Non-fourier Heat Equations in Solids Analyzed from Phonon Statistics

Book Description

Advances in microelectronics and nanotechnology have generated tremendous interest in the non-Fourier regimes of heat conduction, where the conventional theories based on local equilibrium no longer apply. The non-Fourier regimes include small length scales, where the medium can no longer be treated using bulk properties due to ballistic transport, and short time scales, on the order of the relaxation time of heat carriers, such as in short pulse laser heating. One of the objectives of this thesis is to clarify some misunderstandings in hyperbolic heat equation (HHE), commonly thought as a remedy of Fourier's law at small time scales. The HHE is analyzed from the stand point of statistical mechanics with an emphasis on the consequences of assumptions applied to the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE) when deriving the HHE. In addition, some misperceptions of the HHE, caused by a few experiments and confusion with other physical phenomena, are clarified. It is concluded that HHE should not be interpreted as a more general equation governing heat transport because of several fundamental limitations. The other objective of this thesis is to introduce radiation entropy to the equation of phonon radiative transport (EPRT) for understanding the heat transfer mechanism on a fundamental level which can be applied to both diffusion and ballistic heat conduction in dielectric solids. The entropy generation due to phonon transport is examined along with the definition of a phonon brightness temperature, which is direction and frequency dependent. A better understanding of non-Fourier heat conduction will help researchers and engineers to choose appropriate theories or models in analyzing thermal transport in nanodevices.

Dynamical Analysis of Non-Fourier Heat Conduction and Its Application in Nanosystems

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This thesis studies the general heat conduction law, irreversible thermodynamics and the size effect of thermal conductivity exhibited in nanosystems from the perspective of recently developed thermomass theory. The derivation bridges the microscopic phonon Boltzmann equation and macroscopic continuum mechanics. Key concepts such as entropy production, temperature and the Onsager reciprocal relation are revisited in the case of non-Fourier heat conduction. Lastly, useful expressions are extracted from the picture of phonon gas dynamics and are used to successfully predict effective thermal conductivity in nanosystems.

Non-Fourier Heat Conduction

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This book presents a broad and well-structured overview of various non-Fourier heat conduction models. The classical Fourier heat conduction model is valid for most macroscopic problems. However, it fails when the wave nature of the heat propagation becomes dominant and memory or non-local spatial effects become significant; e.g., during ultrafast heating, heat transfer at the nanoscale, in granular and porous materials, at extremely high values of the heat flux, or in heat transfer in biological tissues. The book looks at numerous non-Fourier heat conduction models that incorporate time non-locality for materials with memory, such as hereditary materials, including fractional hereditary materials, and/or spatial non-locality, i.e. materials with a non-homogeneous inner structure. Beginning with an introduction to classical transport theory, including phase-lag, phonon, and thermomass models, the book then looks at various aspects of relativistic and quantum transport, including approaches based on the Landauer formalism as well as the Green-Kubo theory of linear response. Featuring an appendix that provides an introduction to methods in fractional calculus, this book is a valuable resource for any researcher interested in theoretical and numerical aspects of complex, non-trivial heat conduction problems.

Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter held August 3-7, 1992, at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, USA. The preceding conferences were held at: St. Maxime and Paris (France) 1972, Nottingham (UK) 1975, Providence (USA) 1979, Stuttgart (Germany) 1983, Urbana (USA) 1986, and Heidelberg (Germany) 1989. The Heidelberg conference was held jointly with the Third International Con ference on Phonon Physics. The next conference, to be held in August, 1995, in Sapporo, Japan, and hosted by Professor T. Nakayama and his colleagues, will also be such a joint conference. This conference was attended by 227 scientists from 27 countries, and covered all aspects of phonon scattering in condensed matter, ranging from the more traditional topics of thermal conductivity, Kapitza resistance, and ballistic phonon propagation to the recently added topics, such as electron-phonon interaction in high-T c superconductors, the use of phonons in particle detection, and phonons in confined geometries. The 207 papers arranged in 11 chapters in this volume are a cross section of the present activities in the quite obviously vibrant field of phonons and their interactions.

Solid State Physics

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Solid State Physics

NBS Special Publication

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Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer

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Through analyses, experimental results, and worked-out numerical examples, Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and Engineering Applications explores the methods and observations of thermophysical phenomena in size-affected domains. Compiling the most relevant findings from the literature, along with results from their own re


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Joseph Fourier 250th Birthday

Book Description

For the 250th birthday of Joseph Fourier, born in 1768 in Auxerre, France, this MDPI Special Issue will explore modern topics related to Fourier Analysis and Heat Equation. Modern developments of Fourier analysis during the 20th century have explored generalizations of Fourier and Fourier–Plancherel formula for non-commutative harmonic analysis, applied to locally-compact, non-Abelian groups. In parallel, the theory of coherent states and wavelets has been generalized over Lie groups. One should add the developments, over the last 30 years, of the applications of harmonic analysis to the description of the fascinating world of aperiodic structures in condensed matter physics. The notions of model sets, introduced by Y. Meyer, and of almost periodic functions, have revealed themselves to be extremely fruitful in this domain of natural sciences. The name of Joseph Fourier is also inseparable from the study of the mathematics of heat. Modern research on heat equations explores the extension of the classical diffusion equation on Riemannian, sub-Riemannian manifolds, and Lie groups. In parallel, in geometric mechanics, Jean-Marie Souriau interpreted the temperature vector of Planck as a space-time vector, obtaining, in this way, a phenomenological model of continuous media, which presents some interesting properties. One last comment concerns the fundamental contributions of Fourier analysis to quantum physics: Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. The content of this Special Issue will highlight papers exploring non-commutative Fourier harmonic analysis, spectral properties of aperiodic order, the hypoelliptic heat equation, and the relativistic heat equation in the context of Information Theory and Geometric Science of Information.