Book Description
Novell's NDS™ Developer's Guide "Novell's hard-earned experience deploying NDS in thousands of customer sites, supporting millions of daily users, has taught us a lot about how to build applications and services that really get the most out of a directory service. We're glad to share that experience with developers like you through this book. "Building directory-enabled applications and services with NDS means delivering more value, more customer benefit. That's the promise of directories — giving developers more time and technologies with which to innovate, and giving customers more return for their investment. Together, it's an unbeatable combination." — Dr. Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO, Novell, Inc. Leverage the Power of Novell Directory Services Develop NDS-aware ActiveX controls and JavaBeans Use Delphi to create a password administration application Build reports using the NDS ODBC Driver and Crystal Reports Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript and CGI scripting for Web programming Manipulate NDS using cross-platform APIs and the LDAP APIs Master NetBasic NDS library calls and other related libraries Access NDS using JNDI and ADSI Find out how to extend NetWare® Administrator and ConsoleOne™ Exclusive Novell Software Inside Sample code and Novell Developer Kits on CD-ROM! Watch for future updates