Nourished by God in the Womb of Time

Book Description

God placed many parallels to the spiritual realm in the physical universe so the human brain could get some idea of the world that exists beyond the capacity of the human brain. One such parallel is the development of a baby in a mothers womb. Just as God took particles of the earth and made a body for the spirit he created, a woman takes the particles of her body and makes a body for a spirit that will live in that body. That body is developed inher womb and, at birth, that body becomes a womb for a human spirit. The author calls this newborn body The Womb of Time because it is the place where a human spirit is developed in time in preparation for an existence in a new world called Eternity. An embryo in a mothers womb is surrounded by chemicals that can prevent it from developing to a point capable of living in the world outside its womb. In the same way, a human spirit, in the womb of its body, is surrounded by knowledge, the curse from Eden that can prevent it from developing to a point capable of being a spirit with lifewhen it enters eternity. If a physical body is stillborn, no matter how much it is loved it cannot exist with people who are alive. A human spirit that is not alive when its body dies cannot exist with the living who reside in Heaven. God is constantly trying to nourish people in their Womb of Time with the same Word of Life he used to create all things. The human brain, limited to the knowledge it contains, often substitutes confidence for faith and religion for God causing many human spirits to be stillborn when they leave their body. Man's battle is between knowledge and faith.A quick look at the world will reveal the incompetence of knowledge.

Theology of The Womb

Book Description

If it is true that God is a male, then His Divinity or Deity is expressed in His masculinity. Yet I am a woman, and there are parts of my body; such as my breasts, my vagina, and my womb that are telling a story about God that I have never learned or understood. This is an exploration of the significance of a womb that must shed and bleed before it can create. How will we engage our body which cyclically bleeds most of our life and can build and birth a human soul? How will we honor the living womb, that lives and sometimes dies within us? This is a book about the theology found in the cycle of the womb, which births both life and death. Every day each one of us is invited to create, and every day we make a decision knowing that from our creation can come death or life. Women's voices have been silenced for a long time as society and the church has quieted their bodies. Will we courageously choose to listen to the sound of your voice, the song of your womb, and speak for the world to hear?

Ma Grandmere

Book Description

Joel Mulholland recounts the heartening story of her very memorable grandmother. Between the ages of twelve and thirteen her grandmother received Christ as her Savior. He would serve as her rock of strength for all her days. The death of someone close to your heart leaves an overwhelming sense of void. Suddenly, a life is taken, the body is lifeless, and the soul is gone. As a Christian, there is the struggle between knowing that they are truly at peace and the natural, human selfishness of wanting to keep them close. But with the sting of each death, comes new growth and maturity, the realization of how much their love was needed and how much was shared with others. The author's grandma left many treasures; years of letters, journal entries, endless personal writings and remembered fellowship with family and friends will give a complete understanding of her journey. Then, the tributes from others and the impressions she left upon their own lives gives proof to her aspirations. Through the tragic death of her father, marriage to a young GI, raising five boys and two girls, and college at eighty-two, as "Grandmere" put it: "I am ready to see my Jesus."

Commentary on Isaiah

Book Description

[This is the full commentary on Isaiah 1-66.] For hundreds of years John Calvin's Commentaries have been admired and relied upon for their deep insights into Scripture. Charles Spurgeon told his students, "It would not be possible for me too earnestly to press upon you the importance of reading the expositions of that prince among men, John Calvin! Of all commentators I believe John Calvin to be the most candid. He was no trimmer and pruner of texts. He gave their meaning as far as he knew it. His honest intention was to translate the Hebrew and the Greek originals as accurately as he possibly could, and then to give the meaning which would naturally be conveyed by such Greek and Hebrew words: he laboured, in fact, to declare, not his own mind upon the Spirit's words, but the mind of the Spirit as couched in those words." And even Arminius himself admitted, "Next to the perusal of the Scriptures, which I earnestly inculcate, I exhort my pupils to peruse Calvin's commentaries, for I affirm that he excels beyond comparison in the interpretation of Scripture, and that his commentaries ought to be more highly valued than all that is handed down to us by the Library of the Fathers; so that I acknowledge him to have possessed above most others, or rather above all other men, what may be called an eminent gift of prophecy."


Book Description

The Beauty In The Womb-Man

Book Description

The Beauty in the Womb-Man is a self-revealing work that turns the light on and shows you that you have valuable things to say, outstanding words to share, and eternal wisdom to give! Having obtained a degree in Christian Counseling, Dr. Carroll embarked upon her own personal journey of self-awareness, self-enhancement, self-enlightenment and self-empowerment. Through the years she has passed on this baton of power to women as she's traveled the world over. Make no mistake about are included in this self-realization and this reality will become clearer to you as you turn through the pages of this soul-searching work!


Book Description

The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. According to these, empires will fall, the "Beast" will be destroyed and Christ will rule a new Jerusalem. With an introduction by Will Self.