Nordic Approaches to Climate-Related Human Mobility

Book Description

Academic discussion of climate‐related human mobility has understandably focused on the places where people are especially vulnerable to climate‐related harm: the Global South. Yet, the unique biophysical, legal and socio‐political characteristics of the Nordic region, as well as its roles as both ‘home’ and ‘host’ to climate‐related mobilities, justify its independent attention. Filling this lacuna, this collection is the first to address climate‐related human mobility in the Nordic region. It is a timely and much needed collection, which brings together leading and emerging voices from both academia and practice in a single volume, spanning policy and geographical breadth. Its chapters cover both regional approaches to the global phenomenon of climate mobility, such as the traditional role of the Nordic states as norm entrepreneurs and their representation in multilateral fora, and on‐the‐ground climate impacts unique to this region and their localised responses. Case studies include judicial decision‐making as it relates to climate‐related migration, insights into the local communication of climate risk, changes to Nordic development and climate policy, as well as climate‐related mobilities of Nordic Indigenous Peoples. This volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of disaster and climate studies, as well as climate‐related mobility, migration and displacement.

Nordic Youth As Sustainable Changemakers:

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All over the world young people are protesting for action on climatechange and sustainable consumption. In the Nordic countries, the youth are leading the way as sustainable changemakers with ambitious, radical,and urgent demands to politicians and decision-makers to take action now.This analysis looks at youth in the Nordic countries, aged 13-30, and their concerns, motivation, inspiration, actions, approaches, recommendations, and demands in relation to SDG12 on Sustainable Consumption and Production.

Nature-based integration

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Increased attention to, and careful planning of the integration of migrants into Nordic societies is ever more important. Nature based integration is a new solution to respond to this need. This report presents the results of a Nordic survey and workshop and illustrates current practices of nature based integration by case study descriptions from Denmark, Sweden Norway and Finland. Across Nordic countries several practical projects and initiatives have been launched to promote the benefits of nature in integration and there is also growing academic interest in the topic. Nordic countries have the potential of becoming real forerunners in nature based integration even at the global scale.

Climate Change and Human Mobility

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This book examines general questions and particular cases of climate-change related mobility, and explores their implications for the social sciences.

New Nordic Peace: Nordic Peace and Conflict Resolution Efforts

Book Description

For a long time, the Nordic countries have been a region of peace, with the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully among themselves, and a region for peace, actively promoting peace globally. Although efforts to actively brand the Nordic region are ongoing, the Nordic Peace brand is an area with untapped potential. The Nordics have rich traditions for working together on peace and conflict resolution. These joint efforts have grown organically and informally from like-mindedness, letting the common Nordic culture and ways of working foster integration among them where relevant. The people working in the Nordic countries on Nordic cooperation and peace recognize the potential of strengthening the Nordic Peace brand. One area of special potential is increasing focus on the shared Nordic priorities of prevention and the women, peace and security agenda as part of the Nordic Peace brand.

Environmental Justice for Climate Refugees

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This book explores who climate refugees are and how environmental justice might be used to overcome legal obstacles preventing them from being recognized at an international level. Francesca Rosignoli begins by exploring the conceptual and complex issues that surround the very existence of climate refugees and investigates the magnitude of the phenomenon in its current and future estimates. Reframing the debate using an environment justice perspective, she examines who has the responsibility of assisting climate refugees (state vs non-state actors), the various legal solutions available and the political scenarios that should be advanced in order to govern this issue in the long term. Overall, Environmental Justice for Climate Refugees presents a critical interrogation of how this specific strand of forced migration is currently categorized by existing legal, ethical and political definitions, and highlights the importance of applying a justice perspective to this issue. Exploring the phenomenon of climate refugees through a multi-disciplinary lens, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of environmental migration and displacement, environmental politics and governance, and refugee studies.

Sustainable Development Action – the Nordic Way

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The 2030 Agenda, adopted by the UN General Assembly in September 2015, outlines an ambitious and universal plan of action for people, planet and prosperity as it seeks to strengthen universal peace and freedom. This report presents national and Nordic action on Agenda 2030 with the aim to inform and support the Nordic Council of Ministers in formulating a new Nordic Sustainable Development Programme. All Nordic countries are engaged and strongly committed to implementing Agenda 2030 and there is a broad societal interest in joint Nordic action. The existing Nordic Strategy for Sustainable Development and several other key initiatives within Nordic cooperation already contribute to the goals of Agenda 2030. A new Nordic Sustainable Development Programme can build upon a strong foundation and add further value to the national and international work done by the Nordic countries.

Mobility as a Service and Greener Transportation Systems in a Nordic context

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The transport sector is a major source of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. This study estimates the potential of digitalized mobility solutions, such as Mobility as a Service (MaaS), to reduce emissions and vehicle kilometers travelled in the Nordic countries. Also, to assess the potential future impact of MaaS, modelling is done to project road transport’s energy consumption, CO2 emissions and total costs in the Nordic countries up to 2050. There are still several barriers to the wider adoption of shared mobility services. We present ways to overcome these barriers with incentives and policy instruments to substitute car ownership, and specify what different actors can do to accelerate this change. Finally we present policy recommendations on how to reduce the dependence on car ownership, reduce the vehicle kilometers driven, and stimulate the demand for greener mobility services.

The Nordic future of work:

Book Description

The Nordic future of workHow will work and working life in the Nordic countries change in the future? This is the question to be addressed in the project The Future of Work: Opportunities and Challenges for the Nordic Models. This initial report describes the main drivers and trends expected to shape the future of work. It also reviews the main distinctions of the Nordic model and recent developments in Nordic working lives, pointing towards the kind of challenges the future of work may pose to the Nordic models. Too often, debates about the future narrowly focus on changes in technology. This report draws attention to the broader drivers and political-institutional frameworks influencing working life developments, aiming to spur debate about how the interaction of changes in demography, climate, globalization and digital technologies may influence Nordic working lives in the coming decades.