. In order to understand the effects of such an electron-phonon coupling, we discuss the following important aspects of the nonequilibrium system: For a quantum dot coupled to two metallic leads, we study the time evolution of the system from a given initial preparation towards its nonequilibrium steady state. Here, our focus is on the influence of the electron-phonon coupling on the timescales relevant for the charge dynamics. After the transients die out, the steady-state properties of the system become accessible. For this situation, we calculate the local density of states on the quantum dot using the numerically exact diagrammatic Monte Carlo method. Based on these results, we perform a detailed discussion of the voltage dependence of the spectrum under the influence of the electron-phonon interaction. Besides studying a quantum dot coupled to two metals, a hybrid junction is discussed where the molecule is contacted to a metal and a superconductor. It is shown how the superconducting gap influences the charge transport through the quantum dot with a single vibrational mode

Fingerprints in the Optical and Transport Properties of Quantum Dots

Book Description

The book "Fingerprints in the optical and transport properties of quantum dots" provides novel and efficient methods for the calculation and investigating of the optical and transport properties of quantum dot systems. This book is divided into two sections. In section 1 includes ten chapters where novel optical properties are discussed. In section 2 involve eight chapters that investigate and model the most important effects of transport and electronics properties of quantum dot systems This is a collaborative book sharing and providing fundamental research such as the one conducted in Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, with a base text that could serve as a reference in research by presenting up-to-date research work on the field of quantum dot systems.

Nonequilibrium Quantum Transport Physics in Nanosystems

Book Description

This book presents the first comprehensive treatment of discrete phase-space quantum mechanics and the lattice Weyl-Wigner formulation of energy band dynamics, by the originator of these theoretical techniques. The author's quantum superfield theoretical formulation of nonequilibrium quantum physics is given in real time, without the awkward use of artificial time contour employed in previous formulations. These two main quantum theoretical techniques combine to yield general (including quasiparticle-pairing dynamics) and exact quantum transport equations in phase-space, appropriate for nanodevices. The derivation of transport formulas in mesoscopic physics from the general quantum transport equations is also treated. Pioneering nanodevices are discussed in the light of the quantum-transport physics equations, and an in-depth treatment of the physics of resonant tunneling devices is given. Operator Hilbert-space methods and quantum tomography are discussed. Discrete phase-space quantum mechanics on finite fields is treated for completeness and by virtue of its relevance to quantum computing. The phenomenological treatment of evolution superoperator and measurements is given to help clarify the general quantum transport theory. Quantum computing and information theory is covered to demonstrate the foundational aspects of discrete quantum dynamics, particularly in deriving a complete set of multiparticle entangled basis states.

Out of equilibrium transport in quantum dots structures

Book Description

Neste trabalho estudamos as propriedades eletrônicas e de transportede uma molécula artificial diatômica que consiste de dois pontos quânticosconectados a dois contatos submetidos a um potencial externo. Cada pontoquântico é descrito por um nível de energia no qual os elétrons estãofortmente correlacionados pela interação Coulombiana no interior e entreos pontos quânticos. Duas topologias são consideradas para o sistema:uma corresponde aos dois pontos dispostos numa linha de condução e ooutro a uma configuração em paralelo. O problema é tratado com asfunções de Green obtidas a partir do formalismo de Keldysh para o sistemafora do equilíbrio. Estas funções permitem o cálculo da carga nos pontosquânticos e da corrente elétrica no sistema. A física do sistema é controladaprincipalmente pelas várias interações Coulombianas. Para a configuraçãoem paralelo existem dois canais interferindo para a propagação do elétronpelo sistema, cujas propriedades dependem do estado de carga de cadaponto quântico. Para a configuração em série a corrente é controlada pelapossibilidade da carga ser drenada de um ponto quântico ao outro. O estadode carga em cada ponto quântico e a corrente elétrica são discutidos emdetalhe para as duas configurações e para diferentes valores dos parâmetrosque definem o sistema.