Novel Approaches to the Structure and Dynamics of Liquids: Experiments, Theories and Simulations

Book Description

The unique behavior of the "liquid state", together with the richness of phenomena that are observed, render liquids particularly interesting for the scientific community. Note that the most important reactions in chemical and biological systems take place in solutions and liquid-like environments. Additionally, liquids are utilized for numerous industrial applications. It is for these reasons that the understanding of their properties at the molecular level is of foremost interest in many fields of science and engineering. What can be said with certainty is that both the experimental and theoretical studies of the liquid state have a long and rich history, so that one might suppose this to be essentially a solved problem. It should be emphasized, however, that although, for more than a century, the overall scientific effort has led to a considerable progress, our understanding of the properties of the liquid systems is still incomplete and there is still more to be explored. Basic reason for this is the "many body" character of the particle interactions in liquids and the lack of long-range order, which introduce in liquid state theory and existing simulation techniques a number of conceptual and technical problems that require specific approaches. Also, many of the elementary processes that take place in liquids, including molecular translational, rotational and vibrational motions (Trans. -Rot. -Vib. coupling), structural relaxation, energy dissipation and especially chemical changes in reactive systems occur at different and/or extremely short timescales.

Density Functional Theory

Book Description

Density Functional Theory (DFT) is a powerful technique for calculating and comprehending the molecular and electrical structure of atoms, molecules, clusters, and solids. Its use is based not only on the capacity to calculate the molecular characteristics of the species of interest but also on the provision of interesting concepts that aid in a better understanding of the chemical reactivity of the systems under study. This book presents examples of recent advances, new perspectives, and applications of DFT for the understanding of chemical reactivity through descriptors forming the basis of Conceptual DFT as well as the application of the theory and its related computational procedures in the determination of the molecular properties of different systems of academic, social, and industrial interest.

Molecular Basics of Liquids and Liquid-Based Materials

Book Description

This book sheds light on the molecular aspects of liquids and liquid-based materials such as organic or inorganic liquids, ionic liquids, proteins, biomaterials, and soft materials including gels. The reader discovers how the molecular basics of such systems are connected with their properties, dynamics, and functions. Once the use and application of liquids and liquid-based materials are understood, the book becomes a source of the latest, detailed knowledge of their structures, dynamics, and functions emerging from molecularity. The systems discussed in the book have structural dimensions varying from nanometers to millimeters, thus the precise estimation of structures and dynamics from experimental, theoretical, and simulation methods is of crucial importance. Outlines of the practical knowledge needed in research and development are helpfully included in the book.

Computer Simulation of Liquids

Book Description

This book provides a practical guide to molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation techniques used in the modelling of simple and complex liquids. Computer simulation is an essential tool in studying the chemistry and physics of condensed matter, complementing and reinforcing both experiment and theory. Simulations provide detailed information about structure and dynamics, essential to understand the many fluid systems that play a key role in our daily lives: polymers, gels, colloidal suspensions, liquid crystals, biological membranes, and glasses. The second edition of this pioneering book aims to explain how simulation programs work, how to use them, and how to interpret the results, with examples of the latest research in this rapidly evolving field. Accompanying programs in Fortran and Python provide practical, hands-on, illustrations of the ideas in the text.