Computations of Complex Three-Dimensional Turbulent Free Jets

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Three-dimensional, incompressible turbulent jets with rectangular and elliptical cross-sections are simulated with a finite-difference numerical method. The full Navier- Stokes equations are solved at low Reynolds numbers, whereas at high Reynolds numbers filtered forms of the equations are solved along with a sub-grid scale model to approximate the effects of the unresolved scales. A 2-N storage, third-order Runge-Kutta scheme is used for temporary discretization and a fourth-order compact scheme is used for spatial discretization. Although such methods are widely used in the simulation of compressible flows, the lack of an evolution equation for pressure or density presents particular difficulty in incompressible flows. The pressure-velocity coupling must be established indirectly. It is achieved, in this study, through a Poisson equation which is solved by a compact scheme of the same order of accuracy. The numerical formulation is validated and the dispersion and dissipation errors are documented by the solution of a wide range of benchmark problems. Three-dimensional computations are performed for different inlet conditions which model the naturally developing and forced jets. The experimentally observed phenomenon of axis-switching is captured in the numerical simulation, and it is confirmed through flow visualization that this is based on self-induction of the vorticity field. Statistical quantities such as mean velocity, mean pressure, two-point velocity spatial correlations and Reynolds stresses are presented. Detailed budgets of the mean momentum and Reynolds stresses are presented. Detailed budgets of the mean momentum and Reynolds stress equations are presented to aid in the turbulence modeling of complex jets. Simulations of circular jets are used to quantify the effect of the non-uniform curvature of the non-circular jets. Wilson, Robert V. and Demuren, Ayodeji O. Langley Research Center NASA-CR-203976, NAS 1.26:203976, ICAM-97-101 NCC1-232...

Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of a Supersonic Under-expanded Rectangular Jet

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Abstract: A three-dimensional numerical simulation of the unsteady flow in an under-expanded supersonic rectangular jet has been conducted for the purpose of investigating and analyzing the production and propagation of jet noise. The compressible three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations are solved using high-order spatial and temporal differencing schemes. The solution method applies linear and nonlinear filtering schemes to produce oscillation-free shocks and discontinuities while minimizing dissipation effects in smooth regions. The solution method also applies nonreflecting boundary conditions to minimize reflections. Characteristic boundary conditions are implemented at the upstream and far-field boundaries and an absorbing buffer zone is added at the outflow boundary. OpenMP shared- memory model was utilized to parallelize the simulation and good parallel performance was achieved. The code was used to conduct a time dependent numerical simulation of an under-expanded supersonic rectangular jet. A comprehensive database of the simulation was generated. The results of the simulation were validated against experimental measurements and show very good agreement. The simulation is shown to resolve critical unsteady flow features of the jet such as vortex shedding, shock-cell structure, shock shear-layer interaction, flapping, and axis-switching. Visualization of the unsteady flow and analysis of the turbulent flow-field shows that the location of axis-switching is immediately downstream of the fourth shock. It is also observed that the location of the dominant screech source is at the third shock. Two-point space-time correlations demonstrate that the convection velocities in the jet shear layer are highly modulated by the presence of shock waves. Spectral analysis show that the simulation predicts, with good accuracy, screech modes frequencies, wavelengths, phase, and amplitudes. Analysis inside the jet shear layer and in the acoustic near-field reveal exact correspondence in frequency and phase between the inner and the outer parts of the screech loop. The simulation also predicts the complex pattern of the near acoustic field associated with screech. The current simulation represents the first successful three- dimensional numerical simulation of an under-expanded supersonic rectangular jet. It also represents a significant contribution towards accurate prediction of noise production and far-field radiation in supersonic jets. The computational tools developed in this study can be used to investigate a wide range of problems related to unsteady flows and aeroacoustics.

Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Jets with Rectangular Cross-Section

Book Description

Three-dimensional turbulent jets with rectangular cross-section are simulated with a finite-difference numerical method. The full Navier-Stokes equations are solved at low Reynolds numbers, whereas at the high Reynolds numbers filtered forms of the equations are solved along with a subgrid scale model to approximate effects of the unresolved scales. A 2-N storage, third-order Runge-Kutta scheme is used for temporal discretization and a fourth-order compact scheme is used for spatial discretization. Computations are performed for different inlet conditions which represent different types of jet forcing. The phenomenon of axis-switching is observed, and it is confirmed that this is based on self-induction of the vorticity field. Budgets of the mean streamwise velocity show that convection is balanced by gradients of the Reynolds stresses and the pressure.

Numerical Simulation of Jet Aerodynamics Using the Three-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Code Pab3d

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This report presents a unified method for subsonic and supersonic jet analysis using the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes code PAB3D. The Navier-Stokes code was used to obtain solutions for axisymmetric jets with on-design operating conditions at Mach numbers ranging from 0.6 to 3.0, supersonic jets containing weak shocks and Mach disks, and supersonic jets with nonaxisymmetric nozzle exit geometries. This report discusses computational methods, code implementation, computed results, and comparisons with available experimental data. Very good agreement is shown between the numerical solutions and available experimental data over a wide range of operating conditions. The Navier-Stokes method using the standard Jones-Launder two-equation kappa-epsilon turbulence model can accurately predict jet flow, and such predictions are made without any modification to the published constants for the turbulence model. Pao, S. Paul and Abdol-Hamid, Khaled S. Langley Research Center RTOP 505-59-70-04...

A Numerical Investigation of Three-Dimensional Impinging Jets

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Progress is reported on the direct numerical simulation complex VTOL flows using the full three-dimensional, time-dependent Navier-Strokes equations. The objective of this numerical simulation is to compute accurately the details of the flow, including the role of initial turbulence in the jet, the influence of forward motion on hover aerodynamics, the collision zone and fountain characteristics, and the jet structure and entrainment process in the transitional flight regime. The unsteady behavior of the jet flow due to forcing at a specific frequency has been investigated. Preliminary results on unsteady single-frequency forcing are presented and a discussion of work in the turbulence aspect of the problem is included. Keywords: Upwash fountain.

Large-Eddy Numerical Simulation of an Array of Three-Dimensional Impinging Jets

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Numerical simulations of a row of impinging jets are performed. Both the impinging jets and the fountains caused by the collision of the wall jets are modeled in the simulations. The problem considered contains the essential features of twin jets impinging on the ground, simulating the hovering configuration of a VTOL aircraft. The flow is assumed to be governed by the time-dependent, incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The large-eddy simulation approach is followed in which all scales resolvable by the grid resolution are computed explicitly, while the small-scale turbulence structures, which are nearly universal in character, are modeled by an eddy viscosity formulation that simulates the energy cascade into the small scales. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a staggered computational mesh. Central finite differencing is used to discretize all terms except the convective terms, which are discretized using the QUICK scheme. The Adams-Bashforth scheme is used to advance the solution in time. The pressure Poisson equation is used in place of the continuity equation. Efficient direct solutions are obtained for the pressure field, which allows the continuity equation to be satisfied at each time step. This study focuses on the motion and dynamics of large-scale structures that have been experimentally observed in jet flows. The behavior of the jets and the fountain due to introducing axisymmetric, azimuthal and random disturbances at the jet exists is investigated.

Numerical Simulations of Wall Jets

Book Description

This document summarizes the three year investigation of transitional and turbulent wall jets using direct numerical simulation (DNS) and large eddy simulation (LES). Towards this end, a three-dimensional, incompressible Navier-Stokes code developed in our research group for DNS of boundary-layer transition was adapted to the wall jet geometry. The code is based on the spatial model and is fourth-order accurate. For the LES, a Smagorinsky based subgrid-scale turbulence model and explicit fourth-order accurate compact filtering were incorporated. As an initial condition, a base flow close to Glauert's similarity solution of the laminar wall jet was employed. This flow was forced by blowing and suction through a slot in the wall. Periodic forcing was used for investigating primary and secondary instabilities in transitional wall jets (Re=2OO) We discovered competing two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) instability mechanisms which can be influenced significantly by the type of forcing. 2-D large/amplitude forcing produces (2-D) large coherent structures which reduce wall shear but may lead to ejections of vortices from the wall and even to a detachment of the wall jet. Additional 3-D forcing weakens these coherent structures (especially in the near-wall region) and can thus prevent vortex ejections. In our LES of turbulent wall jets, rapid breakdown to turbulence was triggered by large/amplitude 3-D random forcing. Despite the purely 3-D forcing, 2-D coherent structures still emerge in the free shear layer-like outer region, an indication of the strong 2-D instability of the wall jet. A fully turbulent mean flow which compares well with experiments is obtained for higher Reynolds numbers (Re=2OOO).