Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics

Book Description

A presentation of outstanding achievements and ideas, of both eastern and western scientists, both mathematicians and physicists. Their presentations of recent work on quantum field theory, supergravity, M-theory, black holes and quantum gravity, together with research into noncommutative geometry, Hopf algebras, representation theory, categories and quantum groups, take the reader to the forefront of the latest developments. Other topics covered include supergravity and branes, supersymmetric quantum mechanics and superparticles, (super) black holes, superalgebra representations, and SUSY GUT phenomenology. Essential reading for workers in the modern methods of theoretical and mathematical physics.

Quantization, Geometry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics

Book Description

This monograph presents various ongoing approaches to the vast topic of quantization, which is the process of forming a quantum mechanical system starting from a classical one, and discusses their numerous fruitful interactions with mathematics.The opening chapter introduces the various forms of quantization and their interactions with each other and with mathematics.A first approach to quantization, called deformation quantization, consists of viewing the Planck constant as a small parameter. This approach provides a deformation of the structure of the algebra of classical observables rather than a radical change in the nature of the observables. When symmetries come into play, deformation quantization needs to be merged with group actions, which is presented in chapter 2, by Simone Gutt.The noncommutativity arising from quantization is the main concern of noncommutative geometry. Allowing for the presence of symmetries requires working with principal fiber bundles in a non-commutative setup, where Hopf algebras appear naturally. This is the topic of chapter 3, by Christian Kassel. Nichols algebras, a special type of Hopf algebras, are the subject of chapter 4, by Nicolás Andruskiewitsch. The purely algebraic approaches given in the previous chapters do not take the geometry of space-time into account. For this purpose a special treatment using a more geometric point of view is required. An approach to field quantization on curved space-time, with applications to cosmology, is presented in chapter 5 in an account of the lectures of Abhay Ashtekar that brings a complementary point of view to non-commutativity.An alternative quantization procedure is known under the name of string theory. In chapter 6 its supersymmetric version is presented. Superstrings have drawn the attention of many mathematicians, due to its various fruitful interactions with algebraic geometry, some of which are described here. The remaining chapters discuss further topics, as the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism and direct products of spectral triples.This volume addresses both physicists and mathematicians and serves as an introduction to ongoing research in very active areas of mathematics and physics at the border line between geometry, topology, algebra and quantum field theory.

Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry

Book Description

The book is the first full-size Encyclopedia which simultaneously covers such well-established and modern subjects as quantum field theory, supersymmetry, supergravity, M-theory, black holes and quantum gravity, noncommutative geometry, representation theory, categories and quantum groups, and their generalizations. The extraordinary historical part "the SUSY story," more than 700 authored articles from more than 250 high-level experts (including Nobel Prize Winner Gerard 't Hooft), a detailed (50 pages) Subject/Article three level index and an Author index, make the SUSY Encyclopedia an outstanding and indispensable book on the desk of researchers, experts, Ph.D. students, specialists and professionals in modern methods of theoretical and mathematical physics.

An Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry

Book Description

Noncommutative geometry, inspired by quantum physics, describes singular spaces by their noncommutative coordinate algebras and metric structures by Dirac-like operators. Such metric geometries are described mathematically by Connes' theory of spectral triples. These lectures, delivered at an EMS Summer School on noncommutative geometry and its applications, provide an overview of spectral triples based on examples. This introduction is aimed at graduate students of both mathematics and theoretical physics. It deals with Dirac operators on spin manifolds, noncommutative tori, Moyal quantization and tangent groupoids, action functionals, and isospectral deformations. The structural framework is the concept of a noncommutative spin geometry; the conditions on spectral triples which determine this concept are developed in detail. The emphasis throughout is on gaining understanding by computing the details of specific examples. The book provides a middle ground between a comprehensive text and a narrowly focused research monograph. It is intended for self-study, enabling the reader to gain access to the essentials of noncommutative geometry. New features since the original course are an expanded bibliography and a survey of more recent examples and applications of spectral triples.

Non-commutative Geometry in Mathematics and Physics

Book Description

This volume represents the proceedings of the conference on Topics in Deformation Quantization and Non-Commutative Structures held in Mexico City in September 2005. It contains survey papers and original contributions by various experts in the fields of deformation quantization and non-commutative derived algebraic geometry in the interface between mathematics and physics.It also contains an article based on the XI Memorial Lectures given by M. Kontsevich, which were delivered as part of the conference.This is an excellent introductory volume for readers interested in learning about quantization as deformation, Hopf algebras, and Hodge structures in the framework of non-commutative algebraic geometry.

Noncommutative Deformation Theory

Book Description

Noncommutative Deformation Theory is aimed at mathematicians and physicists studying the local structure of moduli spaces in algebraic geometry. This book introduces a general theory of noncommutative deformations, with applications to the study of moduli spaces of representations of associative algebras and to quantum theory in physics. An essential part of this theory is the study of obstructions of liftings of representations using generalised (matric) Massey products. Suitable for researchers in algebraic geometry and mathematical physics interested in the workings of noncommutative algebraic geometry, it may also be useful for advanced graduate students in these fields.

Noncommutative Geometry and Physics

Book Description

This collection of expository articles grew out of the workshop ``Number Theory and Physics'' held in March 2009 at The Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematical Physics, Vienna. The common theme of the articles is the influence of ideas from noncommutative geometry (NCG) on subjects ranging from number theory to Lie algebras, index theory, and mathematical physics. Matilde Marcolli's article gives a survey of relevant aspects of NCG in number theory, building on an introduction to motives for beginners by Jorge Plazas and Sujatha Ramdorai. A mildly unconventional view of index theory, from the viewpoint of NCG, is described in the article by Alan Carey, John Phillips, and Adam Rennie. As developed by Alain Connes and Dirk Kreimer, NCG also provides insight into novel algebraic structures underlying many analytic aspects of quantum field theory. Dominique Manchon's article on pre-Lie algebras fits into this developing research area. This interplay of algebraic and analytic techniques also appears in the articles by Christoph Bergbauer, who introduces renormalization theory and Feynman diagram methods, and Sylvie Paycha, who focuses on relations between renormalization and zeta function techniques.

Noncommutative Geometry, Arithmetic, and Related Topics

Book Description

Mathematics Institute, these essays collectively provide mathematicians and physicists with a comprehensive resource on the topic.

K-theory and Noncommutative Geometry

Book Description

Since its inception 50 years ago, K-theory has been a tool for understanding a wide-ranging family of mathematical structures and their invariants: topological spaces, rings, algebraic varieties and operator algebras are the dominant examples. The invariants range from characteristic classes in cohomology, determinants of matrices, Chow groups of varieties, as well as traces and indices of elliptic operators. Thus K-theory is notable for its connections with other branches of mathematics. Noncommutative geometry develops tools which allow one to think of noncommutative algebras in the same footing as commutative ones: as algebras of functions on (noncommutative) spaces. The algebras in question come from problems in various areas of mathematics and mathematical physics; typical examples include algebras of pseudodifferential operators, group algebras, and other algebras arising from quantum field theory. To study noncommutative geometric problems one considers invariants of the relevant noncommutative algebras. These invariants include algebraic and topological K-theory, and also cyclic homology, discovered independently by Alain Connes and Boris Tsygan, which can be regarded both as a noncommutative version of de Rham cohomology and as an additive version of K-theory. There are primary and secondary Chern characters which pass from K-theory to cyclic homology. These characters are relevant both to noncommutative and commutative problems and have applications ranging from index theorems to the detection of singularities of commutative algebraic varieties. The contributions to this volume represent this range of connections between K-theory, noncommmutative geometry, and other branches of mathematics.