Numerical Modeling of Gas Recovery from Methane Hydrate Reservoirs

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In the production of conventional gas reservoirs using a constant bottom-hole pressure production scheme, both gas and water production rates exponentially decrease with time. However, for methane-hydrate reservoirs, gas production rate exponentially declines with time whereas water production rate increases with time because methane hydrate dissociation increases water saturation of the reservoir.

Formation of Sub-permafrost Methane Hydrate Reproduced by Numerical Modeling

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Natural gas hydrates are ice-like crystalline compounds containing water cavities that trap natural gas molecules like methane (CH4), which is a potent greenhouse gas with high energy density. The Mallik site at the Mackenzie Delta in the Canadian Arctic contains a large volume of technically recoverable CH4 hydrate beneath the base of the permafrost. Understanding how the sub-permafrost hydrate is distributed can aid in searching for the ideal locations for deploying CH4 production wells to develop the hydrate as a cleaner alternative to crude oil or coal. Globally, atmospheric warming driving permafrost thaw results in sub-permafrost hydrate dissociation, releasing CH4 into the atmosphere to intensify global warming. It is therefore crucial to evaluate the potential risk of hydrate dissociation due to permafrost degradation. To quantitatively predict hydrate distribution and volume in complex sub-permafrost environments, a numerical framework was developed to simulate sub-permafrost hydrate formation by coupling the equilibrium CH4-hydrate formation approach with a fluid flow and transport simulator (TRANSPORTSE). [...].

Hydrates of Natural Gas

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Methane Recovery from Hydrate-bearing Sediments

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Gas hydrates are crystalline compounds made of gas and water molecules. Methane hydrates are found in marine sediments and permafrost regions; extensive amounts of methane are trapped in the form of hydrates. Methane hydrate can be an energy resource, contribute to global warming, or cause seafloor instability. This study placed emphasis on gas recovery from hydrate bearing sediments and related phenomena. The unique behavior of hydrate-bearing sediments required the development of special research tools, including new numerical algorithms (tube- and pore-network models) and experimental devices (high pressure chambers and micromodels). Therefore, the research methodology combined experimental studies, particle-scale numerical simulations, and macro-scale analyses of coupled processes. Research conducted as part of this project started with hydrate formation in sediment pores and extended to production methods and emergent phenomena. In particular, the scope of the work addressed: (1) hydrate formation and growth in pores, the assessment of formation rate, tensile/adhesive strength and their impact on sediment-scale properties, including volume change during hydrate formation and dissociation; (2) the effect of physical properties such as gas solubility, salinity, pore size, and mixed gas conditions on hydrate formation and dissociation, and it implications such as oscillatory transient hydrate formation, dissolution within the hydrate stability field, initial hydrate lens formation, and phase boundary changes in real field situations; (3) fluid conductivity in relation to pore size distribution and spatial correlation and the emergence of phenomena such as flow focusing; (4) mixed fluid flow, with special emphasis on differences between invading gas and nucleating gas, implications on relative gas conductivity for reservoir simulations, and gas recovery efficiency; (5) identification of advantages and limitations in different gas production strategies with emphasis; (6) detailed study of CH4-CO2 exchange as a unique alternative to recover CH4 gas while sequestering CO2; (7) the relevance of fines in otherwise clean sand sediments on gas recovery and related phenomena such as fines migration and clogging, vuggy structure formation, and gas-driven fracture formation during gas production by depressurization.

Numerical Simulation Studies of Gas Production Scenarios from Hydrate Accumulations at the Mallik Site, McKenzie Delta, Canada

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The Mallik site represents an onshore permafrost-associated gas hydrate accumulation in the Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada. An 1150 m deep gas hydrate research well was drilled at the site in 1998. The objective of this study is the analysis of various gas production scenarios from several gas-hydrate-bearing zones at the Mallik site. The TOUGH2 general-purpose simulator with the EOSHYDR2 module were used for the analysis. EOSHYDR2 is designed to model the non-isothermal CH4 (methane) release, phase behavior and flow under conditions typical of methane-hydrate deposits by solving the coupled equations of mass and heat balance, and can describe any combination of gas hydrate dissociation mechanisms. Numerical simulations indicated that significant gas hydrate production at the Mallik site was possible by drawing down the pressure on a thin free-gas zone at the base of the hydrate stability field. Gas hydrate zones with underlying aquifers yielded significant gas production entirely from dissociated gas hydrate, but large amounts of produced water. Lithologically isolated gas-hydrate-bearing reservoirs with no underlying free gas or water zones, and gas-hydrate saturations of at least 50% were also studied. In these cases, it was assumed that thermal stimulation by circulating hot water in the well was the method used to induce dissociation. Sensitivity studies indicated that the methane release from the hydrate accumulations increases with gas-hydrate saturation, the initial formation temperature, the temperature of the circulating water in the well, and the formation thermal conductivity. Methane production appears to be less sensitive to the rock and hydrate specific heat and permeability of the formation.

Gas Hydrate Reservoirs and Associated Methane Migration Mechanisms on Continental Margins

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Natural gas hydrate has been studied for its natural gas storage capacity, its significant role in global carbon cycles and its possible link to continental margin submarine landslides. However, the role of gas hydrate systems in broad global processes is still not well understood due to the large uncertainties in the estimate of global distribution and concentration of gas hydrate. For a given marine geosystems, the location and volume of gas hydrate accumulations heavily rely on the methane migration mechanisms, which are important links between the gas source and gas hydrate reservoir in natural gas hydrate systems. Numerical models are a great tool to explore methane migration mechanisms for natural gas hydrate accumulations by providing a framework that combines the geophysical, geochemical, geobiological, and geological measurements. The goal of this dissertation is to apply methane transport-reaction models to better understand the mechanisms and key factors that control gas hydrate accumulations in different marine settings. In Chapter 2, I focus on gas hydrate formation in thin, isolated, coarse- grained layers and in surrounding fine-grained hydrate-free zones. I use the available geophysical logging data measured in Walker Ridge 313 (WR 313) Hole H and Hole G in the northern Gulf of Mexico, combined with advection- diffusion-reaction model to explore the hydrate formation mechanisms in the 3 m-thick Red Sand and the 4 m-thick Purple Sand. The advection-diffusion- reaction model involves aqueous methane diffusion, methane transport with water advection, and methane generation. I confirm that a short-range methane diffusion mechanism is able to explain the hydrate accumulations in thin layers and the hydrate-free zones in the surrounding muds. I show the key parameters that control the total amount of methane and hydrate formation within coarse- grained layers as well as the thickness of hydrate-free zones in the surrounding fine-grained muds. This work is published in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, titled Factors Controlling Short-Range Methane Migration of Gas Hydrate Accumulations in Thin Coarse-Grained Layers. In Chapter 3, I describe in detail the time-dependent calculation of dissolved methane concentration and gas hydrate content in the advection- diffusion-reaction model. The partial differential equations for the mass balance of sedimentary organic carbon, methane, and hydrate are solved in terms of material derivatives. The material derivatives for each component are then solved applying a semi-Lagrangian finite difference method combined with a fractional step method, which is an effective mathematical method for solving advection problems. In addition, I show the key assumptions made in the development of the methane hydrate formation model in this work. In Chapter 4, I focus on high saturations (79-93% in pore volume) of hydrate formation in thick, coarse-grained sediments at Green Canyon 955 (GC 955) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. I use 1D and 2D numerical models and compare the predicted gas hydrate formation in coarse-grained layers with different mechanisms. I show that short-range methane diffusion and upward water advection are not enough to form high saturations of hydrate in the GC 955 reservoir, but the free gas flow is required to form high saturations of hydrate at GC 955. This work has been accepted to the special volume of American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Bulletin, titled Methane Migration Mechanisms for The GC 955 Gas Hydrate Reservoir, Northern Gulf of Mexico. In Chapter 5, I focus on the gas hydrate system on the Hikurangi Margin, offshore New Zealand, where the reservoir is cm-thick, coarse-grained silts bounded with fine-grained muds that contain no hydrate. I show the estimation of the base of gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) applying temperature measurements from coring and logging and the hydrate phase boundaries calculated from Sloan and Koh (2008) and Tishchenko et al., 2005. The estimated depth to the base of GHSZ are compared to that applied in Pecher et al. (2018), Screaton et al. (2019), and Sultan (2019). In addition, I apply previously developed 1D microbial methanogenesis advection-diffusion- reaction model to test methane migration mechanisms to form hydrate reservoir at Hikurangi Margin. In Chapter 6, I summarize the effects of different methane transport mechanisms that are short-range diffusion, upward water advection, and free gas flow on gas hydrate accumulations in heterogeneous marine sediments. I conclude that hydrate distribution and volume in marine settings depends heavily on the methane migration mechanisms, but it is also controlled by the amount of methane supply and sediment heterogeneity.

Modeling of Depressurization and Thermal Reservoir Simulation to Predict Gas Production from Methane-hydrate Formations

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The simulator can calculate gas and water production rates from a well, and the profiles of pressure, temperature and saturation distributions in the formation for various operating conditions. Results indicate that a significant amount of gas can be produced from a hypothetical hydrate formation overlying a free gas accumulation by several different production scenarios. However, steam injection remarkably improves gas production over depressurization and hot water injection.

Methane Gas Hydrate

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Gas hydrates represent one of the world’s largest untapped reservoirs of energy and, according to some estimates, have the potential to meet global energy needs for the next thousand years. "Methane Gas Hydrate" examines this potential by focusing on methane gas hydrate, which is increasingly considered a significant source of energy. "Methane Gas Hydrate" gives a general overview of natural gas, before delving into the subject of gas hydrates in more detail and methane gas hydrate in particular. As well as discussing methods of gas production, it also discusses the safety and environmental concerns associated with the presence of natural gas hydrates, ranging from their possible impact on the safety of conventional drilling operations to their influence on Earth’s climate. "Methane Gas Hydrate" is a useful reference on an increasingly popular energy source. It contains valuable information for chemical engineers and researchers, as well as for postgraduate students.