Tree Form Quotients as Variables in Volume Estimation

Book Description

De procedure van de Duitser Hohenadl voor het bepalen van vormquotienten (afgeleid van diverse stamdiameters) en de boominhoud (ook afgeleid van stamdiameters op vastgestelde hoogtes) wordt behandeld. De procedure in gewijzigde vormen werd toegepast op gegevens van de Tsuga hetrophylla. De beschreven procedure blijkt ook voor andere boomsoorten toepasbaar

Silvicultural Options for Young-growth Douglas-fir Forests

Book Description

This report describes the origin, design, establishment and measurement procedures and first results of a large long-term cooperative study comparing a number of widely different silvicultural regimes applied to young-growth Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stands managed for multiple objectives. Regimes consist of (1) conventional clearcutting followed by intermediate thinning; (2) retention of reserve trees to create a two-aged stand; (3) small patch cuts dispersed within a thinned matrix, repeated at approximately 15-year intervals to create a mosaic of age classes; (4) group selection within a thinned matrix on an approximate 15-year cycle; (5) continued thinning on an extended rotation; and (6) an untreated control. Each of these regimes is on operationsize units (about 30 to 70 acres each). Output variables to be evaluated include conventional timber growth and yield statistics, harvest costs, sale layout and administration costs, aesthetic effects and public acceptance, soil disturbance, bird populations, and economic aspects. Descriptive statistics and some initial results are presented for the first replicate, established in 1997-98.

Permanent-plot Procedures for Silvicultural and Yield Research

Book Description

This paper reviews purposes and procedures for establishing and maintaining permanent plots for silvicultural and yield research, sampling and plot design, common errors, and procedures for measuring and recording data. It is a revision and update of a 1983 publication. Although some details are specific to coastal Pacific Northwest conditions, most of the material is widely applicable.