Objective Bayesian Estimation for the Number of Classes in a Population Using Jeffreys and Reference Priors

Book Description

Estimation of the number of classes in a closed population is a problem that arises in many different subject areas. A common application occurs in animal populations where there is interest in determining the number of different species, also the diversity or species richness, of the population.

Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models

Book Description

With Bayesian statistics rapidly becoming accepted as a way to solve applied statisticalproblems, the need for a comprehensive, up-to-date source on the latest advances in thisfield has arisen.Presenting the basic theory of a large variety of linear models from a Bayesian viewpoint,Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models fills this need. Plus, this definitive volume containssomething traditional-a review of Bayesian techniques and methods of estimation, hypothesis,testing, and forecasting as applied to the standard populations ... somethinginnovative-a new approach to mixed models and models not generally studied by statisticianssuch as linear dynamic systems and changing parameter models ... and somethingpractical-clear graphs, eary-to-understand examples, end-of-chapter problems, numerousreferences, and a distribution appendix.Comprehensible, unique, and in-depth, Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models is the definitivemonograph for statisticians, econometricians, and engineers. In addition, this text isideal for students in graduate-level courses such as linear models, econometrics, andBayesian inference.

Nonlocal Priors for Bayesian Variable Selection in Generalized Linear Models and Generalized Linear Mixed Models and Their Applications in Biology Data

Book Description

A crucial problem in building a generalized linear model (GLM) or a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) is to identify which subset of predictors should be included into the model. Hence, the main thrust of this dissertation is aimed to discuss and showcase our promising Bayesian methods that circumvent this problem in both GLMs and GLMMs. In the first part of the dissertation, we study the hyper-g prior based Bayesian variable selection procedure for generalized linear models. In the second part of the dissertation, we propose two novel scale mixtures of nonlocal priors (SMNP) for variable selection in GLMs. In the last part of the dissertation, we develop novel nonlocal prior for variable selection in generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and apply the proposed nonlocal prior and its inference procedure for the whole genome allelic imbalance detection.

Models for Discrete Longitudinal Data

Book Description

The linear mixed model has become the main parametric tool for the analysis of continuous longitudinal data, as the authors discussed in their 2000 book. Without putting too much emphasis on software, the book shows how the different approaches can be implemented within the SAS software package. The authors received the American Statistical Association's Excellence in Continuing Education Award based on short courses on longitudinal and incomplete data at the Joint Statistical Meetings of 2002 and 2004.

Measurement Error and Misclassification in Statistics and Epidemiology

Book Description

Mismeasurement of explanatory variables is a common hazard when using statistical modeling techniques, and particularly so in fields such as biostatistics and epidemiology where perceived risk factors cannot always be measured accurately. With this perspective and a focus on both continuous and categorical variables, Measurement Error and Misclassi

Objective Bayesian Testing and Model Selection for Poisson Models

Book Description

Count data may be related to covariates and exposures via a Poisson regression model. This study is concerned with the objective Bayesian approach to testing hypotheses and model selection for Poisson models. When little or no prior information is available, use of an objective (or default) prior is often considered desirable. We review and develop several objective priors; included here are such recently developed techniques as shrinkage priors, fractional priors, intrinsic priors. The characteristics of these priors are evaluated in terms of what may be regarded as desirable of objective priors for testing and model selection. Since objective priors for a given problem can be used automatically in different applications involving the same problem, it may also be of interest to compare the frequentist probabilities of wrong decisions associated with the use of these priors. In this research, we also propose and investigate the shrinkage priors and default conjugate priors for the parameters in Poisson Generalized Linear Mixed Models. Chib's approach in the context of MCMC is used for estimating the marginal likelihood for the purpose of Bayesian model comparisons, especially when the computation is complex.

Bayesian inference with INLA

Book Description

The integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) is a recent computational method that can fit Bayesian models in a fraction of the time required by typical Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. INLA focuses on marginal inference on the model parameters of latent Gaussian Markov random fields models and exploits conditional independence properties in the model for computational speed. Bayesian Inference with INLA provides a description of INLA and its associated R package for model fitting. This book describes the underlying methodology as well as how to fit a wide range of models with R. Topics covered include generalized linear mixed-effects models, multilevel models, spatial and spatio-temporal models, smoothing methods, survival analysis, imputation of missing values, and mixture models. Advanced features of the INLA package and how to extend the number of priors and latent models available in the package are discussed. All examples in the book are fully reproducible and datasets and R code are available from the book website. This book will be helpful to researchers from different areas with some background in Bayesian inference that want to apply the INLA method in their work. The examples cover topics on biostatistics, econometrics, education, environmental science, epidemiology, public health, and the social sciences.


Book Description

Abstract : The generalized lognormal distribution plays an important role in various aspects of life testing experiments. We examine Bayesian analysis of this distribution using objective priors (in the general sense of priors constructed using some formal rules) for the model parameters in this paper. Specifically, the derivation of explicit expressions for multiple types of the Jeffreys priors, the reference priors with different group ordering of the parameters, and the first-order matching priors. We investigate the important issue of proper posterior distributions. It is shown that only two of them lead to proper posterior distributions. Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to compare the performances of the Bayesian approaches under the various priors. Last, a real-world data case will be shown to illustrate the theoretical analysis.

Bayesian Inference for Linear and Generalized Linear Models with a Flexible Prior Structure on the Covariance Matrix

Book Description

The resulting approximate distribution can be expressed in a multivariate Normal form with respect to the unique elements of the matrix logarithm transformation of the covariance matrix. Therefore, the multivariate Normal distribution can be utilized as a prior specification for the unique elements of the matrix logarithm of the covariance matrix. The resulting approximate posterior distribution for the covariance structure is also a multivariate Normal form. Thus, the analytical tractability of conjugacy is maintained. Moreover, the multivariate Normal is a very rich and exible family of prior distributions. In particular, this family enables the practitioner to specify varying levels of strength in the beliefs of the prior location hyperparameters. This is accomplished via the unique diagonal or variance elements of the multivariate Normal prior hyperparameter covariance matrix.