Nordic Knowledge Hub – A Green and Gender-Equal Nordic Region

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Available online: In the Nordic region we are good at coming up with climate-smart solutions, but for quite some time now we’ve been relatively unaware of how these solutions are affecting gender equality. In 2022, the Nordic ministers for gender equality and LGBTI decided to acquire more knowledge about the link between gender equality and climate in the Nordic Region. We’ve now made progress. This knowledge bank is for those of you who work nationally, regionally, or in a municipality. Here you’ll find facts about how climate action affects gender equality and vice versa, and which gender equality measures that are needed to make climate solutions more effective.

A review of the Nordic implementation of the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan

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Available online: This policy brief compiles the main findings from the report “A review of the Nordic implementation of the UNFCCC Gender Action Plan” (2024). The review assesses the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Gender Action Plan (UNFCCC GAP) in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The UNFCCC GAP aims to advance the implementation of gender-responsive climate actions at all levels, ensuring women's full, meaningful participation in the climate process. Thus, this review assesses both the notable endeavours towards ensuring gender responsive climate policies in the Nordic countries, as well as the challenges encountered. Based on the review, this policy brief presents best practices, gaps and barriers as well as recommendations for further strengthening the implementation fo the UNFCCC GAP in the Nordic countries.

How climate policies impact gender and vice versa in the Nordic countries

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Available online: The Nordic countries have a progressive gender policy, and requirements to ensure gender equality and balance are laid down in laws and national strategies. However, the knowledge on the links between gender and climate change has been lacking documentation and has not been shared with relevant Nordic stakeholders and policy makers. The report seeks to close this knowledge gap. It provides a comprehensive understanding of how climate change policies affect gender and vice versa, and it is clear evidence of the importance of- and need to engage women and minorities in climate policy making. This is an important step towards implementing a climate change policy without negative effects on gender. The study gives an overview of existing and lacking sex-disaggregated data as well as a status regarding gender equality in decision-making related to climate policy in the Nordic countries.

Equal Democracies?

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Who Stays at Home?

Bridging the Green Jobs Divide

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Available online: Green jobs are key to realising our climate goals, but only one in three green workers in the Nordic region is a woman. This think piece – a collaboration between the Nordic Council of Ministers and the International Labour Organization – discusses Nordic gender barriers and opportunities in the green transition. It looks into current definitions of green jobs, who’s ahead and who is falling behind in the green jobs race and which green and sustainable skills that are needed for a sustainable and gender-equal Nordic future. As the Nordic Council of Ministers aims to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030, this think-piece provides case studies and consolidates some suggestions and lessons learned from the Nordic countries and other parts of the world – for the road ahead.

Nordic Council of Ministers policy for mainstreaming sustainable development, gender equality, and a child rights and youth perspective

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Available online: Sustainable development, gender equality, and a child rights and youth perspective are overarching areas that are important for all the work done by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The responsibility for considering these applies to everyone who is working in or on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers, regardless of policy area. By strengthening this work, we are ensuring that the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers is sustainable, gender-equal, inclusive, representative, and accessible.

A socially sustainable green transition in the Nordic region​: An analysis of the inequality-creating effects of the green transition and the opportunities to promote a socially sustainable green transition.

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Available online: This report presents the results of an analysis of the links between the green transition and social sustainability in the Nordic countries. The analysis examines what a socially sustainable green transition means in practice, and on that basis makes a number of recommendations to the Nordic countries. We have both gathered knowledge from existing initiatives and brought this to the ongoing debate in the Nordic countries on how social sustainability is integrated into the green transition. The aim of the report is to provide an understanding of the potential impact of this transition on social and economic equality in the Nordic countries, as well as of the tools that can be used to mitigate inequality-creating side effects.

Towards a sustainable and integrated Nordic Region

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Available online: In 2019, the Nordic prime ministers adopted a vision for the Nordic Region to be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by the year 2030. The Nordic Council of Ministers was tasked with steering Nordic co-operation towards delivering this vision. The Nordic Council of Ministers is following a special action plan in its efforts relating to the vision for the period 2021 to 2024. Now, after almost two years, a mid-point evaluation has been produced. Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine during the period, the Nordic Council of Ministers has delivered concrete results and made an impact. The activities of the Nordic Council of Ministers are being steered towards supporting the Nordic countries as well as possible in their realisation of the vision. Efforts relating to the green transition have been bolstered by way of DKK 120 million in additional funding thanks to a budget redistribution in the period 2021 to 2024. The mid-point evaluation was approved by the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation in September 2022.

The Nordic Gender Effect at Work: Nordic experiences on parental leave, childcare, flexible work arrangements, leadership and equal opportunities at work

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Promoting gender equality at work is not only a matter of rights; it is the smart thing to do from the perspective of inclusive growth. The Nordic region is a case in point, as it has come to represent the 11th largest economy in the world, not despite policy commitments to gender equality and social justice, but because of it. The Nordic countries have robust economies and good living conditions, where both women and men have high labour force participation rates. However, the gender pay gap is persistent and occupational segregation continues to hinder gender equality. The Nordic Gender Effect at Work briefs share the collective Nordic experience in investing in gender equality including parental leave, childcare, flexible work arrangements, leadership and equal opportunities at work, and seek to make further progress through cooperation.

A Good Life in a Sustainable Nordic Region

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A Good Life in a Sustainable Nordic Region – Nordic Strategy for Sustainable Development is the overriding and cross-sectoral frame-work for the work of the Nordic Council of Ministers. All work carried out within the Council of Ministers will incorporate a sustainability perspective. The Nordic Council of Ministers will help the Nordic countries successively continue to improve welfare and quality of life for present and future generations, by protecting and using the earth’s ability to sustain life in all its diversity. The strategy provides long-term guidelines as far as 2025 in the following focusareas: the Nordic welfare model, viable ecosystems, changing climate, sustainable use of the earth’s resources, and education, research and innovation. The sectoral ministerial councils within the Nordic Council of Ministers will supplement the strategy with concrete measures.