Nonlinear Dynamics and Renormalization Group

Book Description

This book contains the proceedings from the workshop, Nonlinear Dynamics and Renormalization Group, held at the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) in Montréal (Canada), as part of the year-long program devoted to mathematical physics. In the book, active researchers in the fields of nonlinear partial differential equations and renormalization group contribute recent results on topics such as Ginzburg-Landau equations and blow-up of solutions of the nonlinear Schroedinger equations, quantum resonances, and renormalization group analysis in constructive quantum field theory. This volume offers the latest research in the rapidly developing fields of nonlinear equations and renormalization group.

The Field Theoretic Renormalization Group in Critical Behavior Theory and Stochastic Dynamics

Book Description

This volume provides a general field-theoretical picture of critical phenomena and stochastic dynamics and helps readers develop a practical skill for calculations. This education on the practical skill sets this book apart: it is the first to give a full technical introduction to the field. Both general ideas and ...hard... calculations are presen

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Book Description

This textbook is aimed at newcomers to nonlinear dynamics and chaos, especially students taking a first course in the subject. The presentation stresses analytical methods, concrete examples, and geometric intuition. The theory is developed systematically, starting with first-order differential equations and their bifurcations, followed by phase plane analysis, limit cycles and their bifurcations, and culminating with the Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling, renormalization, fractals, and strange attractors.

Critical Dynamics

Book Description

A comprehensive and unified introduction to describing and understanding complex interacting systems.

A Survey of Nonlinear Dynamics

Book Description

This book is intended to give a survey of the whole field of nonlinear dynamics (or ?chaos theory?) in compressed form. It covers quite a range of topics besides the standard ones, for example, pde dynamics and Galerkin approximations, critical phenomena and renormalization group approach to critical exponents. The many meanings or measures of ?chaos? in the literature are summarized. A precise definition of chaos based on a carefully limited sensitive dependence is offered. An application to quantum chaos is made. The treatment does not emphasize mathematical rigor but insists that the crucial concepts and theorems be mathematically well-defined. Thus topology plays a basic role. This alone makes this book unique among short surveys, where the inquisitive reader must usually be satisfied with colorful similes, analogies, and hand-waving arguments.Richard Ingraham graduated with B.S. summa cum laude in mathematics from Harvard college and with M.A. and Ph.D in Physics from Harvard Graduate School. He was granted the Sheldon Prize Traveling Fellowship by Harvard College and was a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton for two years.

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Advances and Perspectives

Book Description

This book is a collection of papers contributed by some of the greatest names in the areas of chaos and nonlinear dynamics. Each paper examines a research topic at the frontier of the area of dynamical systems. As well as reviewing recent results, each paper also discusses the future perspectives of each topic. The result is an invaluable snapshot of the state of the ?eld by some of the most important researchers in the area. The ?rst contribution in this book (the section entitled “How did you get into Chaos?”) is actually not a paper, but a collection of personal accounts by a number of participants of the conference held in Aberdeen in September 2007 to honour Celso Grebogi’s 60th birthday. At the instigation of James Yorke, many of the most well-known scientists in the area agreed to share their tales on how they got involved in chaos during a celebratory dinner in Celso’s honour during the conference. This was recorded in video, we felt that these accounts were a valuable historic document for the ?eld. So we decided to transcribe it and include it here as the ?rst section of the book.

Nonlinear Waves 3

Book Description

Since 1972 the Schools on Nonlinear Physics in Gorky have been a meeting place for Soviet Scientists working in this field. Since 1989 the proceedings appear in English. They present a good cross section of nonlinear physics in the USSR. This third volume emerged from material presented at the 1989 School. It contains sections dealing with nonlinear problems in physics and astrophysics, quantum and solid state physics, dynamical chaos and self-organization.

Exact Renormalization Group, The - Proceedings Of The Workshop

Book Description

The subject of the exact renormalization group started from pioneering work by Wegner and Houghton in the early seventies and, a decade later, by Polchinski, who formulated the Wilson renormalization group for field theory. In the past decade considerable progress has been made in this field, which includes the development of alternative formulations of the approach and of powerful techniques for solving the exact renormalization group equations, as well as widening of the scope of the exact renormalization group method to include fermions and gauge fields. In particular, two very recent results, namely the manifestly gauge-invariant formulation of the exact renormalization group equation and the proof of the c-theorem in four dimensions, are presented in this volume.

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Book Description

Ein angesehener Bestseller - jetzt in der 2.aktualisierten Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie die aktuellsten Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet nichtlinearer Dynamik und Chaos, einem der am schnellsten wachsenden Teilgebiete der Mathematik. Die seit der ersten Auflage hinzugekommenen Erkenntnisse sind in einem zusätzlichen Kapitel übersichtlich zusammengefasst.

Non-perturbative Renormalization Group Approach to Some Out-of-Equilibrium Systems

Book Description

This thesis presents the application of non-perturbative, or functional, renormalization group to study the physics of critical stationary states in systems out-of-equilibrium. Two different systems are thereby studied. The first system is the diffusive epidemic process, a stochastic process which models the propagation of an epidemic within a population. This model exhibits a phase transition peculiar to out-of-equilibrium, between a stationary state where the epidemic is extinct and one where it survives. The present study helps to clarify subtle issues about the underlying symmetries of this process and the possible universality classes of its phase transition. The second system is fully developed homogeneous isotropic and incompressible turbulence. The stationary state of this driven-dissipative system shows an energy cascade whose phenomenology is complex, with partial scale-invariance, intertwined with what is called intermittency. In this work, analytical expressions for the space-time dependence of multi-point correlation functions of the turbulent state in 2- and 3-D are derived. This result is noteworthy in that it does not rely on phenomenological input except from the Navier-Stokes equation and that it becomes exact in the physically relevant limit of large wave-numbers. The obtained correlation functions show how scale invariance is broken in a subtle way, related to intermittency corrections.