Nordic Food Transitions

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The ambition of the book is to investigate a possible transition in the markets for food in the Nordic countries. Six chapters from various disciplinary traditions study change and innovation within the food sectors in Denmark, Sweden and Norway; while an introductory chapter discusses the findings of these analyses. Specialty food has established a strong position within product categories such as craft beer in Denmark and organic food in Sweden, but has failed to do so in others. The emergence of markets for specialty foods have been promoted by top-down policy initiatives and bottom-up entrepreneurial efforts. Far from providing the only relevant platform for food transition and innovation, the "New Nordic Food" manifesto has helped creating a territorialized action space for networks of food producers and distributors promoting diversity in local food and rural development. Some of the specialty food networks have succeeded in re-scaling their operations from a local to a national market. Today even large retailers and food processing companies have to pay notice to the ongoing changes among consumers. There is however a paradoxical constraint in a transition towards specialty food. A large-scale transition would imply that producers and consumers abandon precisely what constitute them - their exclusiveness. The chapters were originally published in a special issue of European Planning Studies.

Nordic Food Transition

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Available online: Nordic agricultural producers face a large challenge in meeting a growing food demand while addressing climate and environmental challenges. The eight case studies presented in this report show first-hand how farmers and food producers are taking initiative to develop new farming practices and food products that are more sustainable. But these cases also illustrate specific challenges for these new products. The 36 policy recommendations illustrate that there is still a lot of potential to support the transition towards a low-emission food production system in the Nordics at all levels. A multitude of instruments need to be put into play to incentivise more sustainable agricultural practices. But if sustainable and more plant-based agricultural production and consumption is prioritised and expanded it is possible to feed 9.8 billion people and meet emissions reduction targets.

Low-Carbon Circular Transition in the Nordics

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Available online: The Nordic region aims to be a forerunner in the transition to circular economy. This project aimed to find areas, industries, and sectors, and potential in them, important for the circular transition in the Nordics. The barriers for unleashing the potential were also studied.Four areas of industry and two cross-cutting drivers were selected for the study. The bioeconomy, the food and beverage sector, building and construction, and the mobility sector play a prominent role in the Nordic economies. They are also responsible for significant emissions and waste. The drivers – applying new circular business models and better exploiting data/digitalisation – can bring change that holds promise for significant benefits.The study’s results are summed up in a set of recommendations addressing how the barriers can be torn down and how positive impacts of circular transition can be supported.

Nordic Stocktake – Pathways to Climate Neutrality

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Available online: The UNFCCC Global Stocktake will be conducted during COP28 in December 2023. The Nordic Stocktake report is intended as a regional tool to support the Global Stocktake process and spur to further climate action, both within the Nordics and beyond. The Nordic region needs to increase the pace of the green transition if we are to lead by example. The report is a stocktake of GHG emissions in the Nordic countries, and a description and assessment of the different national pathways towards climate neutrality in the Nordic region. Many of the challenges on the path towards climate neutrality are not unique to the Nordic countries and solving these in the Nordic region – in countries well-positioned to do so – would prove valuable for global climate action. The report highlights common challenges across the Nordic countries and proposes opportunities for further cross-Nordic collaboration.

What can the COVID-19 pandemic teach us about resilient Nordic food systems?

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Online publication: Abstract [en] While the Nordic Region has strong foundations of resilience, the COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on some of the vulnerabilities in Nordic food systems. A crisis can provide new opportunities to recognise what is not working in our food system and provide the context needed to build new systems, collaborations, and resilience. This think piece is intended to stimulate a discussion around the vulnerabilities of the Nordic food system and to highlight the importance of developing a systems-based resilience strategy to ensure that the Nordic Region can bounce forward after future shocks. It uses the context of the COVID-19 pandemic as an example in order to focus the analysis and ends with reflections on what is needed going forward to fully assess the state of Nordic food systems.

Setting the table – a story of food policy innovation

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Available online: Where are the bold policies to follow, support or even lead the transition to a healthier and more sustainable food system? This guide is the conclusion to a conversation started by the Nordic prime ministers with Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges in 2017. Since then, the flagship project, Nordic Food Policy Lab, has staged dialogues, set the table for new encounters, co-produced knowledge and insights, and advocated for the potential of innovative policy to change the world. Throughout the pages of this guide, you'll find a diverse array of 11 methods from around the world, for igniting dialogue, co-creating solutions or new directions and unravelling complex issues. The information within the pages of this guide is, therefore, meant to ensure that policymakers do not stand in a position where they see the daunting scale of the problem but feel unequipped to deal with it.

Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating

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Available online: This report addresses the gap between current Nordic diets and the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2023, emphasising the urgency for policy interventions to drive substantial behavioural shifts towards healthier and more sustainable diets. It introduces a Nordic behaviour change framework that describes determinants influencing the individual’s dietary behaviour and the enabling role of policy instruments in incentivising behavioural changes. The report advocates for a multifaceted policy approach, including taxes, subsidies, public procurement, information campaigns, educational initiatives, nudging instruments and labeling to encourage a shift in dietary behaviour. These efforts are consolidated into five key recommendations.

Cookbook for systems change – Nordic innovation strategies for sustainable food systems

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Available online: This cookbook of strategies for change is about the role that a strong public innovation system plays along the pathways towards sustainable food systems. We demonstrate this through a mission approach for deliberate food system transformation that can support people, planet and society. This strategy cookbook will provide the ingredients – templates for developing interventions, guides for how to get started and examples of cross-cutting projects – that you can use to create your own recipes for change. We offer a new, emergent way to work with complex and dynamic systems. The cookbook is intended primarily for national and regional innovation agencies, as the government has both a mandate and more authority than any other entity to lead the change needed to achieve sustainable food systems. However, because innovation ecosystems include a variety of different actors, this strategy cookbook also provides valuable insights into the roles that entrepreneurs and civil society and research organisations can play to cultivate change from the bottom-up.

Transition and Coherence in Intellectual Property Law

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The nature and content of intellectual property (IP) law, which is heavily contingent on the state of technology and on social and market developments, has always been subject to ongoing transitions. How those transitions are effected and the shape they take is crucial to the ability of IP to achieve its stated goals and provide the necessary climate for investment in creativity, innovation and brand differentiation. Yet the need for change can run headlong into a desire for coherence. A search for coherence tests the limits of the concept of “intellectual property,” is imperiled by overlaps between different IP regimes, and calls for a unifying normative theme. This volume assembles contributors from across IP and the globe to explore these questions, including whether coherence is desirable. It should be read by anyone interested in understanding the conceptual underpinnings of one of the most important and dynamic areas of the law.