Perspectives from the European Language Portfolio

Book Description

Using constructivist principles and autonomous learning techniques the ELP has pioneered innovative and cutting edge approaches to learning languages that can be applied to learning across the spectrum. Although articles on the success of the ELP project have appeared in some academic journals, Perspectives from the European Language Portfolio is the first book to report on and contextualise the project’s innovative techniques for a wider educational research audience. During the last ten years the ELP has increasingly become a reference tool for language learning and teaching in primary, secondary and tertiary educational settings all around Europe. The editors of this volume believe that there is a need to reflect on the significant contribution that the ELP has delivered for language learning and teaching, and to critically evaluate its achievements. This volume offers a range of investigations from theoretical studies to practical cases around these issues, and includes: relevant contributions of the ELP to language pedagogy; assessing the impact of the ELP on pedagogical research and practice; exploring and defining pathways for future developments; Reflective learning. This book is intended for a readership of language teachers and researchers across Europe. It will be of particular relevance to those engaged in language learning and teaching within the Common European Framework of Reference, supporting independent learning and developing a language curriculum, whether in school, adult, further or higher education.

Nuevas formas de aprendizaje en lenguas extranjeras

Book Description

Recoge los contenidos del curso de formación del profesorado de enseñanza secundaria: "Nuevas formas de aprendizaje en lenguas extranjeras", celebrado en la Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo de Santander, en el verano de 2.003.

Retos de la educación bilingüe

Book Description

Desde 1996, los programas de enseñanza bilingüe con lenguas extranjeras están presentes en el panorama educativo español. En los últimos cinco años se ha producido una notable expansión de estos proyectos. Como toda novedad, esta situación platea nuevos retos al profesorado y los centros: ¿Cómo plantear la transmisión de conocimientos en otras lenguas? ¿Cómo conseguir mantener los niveles de rendimiento con el aumento del esfuerzo requerido por parte del alumnado y profesorado? ¿Cómo encontrar materiales didácticos apropiados? ¿Cómo hacer frente a las necesidades lingüísticas y de contenido en cada área? ¿Cómo evaluar los contenidos a través de una segunda lengua? Esta publicación surge con la intención de ofrecer respuestas prácticas a estos cuestionamientos del profesorado. Se presentan propuestas generales de trabajo en el aula, propuestas más específicas de trabajo en distintas áreas curriculares, propuestas de evaluación y vías de trabajo para alumnado con dificultades de aprendizaje de naturaleza lingüística.

Los caminos de la lengua

Book Description

El presente libro es un homenaje a la figura y a la vida académica de Enrique Alcaraz Varó y, muy especialmente, a su dedicación durante más de treinta años como docente e investigador de la Universidad de Alicante. Fue catedrático de Filología Inglesa y publicó innumerables trabajos de gran impacto, impartiendo sus enseñanzas por todo el mundo. El volumen está organizado en cuatro grandes bloques en los que puede sistematizarse el análisis y la investigación del profesor Alcaraz: la enseñanza y adquisición de lenguas; la literatura, cultura y crítica; la lingüística; y la traducción e interpretación. Toda su obra gira en torno a los valores más amplios de la lengua y sus relaciones con la sociedad, es decir, se centra en la interdisciplinariedad entre la lengua y cualquier hecho o fenómeno de la vida.

Bilingual Special Education for the 21st Century: A New Interface

Book Description

Bilingual students with disabilities have an established right to be educated in their most proficient language. However, in practice, many culturally and linguistically diverse students still do not receive the quality of education that they are promised and deserve. Multilingual learners with disabilities must be acknowledged for the assets they bring and engaged in classroom learning that is rigorous and relevant. Bilingual Special Education for the 21st Century: A New Interface addresses the complex intersection of bilingual education and special education with the overlay of culturally and linguistically sustaining practices. This work provides practical solutions to current dilemmas and challenges today’s educators of multilingual learners with disabilities face in the classroom. Covering topics such as dual language education, identification practices, and transition planning, this book is an essential resource for special education experts, faculty and administration of both K-12 and higher education, pre-service teachers, researchers, and academicians.

Teachers' Research in Language Education

Book Description

Over the past decade, interest in language teacher education and professionalization programs has increased significantly mainly due to global educational reforms, which have been driven by internationalization, multilingualism, the rise of new literacy and the incorporation of technologies. These reforms, based on the challenges of knowledge societies and networks, have created the need to re-evaluate and reconceptualize teacher training and teacher professional development as a "fundamental connection to teaching" (Bryant et al., 2008; Vélaz de Medrano & Vaillant, 2009; Espinosa, 2012; Johnson and Golombeck, 2018). The main objective is, then, to “prepare the new generations within an increasingly uncertain and demanding global scenario” (Pérez Ruíz, 2014, p 114). This publication addresses work on the education of language teachers in a variety of sociocultural, educational and institutional contexts carried out in Mexico and Latin America with various methodological designs and approaches from different theoretical perspectives. Therefore, in the context of current challenges, we seek to promote the exchange, discussions of experience and results of research and reflection that can influence the direction and implementation of language policies regarding teacher education and teacher professionalization for language teaching.

New Methodological Approaches to Foreign Language Teaching

Book Description

This volume explores how the traditional academic disciplines of linguistics, translation, literature and cultural studies can contribute to, or be integrated into, the teaching of a foreign language by means of innovative methodologies, techniques and instruments. The book begins with a selection of essays on applied linguistics that share some significant findings in the context of second or foreign language acquisition. It then examines the ways in which linguistics, translation theory, literature and cultural studies are brought into the foreign language classroom not just as objects of study but also as vehicles for language-learning. By presenting studies on four main foreign languages, English, Spanish, French and German, the collection offers, to the foreign language profession, an opportunity for the sharing and comparison of strategies across languages at both the secondary and higher education level. The text is a valuable resource for language teachers with a more philologically-oriented background who would like to learn how to apply their research knowledge and experience to the design and implementation of new methodological approaches.

Odisea nº 15

Book Description

Revista de Estudios Ingleses es un anuario dirigido y gestionado por miembros del Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana de la Universidad de Almería con el propósito de ofrecer un foro de intercambio de producción científica en campos del conocimiento tan diversos como la lengua inglesa, literatura en lengua inglesa, didáctica del inglés, traducción, inglés para fines específicos y otros igualmente vinculados a los estudios ingleses.