Nuevos retos en la prevención de la obesidad: tratamientos y calidad de vida

Book Description

El objetivo de este libro, cuyo origen es el ciclo de conferencias que la doctora Monereo impartió en la Fundación BBVA en marzo de 2012, es recoger el conocimiento científico sobre la obesidad, sus causas y consecuencias, y las soluciones para erradicarla. Para ello, analiza la situación partiendo de su carácter epidémico en el mundo y su relación con los cambios medioambientales ocurridos en los últimos años. Asimismo, revisa aspectos médicos y sociales de las causas que la producen desde el punto de vista de la genética, la nutrición o la falta de actividad física, así como sus consecuencias sobre la salud física y mental. Por último, pensando en la prevención y las soluciones, distingue entre métodos sustentados sobre bases científicas de aquellos otros que, aun con visos aparentes de efectividad, no están probados científicamente.

Disease-related Malnutrition

Book Description

Disease-related malnutrition is a global public health problem. The consequences of disease-related malnutrition are numerous, and include shorter survival rates, lower functional capacity, longer hospital stays, greater complication rates, and higher prescription rates. Nutritional support, in the form of oral nutritional supplements or tube feeding, has proven to lead to an improvement in patient outcome. This book is unique in that it draws together the results of numerous different studies that demonstrate the benefits of nutritional support and provides an evidence base for it. It also discusses the causes, consequences, and prevalence of disease-related malnutrition, and provides insights into the best possible use of enteral nutritional support.

The Women's Health and Aging Study

Book Description

Designed to help in the understanding of the causes & course of disability in older women. Offers an excellent overview of diseases & disability & their impact on older women. Covers: adaptation to disability, physical performance measures, the daily lives of disabled older women, utilization of health services, mental health & general well-being, pulmonary diseases & conditions, musculoskeletal disease, neurological conditions, vision & hearing, medication use, instrumental & emotional support, adaptation to disability, & much more.

Patient-Centered Medicine

Book Description

This long awaited Third Edition fully illuminates the patient-centered model of medicine, continuing to provide the foundation for the Patient-Centered Care series. It redefines the principles underpinning the patient-centered method using four major components - clarifying its evolution and consequent development - to bring the reader fully up-to-

The Guide for the Perplexed

Book Description

Emerging Theories in Health Promotion Practice and Research

Book Description

"Here is a 'must-read' for all health promotion researchers and practitioners eager to stay one step ahead of the pack. A panoply of insightful and promising new approaches is presented for consideration and exploration in our contemporary behavioral science arsenal." — M. Elaine Auld, MPH, CHES, Chief Executive Officer, Society for Public Health Education "This book is an essential addition to the health practice and research literature, concentrating on theories that have not been extensively covered elsewhere and that have great currency. It provides an up-to-date rendition on the interplay among contemporary public health concerns, sound public health practice, and the theoretical bases for practice."— Robert M. Goodman, PhD, MPH, Dean and Professor, School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, Indiana University "The authors of Emerging Theories provide vivid descriptions of the state of the science in health promotion and presents an exciting map for future research. Understanding and using theories is the hallmark of an excellent practitioner. Creating and elaborating theories is the mark of an excellent researcher. This text will be very valuable for both." — Noreen M. Clark, PhD, Myron E. Wegman Distinguished University Professor; Director, Center for Managing Chronic Disease, University of Michigan "Emerging Theories captures the dynamic growth in theories of health promotion and illustrates how divergent theoretical perspectives are being integrated into richer explanatory and practice models." — Matthew W. Kreuter, PhD, MPH, Professor of Social Work and Medicine; Director, Health Communication Research Laboratory, Washington University in St. Louis

Community-Based Participatory Research for Health

Book Description

Meredith Minkler and Nina Wallerstein have brought together, in one important volume, a stellar panel of contributors who offer a comprehensive resource on the theory and application of community based participatory research. Community Based Participatory Research for Health contains information on a wide variety of topics including planning and conducting research, working with communities, promoting social change, and core research methods. The book also contains a helpful appendix of tools, guides, checklists, sample protocols, and much more.