Energy Data Base

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Hot Hadronic Matter

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The past decade has seen the development of the operational understanding of fun damental interactions within the standard model. This has detoured our attention from the great enigmas posed by the dynamics and collective behavior of strongly interacting particles. Discovered more than 30 years ago, the thermal nature of the hadronic particle spectra has stimulated considerable theoretical effort, which so far has failed to 'confirm' on the basis of microscopic interactions the origins of this phenomenon. However, a highly successful Statistical Bootstrap Model was developed by Rolf Hagedorn at CERN about 30 years ago, which has led us to consider the 'boiling hadronic matter' as a transient state in the trans formation of hadronic particles into their melted form which we call Quark-GIuon-Plasma (QGP). Today, we return to seek detailed understanding of the thermalization processes of hadronic matter, equipped on the theoretical side with the knowledge of the fundamental strong interaction theory, the quantum chromo-dynamics (QCD), and recognizing the im portant role of the complex QCD-vacuum structure. On the other side, we have developed new experimental tools in the form of nuclear relativistic beams, which allow to create rather extended regions in space-time of Hot Hadronic Matter. The confluence of these new and recent developments in theory and experiment led us to gather together from June 27 to July 1, 1994, at the Grand Hotel in Divonne-Ies-Bains, France, to discuss and expose the open questions and issues in our field.

Catalogue of Scientific Papers

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Quarks, Leptons, and Their Constituents

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From 5 to 15 August 1984, a group of 79 physicists from 61 laboratories in 26 countries met in Erice for the 22nd Course of the International School of Subnuclear Physics. The countries represented were Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, People's Republic of China, Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States of America. The School was sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Public Education (MPI), the Italian Ministry of Scientific and Technologi cal Research (MRST), the Regional Sicilian Government (ERS), and the Weizmann Institute of Science. The programme of the School was devoted to a review of the most significant results in theoretical and experimental research work on the interactions between what we believe today are the point like constituents of the world: quarks and leptons. It should however not be forgotten that many problems are still to be understood: especially in the forefront of the correla tion between quarks and leptons. This game started in 1966 with the proposal for "leptonic quarks" and went on with "preons" and "rishons" just to quote the most famous attempts to unify these two worlds.

The Birth of String Theory

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Explores the early stages of the development of string theory; essential reading for physicists, historians and philosophers of science.

Il Nuovo Cimento. B.

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