Non-Traditional Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance: A Challenge to USMC Fixed Wing Tactical Aircraft

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In combat operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) 05-07, 95% of the USMC fixed-wing tactical aircraft (FW TACAIR), FA-18 Hornets and AV-8B Harriers, sorties were dedicated to nontraditional intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (NTISR) missions. 1 Using FW TACAIR as reconnaissance and collection platforms appears from the outside to be a benign mission, easy to execute and to sustain in extended combat operations. In reality, NTISR missions are very difficult to execute properly and have had negative effects on FW TACAIR. The USMC must make fundamental changes to the way the NTISR mission is executed because a continued reliance on the FW TACAIR community, despite the benefits, will result in dilapidated airframes and poor combat support.

An Analysis of Non-Traditional Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (NTISR) for the Future of Naval Aviation

Book Description

TITLE: An analysis of Non-Traditional Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (NTISR) for the future of Naval Aviation. AUTHOR: Lieutenant Commander Christopher S. Hewlett, USN THESIS: Emerging small war environments and irregular warfare engagements have created a new requirement for military aviation intelligence asset utilization. Presently, minimal doctrine exists for integration of the vast majority of existing and emerging capabilities into the standard intelligence collection process. Despite the numerous technological advances, there is very little information in the joint arena discussing synchronization of developing sensor collection efforts. Current efforts have been successful because of effective coordination between operational units and intelligence elements through refined Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs). Additionally, with Non-Traditional Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (NTISR) capabilities, the lines of distinction between targeting and intelligence collection processes are blurring. The use of NTISR from various naval aircraft assets can greatly enhance the component commander's awareness of battle spaces, allowing more rapid response to enemy movements and intent. DISCUSSION: With increasing operations in the irregular, counterinsurgency and small war environments military asset utilization has reached its capacity. More non-traditional mission sets from aviation platforms should be exploited beyond their original conceptual design as a global enhancement to the military acting as an overall force multiplier. This mission shift will enhance and enable component warfare commanders to have greater situational awareness and efficiency employing forces. The ever-shifting battlefield environment requires more readily available ISR in order to match the fluid nature of the enemy. The use of NTISR resident with legacy naval aircraft assets will greatly enhance the theater commander's awareness.

Nontraditional Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (NTISR) - Making the Most of Airborne Assets - LANTIRN, FLIR Infrared, SAR Radar, ELINT, COMINT, Integration Issues, Cloud Computing

Book Description

This study uses nontraditional intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (NTISR), now known in tactics, techniques, and procedures as operations reconnaissance, as a case study to increase combat capability across multiple weapon systems within the Air Force. NTISR demonstrates how one capability can flex to bridge gaps across several doctrinal functions and mission sets. It also provides an argument for the development of future technologies within extant fiscal constraints, revealing a requirement to shift the acquisition weight of effort away from traditional niche assets to those that support true multirole capabilities.NTISR is priority number six on the Secretary of the Air Force's (SECAF) ISR review task list. The task list addresses the potential for tactical NTISR capabilities by each platform and includes other possibilities including capabilities not currently in production. While the office of primary responsibility (OPR) is Air Combat Command (ACC), this task supports several other major Air Force commands. The lead agency tasked to develop the NTISR road map is AF/A2 (USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance), not AF/A3/5 (USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans, and Requirements)-- or a combination of the two. Their challenge is to develop a road map that includes potential platform and sensor mixes, requirements for communication pathways, personnel training requirements, and a concept of operations (CONOPS) development. This enormous undertaking is of paramount importance if the Air Force is to truly fulfill its goal of becoming a more agile and responsive force, especially in these fiscally constrained times.Although NTISR is not a new concept to military operations, it formally evolved to fill an operational gap between the available and required ISR capability to hunt SCUDs in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Because of the low-density/high-demand (LD/HD) nature of traditional ISR platforms, ad hoc means were implemented to provide a gap-fill capability. Various sensors on different aircraft were employed to hunt the mobile SCUDs, from electrooptical/infrared (EO/IR) targeting pods on fighter aircraft to ground moving target indicator (GMTI) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems on the F-15E and B-1 bomber. SCUD hunting was a difficult mission and one that had limited success, but it did prove that traditional niche air assets could successfully flex to support NTISR roles.

A Tasking Construct for Non-traditional Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

Book Description

"This paper focuses on development of a tasking construct to implement a non-traditional intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (NTISR) collection program at the Air and Space Operations Center (AOC) level. NTISR uses fielded sensors on theater strike aircraft to augment collection capability for intelligence requirements. Exponential increases in theater intelligence collection requirements have created shortfalls in the United States Air Force's ability to meet demand. Traditional intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) platforms have performed exceptionally in Iraq and Afghanistan, but cannot fulfill all theater requirements. NTISR presents a possible solution to augment collection capacity and provide surge capability to theater commanders."--Abstract.

C4ISR for Future Naval Strike Groups

Book Description

The Navy has put forth a new construct for its strike forces that enables more effective forward deterrence and rapid response. A key aspect of this construct is the need for flexible, adaptive command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. To assist development of this capability, the Navy asked the NRC to examine C4ISR for carrier, expeditionary, and strike and missile defense strike groups, and for expeditionary strike forces. This report provides an assessment of C4ISR capabilities for each type of strike group; recommendations for C4ISR architecture for use in major combat operations; promising technology trends; and an examination of organizational improvements that can enable the recommended architecture.

Rpa Vector

Book Description

The character of future international conflicts represents a complex and unpredictable set of challenges that necessitates a significant shift in the United States' approach to warfighting. Strategic guidance in Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense reinforces that -...the United States will continue to take an active approach to countering...threats by monitoring the activities of non-state threats worldwide, working with allies and partners to establish control over ungoverned territories, and directly striking the most dangerous groups and individuals when necessary. The U.S. Air Force (USAF) Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) Vector-Vision and Enabling Concepts: 2013-2038 balances the effects envisioned in the USAF Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight Plan 2009-2047 with the reality of constrained resources and ambitious national strategy for a complex world. More importantly, as a visionary document, the RPA Vector opens the aperture beyond current austere fiscal realities to explore art of the possible technologies in the 2013-2038 timeframe. The intent is to examine technological advances necessary to enable the Air Force's future RPA force.

U.S. Marines in Vietnam

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This book was donated as a part of the David H. Hugel Collection, an archival collection of the Special Collections & Archives, University of Baltimore.

Commandant's Planning Guidance

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The Commandant's Planning Guidance (CPG) provides the 38th Commandant's strategic direction for the Marine Corps and mirrors the function of the Secretary of Defense's Defense Planning Guidance (DPG). It serves as the authoritative document for Service-level planning and provides a common direction to the Marine Corps Total Force. It also serves as a road map describing where the Marine Corps is going and why; what the Marine Corps force development priorities are and are not; and, in some instances, how and when prescribed actions will be implemented. This CPG serves as my Commandant's Intent for the next four years. As Commandant Neller observed, "The Marine Corps is not organized, trained, equipped, or postured to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving future operating environment." I concur with his diagnosis. Significant change is required to ensure we are aligned with the 2018 National Defense Strategy (NDS) and DPG, and further, prepared to meet the demands of the Naval Fleet in executing current and emerging operational naval concepts. Effecting that change will be my top priority as your 38th Commandant. This CPG outlines my five priority focus areas: force design, warfighting, education and training, core values, and command and leadership. I will use these focal areas as logical lines of effort to frame my thinking, planning, and decision-making at Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC), as well as to communicate to our civilian leadership. This document explains how we will translate those focus areas into action with measurable outcomes. The institutional changes that follow this CPG will be based on a long-term view and singular focus on where we want the Marine Corps to be in the next 5-15 years, well beyond the tenure of any one Commandant, Presidential administration, or Congress. We cannot afford to retain outdated policies, doctrine, organizations, or force development strategies. The coming decade will be characterized by conflict, crisis, and rapid change - just as every decade preceding it. And despite our best efforts, history demonstrates that we will fail to accurately predict every conflict; will be surprised by an unforeseen crisis; and may be late to fully grasp the implications of rapid change around us. The Arab Spring, West African Ebola Outbreak, Scarborough Shoal standoff, Russian invasion of eastern Ukraine, and weaponization of social media are but a few recent examples illustrating the point. While we must accept an environment characterized by uncertainty, we cannot ignore strong signals of change nor be complacent when it comes to designing and preparing the force for the future. What is abundantly clear is that the future operating environment will place heavy demands on our Nation's Naval Services. Context and direction is clearly articulated in the NDS and DPG as well as testimony from our uniformed and civilian leadership. No further guidance is required; we are moving forward. The Marine Corps will be trained and equipped as a naval expeditionary force-in-readiness and prepared to operate inside actively contested maritime spaces in support of fleet operations. In crisis prevention and crisis response, the Fleet Marine Force - acting as an extension of the Fleet - will be first on the scene, first to help, first to contain a brewing crisis, and first to fight if required to do so. The Marine Corps will be the "force of choice" for the President, Secretary, and Combatant Commander - "a certain force for an uncertain world" as noted by Commandant Krulak. No matter what the crisis, our civilian leaders should always have one shared thought - Send in the Marines.

A History of Army Aviation 1950-1962

Book Description

U.S. Army aviation expanded dramatically in both size and breadth of activities after its inception in 1942, but much of its post-World War II history, particularly after the establishment of the Air Force as an independent service by the national Security Act of 1947, has been relatively neglected. Despite a certain amount of jockeying for position by both services, particularly in the early years after their separation, the Army was able to carve out a clear transport and operational combat role for its own air arm. "A History of Army Aviation - 1950-1962" examines the development of the Army's air wing, especially for air support of ground troops, both in terms of organization and in relation to the ongoing friction with the Air Force. After describing the rapid expansion of purely Army air power after 1950 and the accompanying expansion of aviation training, the book delves into the reorganization of aviation activities within a Directorate of Army Aviation. It also provides a valuable account of the successful development of aircraft armament, perhaps the most significant advance of this period. In particular, intensive experimentation at the Army Aviation School led to several practical weapons systems and helped to prove that weapons could be fired from rotary aircraft. This arming of the helicopter was to have a profound effect on both Army organization and combat doctrine, culminating in official approval of the armed helicopter by the Department of the Army in 1960. "A History of Army Aviation - 1950-1962" also explores the development of new aircraft between 1955 and 1962, including the UH-1 medical evacuation, transport, and gunship helicopter and the HC-1 cargo copter. In addition, the book discusses the Berlin Crisis of 1961 as an impetus for immediate and unexpected expansion of army aviation, quickly followed by the beginnings of intervention in Vietnam by the end of 1962.

Alert and Ready

Book Description

Over the past decade, especially, U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) intelligence has had to tailor its organization to meet the evolving demands of the operational environment. This has resulted in a number of ad hoc arrangements, practices, and organizations. A broad review of the organizational design of USMC intelligence examined how to align it efficiently and effectively with current and future missions and functions.