Nonlinear Symmetries and Nonlinear Equations

Book Description

The study of (nonlinear) dift"erential equations was S. Lie's motivation when he created what is now known as Lie groups and Lie algebras; nevertheless, although Lie group and algebra theory flourished and was applied to a number of dift"erent physical situations -up to the point that a lot, if not most, of current fun damental elementary particles physics is actually (physical interpretation of) group theory -the application of symmetry methods to dift"erential equations remained a sleeping beauty for many, many years. The main reason for this lies probably in a fact that is quite clear to any beginner in the field. Namely, the formidable comple:rity ofthe (algebraic, not numerical!) computations involved in Lie method. I think this does not account completely for this oblivion: in other fields of Physics very hard analytical computations have been worked through; anyway, one easily understands that systems of dOlens of coupled PDEs do not seem very attractive, nor a very practical computational tool.

Symmetry and Perturbation Theory in Nonlinear Dynamics

Book Description

has been in the of a Symmetry major ingredient development quantum perturba tion and it is a basic of the of theory, ingredient theory integrable (Hamiltonian and of the the use in context of non Hamiltonian) systems; yet, symmetry gen eral is rather recent. From the of view of nonlinear perturbation theory point the use of has become dynamics, widespread only through equivariant symmetry bifurcation in this attention has been confined to linear even theory; case, mostly symmetries. in recent the and of methods for dif Also, theory practice symmetry years ferential has become and has been to a equations increasingly popular applied of the of the book Olver This by variety problems (following appearance [2621). with is and deals of nature theory deeply geometrical symmetries general (pro vided that described i.e. in this context there is are vector no they by fields), to limit attention to linear reason symmetries. In this look the basic tools of i.e. normal book we at perturbation theory, introduced Poincar6 about and their inter a forms (first by century ago) study action with with no limitation to linear ones. We focus on the most symmetries, basic fixed the and i.e. a setting, systems having point (at origin) perturbative around thus is local.

Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion-Convection Equations

Book Description

It is well known that symmetry-based methods are very powerful tools for investigating nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs), notably for their reduction to those of lower dimensionality (e.g. to ODEs) and constructing exact solutions. This book is devoted to (1) search Lie and conditional (non-classical) symmetries of nonlinear RDC equations, (2) constructing exact solutions using the symmetries obtained, and (3) their applications for solving some biologically and physically motivated problems. The book summarises the results derived by the authors during the last 10 years and those obtained by some other authors.

Symmetry And Complexity: The Spirit And Beauty Of Nonlinear Science

Book Description

Cosmic evolution leads from symmetry to complexity by symmetry breaking and phase transitions. The emergence of new order and structure in nature and society is explained by physical, chemical, biological, social and economic self-organization, according to the laws of nonlinear dynamics. All these dynamical systems are considered computational systems processing information and entropy. Are symmetry and complexity only useful models of science or are they universals of reality? Symmetry and Complexity discusses the fascinating insights gained from natural, social and computer sciences, philosophy and the arts. With many diagrams and pictures, this book illustrates the spirit and beauty of nonlinear science. In the complex world of globalization, it strongly argues for unity in diversity.

Nonlinear Reaction-Diffusion Systems

Book Description

This book presents several fundamental results in solving nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations and systems using symmetry-based methods. Reaction-diffusion systems are fundamental modeling tools for mathematical biology with applications to ecology, population dynamics, pattern formation, morphogenesis, enzymatic reactions and chemotaxis. The book discusses the properties of nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems, which are relevant for biological applications, from the symmetry point of view, providing rigorous definitions and constructive algorithms to search for conditional symmetry (a nontrivial generalization of the well-known Lie symmetry) of nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems. In order to present applications to population dynamics, it focuses mainly on two- and three-component diffusive Lotka-Volterra systems. While it is primarily a valuable guide for researchers working with reaction-diffusion systems and those developing the theoretical aspects of conditional symmetry conception, parts of the book can also be used in master’s level mathematical biology courses.

Symmetries of Nonlinear PDEs on Metric Graphs and Branched Networks

Book Description

This Special Issue focuses on recent progress in a new area of mathematical physics and applied analysis, namely, on nonlinear partial differential equations on metric graphs and branched networks. Graphs represent a system of edges connected at one or more branching points (vertices). The connection rule determines the graph topology. When the edges can be assigned a length and the wave functions on the edges are defined in metric spaces, the graph is called a metric graph. Evolution equations on metric graphs have attracted much attention as effective tools for the modeling of particle and wave dynamics in branched structures and networks. Since branched structures and networks appear in different areas of contemporary physics with many applications in electronics, biology, material science, and nanotechnology, the development of effective modeling tools is important for the many practical problems arising in these areas. The list of important problems includes searches for standing waves, exploring of their properties (e.g., stability and asymptotic behavior), and scattering dynamics. This Special Issue is a representative sample of the works devoted to the solutions of these and other problems.

Symmetries and Singularity Structures

Book Description

Proceedings of the Workshop, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli, India, November 29 - December 2, 1989

Invertible Point Transformations and Nonlinear Differential Equations

Book Description

The invertible point transformation is a powerful tool in the study of nonlinear differential and difference equations. This book gives a comprehensive introduction to this technique. Ordinary and partial differential equations are studied with this approach. The book also covers nonlinear difference equations. The connections with Lie symmetries, the Painlev‚ property, first integrals and the Cartan equivalence method are discussed in detail. Most of the evaluations are checked with the computer language REDUCE; the book includes 30 REDUCE programs. A short introduction to the jet bundle formalism is given.

Symmetries and Semi-invariants in the Analysis of Nonlinear Systems

Book Description

This book details the analysis of continuous- and discrete-time dynamical systems described by differential and difference equations respectively. Differential geometry provides the tools for this, such as first-integrals or orbital symmetries, together with normal forms of vector fields and of maps. A crucial point of the analysis is linearization by state immersion. The theory is developed for general nonlinear systems and specialized for the class of Hamiltonian systems. By using the strong geometric structure of Hamiltonian systems, the results proposed are stated in a different, less complex and more easily comprehensible manner. They are applied to physically motivated systems, to demonstrate how much insight into known properties is gained using these techniques. Various control systems applications of the techniques are characterized including: computation of the flow of nonlinear systems; computation of semi-invariants; computation of Lyapunov functions for stability analysis and observer design.