Nonlinear Cosmic Ray Diffusion Theories

Book Description

If charged particles move through the interplanetary or interstellar medium, they interact with a large-scale magnetic ?eld such as the magnetic ?eld of the Sun or the Galactic magnetic ?eld. As these background ?elds are usually nearly constant in time and space, they can be approximated by a homogeneous ?eld. If there are no additional ?elds, the particle trajectory is a perfect helix along which the par- cle moves at a constant speed. In reality, however, there are turbulent electric and magnetic?elds dueto the interstellaror solar wind plasma. These ?elds lead to sc- tering of the cosmic rays parallel and perpendicular to the background ?eld. These scattering effects, which usually are of diffusive nature, can be described by s- tial diffusion coef?cients or, alternatively, by mean free paths. The knowledge of these parameters is essential for describing cosmic ray propagation as well as d- fusive shock acceleration. The latter process is responsible for the high cosmic ray energies that have been observed. The layout of this book is as follows. In Chap. 1, the general physical scenario is presented. We discuss fundamental processes such as cosmic ray propagation and acceleration in different systems such as the solar system or the interst- lar space. These processes are a consequence of the interaction between charged cosmic particles and an astrophysical plasma (turbulence). The properties of such plasmas are therefore the subject of Chap. 2.

An Efficient HZETRN

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Foundations of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics

Book Description

The Enrico Fermi Schools, a cultural initiative promoted by the Italian Physical Society (SIF), were initiated in 1953 in a period that marked the beginnings of what is now called cosmic ray astrophysics. Indeed, the very first edition of the School focused on the contribution of cosmic ray physics to the laws of elementary particle physics. Almost seventy years later, another School has been focusing on the foundations of cosmic ray astrophysics, and this book contains the lectures presented as Course 208 of the prestigious International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Foundations of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, held in Varenna, Italy from 23 to 29 June 2022. Topics covered in the book range from particle acceleration to cosmic ray transport, and from radiation processes to feedback of cosmic rays in galaxy formation. In particular, a thorough description of the physics of cosmic ray transport in turbulent magnetic fields, and of the production of magnetic perturbations in the presence of cosmic ray gradients is provided, both these phenomena being essential in describing particle acceleration at shocks and the transport of cosmic rays within the galaxy. The transport of cosmic rays in different environments is also discussed. This area of research has received an extraordinary boost in recent times, thanks to the now unprecedented accuracy of observations, and to the possibility of testing new ideas and complex scenarios offered by recent developments in numerical simulation, and the book will be of interest to all those working in the field of high energy astrophysics.

The Influence of Cosmic Ray Transport on the Stability of Interstellar Gas

Book Description

Cosmic rays play a major role in the stability and evolution of galaxies. While they have a fairly small density inside galaxies, their energy density is comparable to the thermal gas and magnetic fields. We now believe that cosmic rays play a major role in galactic and interstellar dynamics, including helping to drive galactic outflows, modify the galaxy's interstellar chemistry, and form large-scale structures. To understand the process of how cosmic rays do this, their microscale interactions with the gas and magnetic fields must be accurate so that their macroscale effects can reproduce observations. Our work in this thesis specifically focuses on how different models of cosmic ray transport change these interactions and their effects. Through the combined approach of analytical solutions and numerical simulations, this thesis aims to better understand how cosmic ray transport affects the stability of the interstellar medium and drive galactic outflows. We begin in Chapter 2 with a linear stability analysis of the Parker instability, a Rayleigh-Taylor like instability with the thermal gas supported against gravity by magnetic fields and cosmic rays. We model three different cosmic ray transport models and find that the model where cosmic rays stream relative to the thermal gas most greatly enhances the instability due to the heating of the thermal gas by cosmic rays scattering off of magnetic fluctuations. We continue with the Parker instability in Chapter 3 where we add radiative cooling to the system and then run numerical simulations with a smooth gravitational potential in 2D and 3D to better understand the nonlinear evolution of the instability in a more realistic environment. When radiative cooling is added, we find it enhances the instability when cosmic rays are locked to the thermal gas while it dampens the instability when cosmic ray streaming is the primary mode of transport. In our MHD simulations, we find that both cosmic ray diffusion and streaming enhance the growth of the instability due to the motion of cosmic rays out of the compressive pockets of gas in the valleys of the magnetic field. While the instability growth seems similar, however, the two transport models result in quite different phase structures of the gas, especially at the top of the Parker loops where streaming cosmic rays heat the gas. We then explore the idea of a cosmic ray Eddington limit in Chapter 4. This theory supposes that cosmic rays, through their own pressure gradient, may be able to overcome hydrostatic equilibrium and launch an outflow if star formation is vigorous enough in that galaxy. For five different galaxies and many different transport models, we find that a cosmic ray Eddington limit does exist. However, the Eddington limit often requires gas densities and/or star formation rates that are far different from typical values for galaxies. Therefore, we conclude that it is unlikely that cosmic rays themselves can reach this Eddington limit and drive a galactic wind. We finally conclude in Chapter 5 with a summary of our results and a short discussion on the future research that could be done based around our conclusions.

From Ultra Rays to Astroparticles

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The scope of the book is to give an overview of the history of astroparticle physics, starting with the discovery of cosmic rays (Victor Hess, 1912) and its background (X-ray, radioactivity). The book focusses on the ways in which physics changes in the course of this history. The following changes run parallel, overlap, and/or interact: - Discovery of effects like X-rays, radioactivity, cosmic rays, new particles but also progress through non-discoveries (monopoles) etc. - The change of the description of nature in physics, as consequence of new theoretical questions at the beginning of the 20th century, giving rise to quantum physics, relativity, etc. - The change of experimental methods, cooperations, disciplinary divisions. With regard to the latter change, a main topic of the book is to make the specific multi-diciplinary features of astroparticle physics clear.

Transport of Cosmic Rays in the Interplanetary Medium

Book Description

By quasilinearization of the Liouville equation for a charged particle in an electromagnetic field combined with an ensemble average over field configurations, a transport equation is derived for the ensemble average particle-distribution function. The resulting integro-differential equation is rewritten in terms of a simpler characteristic function which, when found, gives the complete solution in terms of the particle orbits in the ensemble mean fields. With the appropriate approximations, the equation reduces to the Fokker-Planck form applied recently by Jokipii to galactic cosmic-ray modulation, and by the author to energetic solar-flare particle propagation. It is argued that the equation, although complicated, offers several advantages as a starting point for transport theory over the simpler but less appropriate Fokker-Planck and Boltzmann equations. (Author).

Cosmic-ray Hydrodynamics: Theory, Numerics, Applications

Book Description

Cosmic rays (CRs) are a ubiquitous and an important component of astrophysical environments such as the interstellar medium (ISM) and intracluster medium (ICM). Their plasma physical interactions with electromagnetic fields strongly influence their transport properties. Effective models which incorporate the microphysics of CR transport are needed to study the effects of CRs on their surrounding macrophysical media. Developing such models is challenging because of the conceptional, length-scale, and time-scale separation between the microscales of plasma physics and the macroscales of the environment. Hydrodynamical theories of CR transport achieve this by capturing the evolution of CR population in terms of statistical moments. In the well-established one-moment hydrodynamical model for CR transport, the dynamics of the entire CR population are described by a single statistical quantity such as the commonly used CR energy density. In this work, I develop a new hydrodynamical two-moment theory for CR transport that expands the ...

Solar Variability and Planetary Climates

Book Description

This book provides an updated overview of the processes determining the influence of solar forcing on climate. It discusses in particular the most recent developments regarding the role of aerosols in the climate system and the new insights that could be gained from the investigation of terrestrial climate analogues. The book’s structure mirrors that of the ISSI workshop held in Bern in June 2005.