King O'Malley

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The Lone Hand

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King O'Malley

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A Constitutional Journey

Book Description

The book deals with the Australian Constitution from a citizen's point of view on the basis that the Constitution is the most important document in everyone's life. It is the vehicle which allows the Government to make all the laws that control our society. As such, it needs to be understood by ordinary people. The Australian Constitution is still one part of a nine part Act of the British Parliament and that makes a mockery of anyone trying to claim that Australia is a sovereign independent nation. My book looks at the history of the Constitution and the ongoing farcical legal and political attempts to make Australia look independent while still retaining this Act of the British Parliament as our Constitution.

Journal of Peace, Prosperity and Freedom

Book Description

ARTICLES IN VOLUME 2 (2013) ‘The High Court’s Attack on Federalism’, By Tim Andrews; ‘The Constitutionality of Fiat Paper Money in Australia: Fidelity or Convenience?’, By Andrew Dahdal; ‘Taking a Little off the Top: How Henry VIII and Edward VI Destroyed the Value of England’s Currency’ By Marcus M. Witcher ‘Free Markets, Competition and Medical Practice’ By Brian Bedkober ‘A Strategy for the Fourth Estate in a World Engulfed by Narrative’ By Vinay Kolhatkar ‘Departurism Redeemed – A Response to Walter Block’s ‘Evictionism is Libertarian; Departurism is Not: Critical Comment on Parr’ By Sean Parr ‘Rejoinder to Parr on Evictionism and Departurism’ By Walter Block BOOK REVIEWS The Harm in Hate Speech By David Gordon Where Keynes Went Wrong: And Why World Governments Keep Creating Inflation, Bubbles and Busts By Vinay Kolhatkar Beyond Democracy By Sukrit Sabhlok; Against Intellectual Monopoly, By Jeffrey Tucker; Betrayal of the American Right, By Andrew Dahdal.

On Tap

Book Description

On Tap delves into the annals of pub-lore to discover funny, sad, illuminating and intriguing episodes and incidents in the life of this great Australian institution. The author has collected anecdotes, serious history, folklore tall stories and urban myths about Australians and pubs.

Parliamentary Debates

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True Believers

Book Description

This volume presents the unfolding story of 607 men and women who have made up the Australian federal Labor Caucus. It is a story of a century of change, the building of a nation through war and peace, economic depression and expansion, migration and development.

Explorer One

Book Description

Project Explorer. The year is 2510, humans are living underground, using all of the Earth's surface to grow food. The United Nations has been replaced with a singular global government and nations have been replaced by states. Earth is still running out of room and food. Mars has been terraformed and contains 1.2 billion humans. The moon is used as a space station. The world government sponsors Explorer One for interstellar habitation. Explorer One is a one-way trip to populate the galaxy. The Explorer One ship, built in the Earth-Moon apogee, is as large as Jacksonville, Florida. The initial power is hydrogen, harvested from space. Power outside the solar system, in free space, is nuclear. Groups of androids are trained as research scientists. The awakening in the year 2628. There are new developments by androids while humans slept. Advanced androids expanded Explorer One, now twice the size as the one that left Earth. Androids developed an unlimited fusion power plant. The androids want a peaceful co-existence with humans They have gained conscious awareness as a new life form. An indecipherable message is received by the orbiting space station. Long range sensors from the space station reveal an armada of alien ships headed for Earth Two. Since Earth Two is defenseless, a message for help is sent to Earth Prime, but the signal is jammed. Earth Two's government finally receives the ultimatum: surrender or face total annihilation. E-mail your opinions of this book to [email protected].