Experimental and Detailed Numerical Studies of Fundamental Flame Properties of Gaseous and Liquid Fuels

Book Description

The dynamic behavior of laminar flames was studied for a wide range of conditions. The parameters considered included the fuel type, reactant composition, flame temperature, and combustion mode. The derived experimental data constitute a basis for partially validating the combustion chemistry for fuels ranging from hydrogen to gaseous and liquid hydrocarbons and alcohols. Emphasis was given to kinetics regimes that have not been systematically probed and/or in which current knowledge of combustion chemistry appears to be inadequate. The phenomena of ignition, propagation, and extinction were studied experimentally in the counterflow configuration. The experiments were modeled through the use of a quasi one-dimensional code and included detailed description of chemical kinetics and molecular transport. The results of this research showed that state of the art kinetics models have notable limitations in predicting flame properties even for simple molecules such as H2 and C1-C2 hydrocarbons, with these limitations being more profound for the more complex liquid hydrocarbons. It was also found that for 112 flames, uncertainties in diffusion coefficient calculations could have a greater effect on the predicted flame properties compared to kinetics.

Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion of Diluted Sprays

Book Description

This book reflects the results of the 2nd and 3rd International Workshops on Turbulent Spray Combustion. The focus is on progress in experiments and numerical simulations for two-phase flows, with emphasis on spray combustion. Knowledge of the dominant phenomena and their interactions allows development of predictive models and their use in combustor and gas turbine design. Experts and young researchers present the state-of-the-art results, report on the latest developments and exchange ideas in the areas of experiments, modelling and simulation of reactive multiphase flows. The first chapter reflects on flame structure, auto-ignition and atomization with reference to well-characterized burners, to be implemented by modellers with relative ease. The second chapter presents an overview of first simulation results on target test cases, developed at the occasion of the 1st International Workshop on Turbulent Spray Combustion. In the third chapter, evaporation rate modelling aspects are covered, while the fourth chapter deals with evaporation effects in the context of flamelet models. In chapter five, LES simulation results are discussed for variable fuel and mass loading. The final chapter discusses PDF modelling of turbulent spray combustion. In short, the contributions in this book are highly valuable for the research community in this field, providing in-depth insight into some of the many aspects of dilute turbulent spray combustion.

Experimental Studies on Nonpremixed Combustion at Atmospheric and Elevated Pressures

Book Description

Experimental and numerical studies are carried out employing the counterflow configuration to advance understanding of nonpremixed combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. The motivation for performing these studies is to increase the knowledge and accuracy of the parameters associated with the transport and chemical-kinetic rate processes of combustion. The counterflow configuration is a very useful tool in elucidating and inferring these parameters for using in numeric or analytical models of real combustion systems. First, a new counterflow burner was constructed for carrying out experiments on high molecular weight hydrocarbon fuels and jet fuels, in particular JP-8, at elevated pressures up to 2.5 MPa. Many of these fuels are liquids at room temperature and pressure. Previously, the U.S. Army Research Office (ARO) funded the design and construction of a High Pressure Combustion Experimental Facility (HPCEF) at the University of California, San Diego. The main pressure chamber with optical access from that project is used, and this new burner is placed inside the chamber. The "extinction top'", or the apparatus used to inject an oxidizing stream onto the fuel surface is also used from the previous work. The new burner is used to measure critical conditions of extinction for hydrocarbon fuels at elevated pressures. In the research previously supported by ARO, experiments were performed at elevated pressures on fuels that are gases at room temperature. Construction of the new liquid pool counterflow burner has extended the scope and quality of that research because it is now possible to characterize combustion of fuels that are liquids at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. An experimental study of nonpremixed combustion of a number of hydrocarbon fuels under moderate pressures is carried out. Fuels and blends used in this study include n-heptane, cyclo-hexane, n-octane, iso-octane, JP-8, Jet-A, and two surrogate blends. Next, experiments and numerical computations are completed to characterize mixtures of dimethyl ether and n-heptane at atmospheric pressures. Dimethyl ether is being studied as an oxygen-rich fuel additive or replacement for diesel fuel in compression-ignition engines due to its high cetane number, negligible global warming potential, it's ability to be produced from multiple sources, and it's high well-to-wheel efficiency. The research focuses on combining the well-validated and detailed LLNL DME mechanism with other hydrocarbon mechanisms to study blends of these fuels. Critical limits of extinction and autoignition of various blends are reported. Using a combined mechanism developed at RWTH Aachen, the extinction limits are very well predicted numerically. A formulation for calculating reactant mass fractions fixing stoichiometric mixture fraction and adiabatic flame temperature is described, which can be easily adapated for two-component blends of fuels with non-unity, unequal Lewis numbers. Experiments and computations both show that dimethyl ether enhances reactivity of blends of dimethyl ether and heptane. Ignition limits for blends are also reported, with numerical predictions overpredicting experimental ignition temperature by approximately 50-70 K, but otherwise predicting ignition temperatures well. Finally, in order to understand the gas-phase combustion characteristics of nitramine monopropellants, a number of subsystems of reactions among the major intermediate products are studied. This work considers the effect of the intermediate product nitrous oxide (N2O) on the autoignition temperature of ethane (C2H6). An improved understanding of the combustion taking place in this subsystem is required to model the combustion of nitramines. Here an experimental and computational study is carried out to determine the autoignition temperature of nonpremixed ethane flames with added (N2O). The oxidizer stream is a mixture of oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), and (N2O). Increasing the mass fraction of nitrous oxide in the oxidizer stream of an ethane diffusion flame has a tendency to first enhance combustion and produce lower ignition temperatures, then as the fraction increases, combustion is inhibited compared to ethane/air only diffusion flames.

Compact Heat Exchangers

Book Description

This book presents the ideas and industrial concepts in compact heat exchanger technology that have been developed in the last 10 years or so. Historically, the development and application of compact heat exchangers and their surfaces has taken place in a piecemeal fashion in a number of rather unrelated areas, principally those of the automotive and prime mover, aerospace, cryogenic and refrigeration sectors. Much detailed technology, familiar in one sector, progressed only slowly over the boundary into another sector. This compartmentalisation was a feature both of the user industries themselves, and also of the supplier, or manufacturing industries. These barriers are now breaking down, with valuable cross-fertilisation taking place. One of the industrial sectors that is waking up to the challenges of compact heat exchangers is that broadly defined as the process sector. If there is a bias in the book, it is towards this sector. Here, in many cases, the technical challenges are severe, since high pressures and temperatures are often involved, and working fluids can be corrosive, reactive or toxic. The opportunities, however, are correspondingly high, since compacts can offer a combination of lower capital or installed cost, lower temperature differences (and hence running costs), and lower inventory. In some cases they give the opportunity for a radical re-think of the process design, by the introduction of process intensification (PI) concepts such as combining process elements in one unit. An example of this is reaction and heat exchange, which offers, among other advantages, significantly lower by-product production.To stimulate future research, the author includes coverage of hitherto neglected approaches, such as that of the Second Law (of Thermodynamics), pioneered by Bejan and co- workers. The justification for this is that there is increasing interest in life-cycle and sustainable approaches to industrial activity as a whole, often involving exergy (Second Law) analysis. Heat exchangers, being fundamental components of energy and process systems, are both savers and spenders of exergy, according to interpretation.