Non-Markovian Open Quantum Systems

Book Description

We examine different nonlinear open quantum systems and calculate the non-Markovianity based on the distinguishability between two density matrices. We show that for a single spin (qubit) coupled to a bosonic field the non-Markovianity depends on the spectral density function and can take on any number N with 0 ≤ N ≤ 1, meaning the dynamics can be Markovian or highly non-Markovian. For the main result we consider a system of Ntot identical spins coupled to an environment in the mean-field way. Each spin is coupled to a local and the common reservoir. There are only indirect interactions between the spins through the common reservoir. In limit Ntot → 1 the subsystem consisting of a fixed set of n particles reduces to a factorized state in which each factor is a single spin evolving according to a nonlinear Hartree-Lindblad equation which is exactly solvable. For non-stationary initial spin states the non-Markovianity diverges. In this instance we can never approximate the dynamics of the quantum system by a Markovian master equation and this implies that in the mean field models, memory effects are significant.

Modelling Non-Markovian Quantum Systems Using Tensor Networks

Book Description

This thesis presents a revolutionary technique for modelling the dynamics of a quantum system that is strongly coupled to its immediate environment. This is a challenging but timely problem. In particular it is relevant for modelling decoherence in devices such as quantum information processors, and how quantum information moves between spatially separated parts of a quantum system. The key feature of this work is a novel way to represent the dynamics of general open quantum systems as tensor networks, a result which has connections with the Feynman operator calculus and process tensor approaches to quantum mechanics. The tensor network methodology developed here has proven to be extremely powerful: For many situations it may be the most efficient way of calculating open quantum dynamics. This work is abounds with new ideas and invention, and is likely to have a very significant impact on future generations of physicists.

Open Quantum Systems

Book Description

In this volume the fundamental theory of open quantum systems is revised in the light of modern developments in the field. A unified approach to the quantum evolution of open systems is presented by merging concepts and methods traditionally employed by different communities, such as quantum optics, condensed matter, chemical physics and mathematical physics. The mathematical structure and the general properties of the dynamical maps underlying open system dynamics are explained in detail. The microscopic derivation of dynamical equations, including both Markovian and non-Markovian evolutions, is also discussed. Because of the step-by-step explanations, this work is a useful reference to novices in this field. However, experienced researches can also benefit from the presentation of recent results.

The Theory of Open Quantum Systems

Book Description

This book treats the central physical concepts and mathematical techniques used to investigate the dynamics of open quantum systems. To provide a self-contained presentation the text begins with a survey of classical probability theory and with an introduction into the foundations of quantum mechanics with particular emphasis on its statistical interpretation. The fundamentals of density matrix theory, quantum Markov processes and dynamical semigroups are developed. The most important master equations used in quantum optics and in the theory of quantum Brownian motion are applied to the study of many examples. Special attention is paid to the theory of environment induced decoherence, its role in the dynamical description of the measurement process and to the experimental observation of decohering Schrodinger cat states. The book includes the modern formulation of open quantum systems in terms of stochastic processes in Hilbert space. Stochastic wave function methods and Monte Carlo algorithms are designed and applied to important examples from quantum optics and atomic physics, such as Levy statistics in the laser cooling of atoms, and the damped Jaynes-Cummings model. The basic features of the non-Markovian quantum behaviour of open systems are examined on the basis of projection operator techniques. In addition, the book expounds the relativistic theory of quantum measurements and discusses several examples from a unified perspective, e.g. non-local measurements and quantum teleportation. Influence functional and super-operator techniques are employed to study the density matrix theory in quantum electrodynamics and applications to the destruction of quantum coherence are presented. The text addresses graduate students and lecturers in physics and applied mathematics, as well as researchers with interests in fundamental questions in quantum mechanics and its applications. Many analytical methods and computer simulation techniques are developed and illustrated with the help of numerous specific examples. Only a basic understanding of quantum mechanics and of elementary concepts of probability theory is assumed.

Control of Open Quantum System

Book Description

Usually open quantum systems are considered to be under the influence of noise and therefore faulty. On the other hand, a controlled system is regarded as something stable and predictable. It is often neglected, that the two aspects are very closely related. A perfectly isolated quantum system will not be subject to environmental influences, but this makes it also impossible to interact with it in any manner. Controlling and measuring such a system is impossible and therefore of no technical relevance.Every system used in any technological device therefore must be in contact with its environment. The question, which is the starting point of this thesis is whether it is possible to not only control a system despite of its contact to some environment, but whether there are cases, where this interaction can be necessary, or at least helpful for certain control tasks.The first part of the thesis focuses on such a task, namely the purification of a qubit. Here the environment is essential, in order to serve as an entropy sink. The simplicity of the chosen model allowed us to derive the necessary time for the purification process analytically for arbitrary controls and interactions. This is helpful for architectures, where implementations of various configurations is possible.The second half of the thesis covers more methodogical work. In the example of the qubit reset, we see that the necessary time to perform the task is determined by the coupling between the system and environment. In order to perform such tasks fast, we have to develop a framework, which allows to analyse systems beyond the usual weak-coupling limit. There exists so far no general method for the propagation of such systems, which also allows for thermalisation. The surrogate Hamiltonian method is a promising candidate to capture dynamics beyond the weak-coupling limit and its extension, the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian, allows for thermalisation. We expand the stochastic surrogate Hamiltonian by introducing a new method of performing stochastic swaps. This method is then tested on a simple example model.

Quantum Noise

Book Description

This book offers a systematic and comprehensive exposition of the quantum stochastic methods that have been developed in the field of quantum optics. It includes new treatments of photodetection, quantum amplifier theory, non-Markovian quantum stochastic processes, quantum input--output theory, and positive P-representations. It is the first book in which quantum noise is described by a mathematically complete theory in a form that is also suited to practical applications. Special attention is paid to non-classical effects, such as squeezing and antibunching. Chapters added to the previous edition, on the stochastic Schrödinger equation, and on cascaded quantum systems, and now supplemented, in the third edition by a chapter on recent developments in various pertinent fields such as laser cooling, Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum feedback and quantum information.