Nursing and Nursing Education

Book Description

Results are presented of a study of nursing and nursing education that focused on the need for continued federal support of nursing education, ways to attract nurses to medically underserved areas, and approaches to encourage nurses to stay in the profession. Findings are presented on whether the aggregate supply of generalist nurses will be sufficient to meet future demand, and how changes that could occur in the health care system might affect demand. Attention is also directed to: how the current and future supply of nurses may be influenced by the costs of nursing education and the sources of education financing; and education for generalist positions in nursing. In addition, the supply and demand situation for nurses educationally prepared for advanced professional positions in nursing is examined. The influence of employer policies and practices in utilization of nursing resources on demand and supply is also addressed. Finally, areas in which further data and studies are needed to better monitor nursing supply and demand are identified. In addition to 21 recommendations, appendices include information on Nursing Training Act appropriations, state reports on nursing issues, certificates for specialist registered nurses, projections of registered nurse supply and requirements, and doctoral programs in nursing. (SW)