Nuevos desafíos para el derecho de autor

Book Description

Esta obra es fruto del esfuerzo de varios profesores de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona interesados en analizar las incidencias jurídicas de la aplicación de sistemas de inteligencia artificial en el Derecho de autor. Se divide en tres partes que abordan áreas de actual interés en relación con los derechos de los autores. La Parte I está dedicada al estudio de la «creatividad computacional» y a la aplicación de la «realidad aumentada» en el mundo del arte. Respecto de la primera, se analizan cuestiones como la «originalidad», cuando el «autor» es un sistema de inteligencia artificial, viendo quién debe ser el titular de las facultades de explotación económica de la «obra» de este modo «producida» o «creada». En este punto, son sugerentes las aportaciones de la Dra. Susana Navas (catedrática de Derecho civil) y de la Dra. Marina Castells (investigadora postdoc) en torno a la cocreación humano-robot. En relación con el segundo ámbito mencionado —realidad aumentada y arte— nos enfrentamos a su configuración como «obra multimedia», asunto estudiado por la Profesora Navas. En la Parte II se analiza la «protección del derecho de autor», abordándose el aspecto concerniente a las medidas tecnológicas de protección y a la automatización de la cesión de facultades de explotación económica mediante la tecnología blockchain, Ethereum y otras más avanzadas. De la pluma del Prof. Carlos Górriz (titular de Derecho mercantil) se presenta el primer extremo, con especial atención a las normas y documentos europeos en la materia. De la del Dr. Santiago Robert (profesor asociado de Derecho civil) es la contribución acerca de la cesión de facultades de explotación mediante los denominados smart legal contracts, sobre la base de ya referida tecnología. En la última parte, la Parte III, se exponen aplicaciones tecnológicas concretas que afectan a los derechos de los autores. Cuatro son los temas tratados. El primero se refiere al Big Data y su relación con las nuevas desestructuradas bases de datos como acicate para reformular el derecho sui generis del fabricante. En este interesante aspecto se entretiene Ramon Romeu (profesor asociado de Derecho civil). El segundo tema objeto de interés, de la mano de la Prof. Sandra Camacho (profesora agregada de Derecho civil), es la biblioteca digital, contribución en la que la autora hace aplicación del principio de equivalencia funcional entre la biblioteca física o analógica y la digital-virtual. Seguidamente, el tercer foco —contribución escrita por Cristina Alonso (profesora asociada de Derecho civil)— es el libro electrónico, donde se reflexiona acerca del concepto mismo de libro. El último tema tratado son los contenidos de acceso abierto, como manifestación de una «ciencia abierta a todos», que escribe Iván Mateo (profesor asociado de Derecho civil).

Algorithms and Law

Book Description

Exploring issues from big-data to robotics, this volume is the first to comprehensively examine the regulatory implications of AI technology.

National Studies on Assessing the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries - Series no. 2

Book Description

This publication constitutes the second volume of the National Studies on Assessing the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-Based Industries, Creative Industries Series. It contains the results of five national studies representing the contribution of the creative sector - in terms of value-added, employment, and foreign trade - in the Philippines, Mexico, Jamaica, Bulgaria and Lebanon. The publication reviews the contribution of economic activities based on copyright and related rights to the creation of national value added, employment and trade in selected countries and broadens the scope of WIPO-led research on the economic aspects of copyright.

Disrupción tecnológica, transformación y sociedad

Book Description

La tercera edición de la colección "Así habla el Externado" examina el impacto que las tecnologías disruptivas y la transformación digital están teniendo sobre el conjunto de la sociedad, bajo una lente humanista e interdisciplinar, propia de nuestra institución. La Cuarta Revolución Industrial (4RI), que ha permeado todos los campos de la actividad humana y la sociedad, ofrece la inmensa oportunidad de reducir las brechas de conocimiento e ingreso económico y generar progreso social y democrático, pero puede también tener el efecto contrario. El lector y la lectora encontrarán en estos cuatro tomos reflexiones valiosas, en sus 74escritos, para comprender en todo su alcance estas innovaciones y poder contribuir así a la construcción de realidades cada vez más incluyentes y participativas. Este tomo III, titulado "Derecho, innovación y tecnología: fundamentos para una Lex Informático", tiene por objeto responder la siguiente pregunta: ¿de qué manera las nuevas tecnologías y la economía colaborativa están transformando el derecho, sus principios e instituciones? Para ello, el presente volumen estudia en detalle las promesas, retos y problemas jurídicos suscitados por la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial, el Big Data, el Blockchain y el loT en distintos ámbitos del derecho público y privado. Los diferentes capítulos presentan debates en torno a la forma en que dichas tecnologías vienen afectando profundamente al mundo del derecho, con el fin de construir un marco conceptual que no solo sirva de base para sostener una discusión académica sólidamente fundamentada sobre estos temas, sino también para despejar las dudas jurídicas que pueden existir con el fin de facilitar y acelerar el desarrollo e implementación práctica de estas tecnologías, así como de contribuir a orientar la agenda académica sobre estos asuntos en América Latina.

Just Published

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Precursor Crimes of Terrorism

Book Description

This illuminating book offers a timely assessment of the development and proliferation of precursor crimes of terrorism, exploring the functions and implications of these expanding offences in different jurisdictions. In response to new modes and sources of terrorism, attempts to pre-empt potential attacks through precursor offences have emerged. This book examines not only the meanings and effectiveness of this approach, but also the challenges posed to human rights and social and economic development.


Book Description

The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2009 Volume I

Book Description

a. The set generally: [Please note that the following description applies to both volumes in the 2009 Yearbook, not solely to Volume I]. The Global Community Yearbook is a one-stop resource for all researchers studying international law generally or international criminal tribunals specifically. The Global Community Yearbook appears annually in two-volume editions of carefully chosen primary source material and corresponding expert commentary. The general editor, Professor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo, employs her vast expertise in international law to select excerpts from important court opinions and also to choose experts from around the world who contribute essay-guides to illuminate those cases. Although the main focus is recent case law from the major international tribunals and regional courts, the first volume of each year''s edition always features expert articles by renowned scholars who address broader themes in international law, themes that appear throughout the case law of the many courts covered by the series as a whole. b. This particular edition (2009): This year''s edition of the Global Community Yearbook is restructured to update its format and to better respond to its objective. The change affects the section entitled Decisions of International Courts and Tribunals; all other sections will remain the same. This section, divided into twelve sub-Sections, presents annually the more significant international case law in the form of "legal maxims," systematically collected. The elaboration of legal maxims, extracted from the courts'' decisions, and their systematic classification makes this year''s edition of the Yearbook unique. International courts and tribunals have developed remarkably in recent years, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to follow the case law emanating from those jurisdictions without the help of an intermediary. The Yearbook and its unique changes fill this gap by serving as an intermediary between the case law and international scholars, practitioners, and students. In previous issues of the Yearbook, these legal maxims were prepared by referring both to the law and often extensively to the specific facts of the case. In the new format, the "legal maxims" will now distil the most important elements of judicial decisions and rely less heavily on the facts. The text of the legal maxims has been reduced to the minimum necessary for systematic classification, printing the website links for the case law. An introductory note on each international tribunal or court continues to be provided as a synopsis of their activity over the year. This reduction of the text of legal maxims better responds to the goals of the Yearbook to serve as a mediator and to provide complete coverage of case law from international courts and tribunals. c. Individual volumes: The first volume of the 2009 edition of Global Community Yearbook presents three categories of material wholly beneficial to any international law-researcher: International tribunals'' court opinions, excerpted with scholarly skill by General Editor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo; expert guidance on those cases in the form of commentary by globally recognized luminaries whom Ziccardi has chosen personally; and more broadly focused introductory essays by similarly prominent scholars whom Ziccardi has also selected for that purpose. In the introductory essays, those scholars take on the current, controversial topics of the case against criminalizing hate speech, the global importance of human rights for environmental protection, the evolution of international environmental law, and the politics of global powers. Those incisive and knowledgeable introductory articles help frame the debates currently raging in international law before this volume leads the reader on to expert commentary on the noteworthy cases from this past year''s dockets of the following tribunals: *The International Court of Justice *The WTO Dispute Resolution System *The International Criminal Court *International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia *International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Ziccardi has arranged the sections of this volume according to that list of tribunals, and she has included a short, targeted index for each of those sections, making any research in this volume efficient and fruitful. Volume 2: This second volume of the 2009 edition of Global Community Yearbook gives researchers an illuminating tour through the varied and dynamic law of regional and organizational courts. In the court opinion excerpts and expert commentary that fill this volume, researchers will find detailed guidance on a rich diversity of legal topics, from whether the European Court of Human Rights is effective as the centerpiece of the European human rights protection system to the jurisdictional challenges by respondent States under applicable investment agreements. On these questions and a host of others, this volume provides to students, scholars, and practitioners alike a valuable combination of expert discussion and direct quotes from the court opinions to which that discussion relates. The courts covered by this particular volume are: *The Court of First Instance of the European Communities *The Court of Justice of the European Communities *The European Court of Human Rights *Inter-American Court of Human Rights *International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes