Ocean Bay — Prehistory and Contact History at Afognak Bay

Book Description

Excavations at three Ocean Bay culture sites at Ocean Bay and on Afognak Island bordering the Gulf of Alaska extend time depth to circa 4000 B.C. and gave a new technological dimension to a sub-area of the North Pacific where the previously known sequence had for 3,000 years emphasised ground slate technology.

Manifesting Power

Book Description

Power relations among humans have likely been a topic of interest since long before any historical claims to its nature were proffered. This book recognizes that power and gender may be rooted in the experience of power in western society.

Skeena River Prehistory

Book Description

This volume presents the results of archaeological work along the Skeena River between 1966 and 1971 and includes excavation reports for Gitaus (GdTc-2) and Gitlaxdzawk (GdTc-1), village sites in the Kitselas Canyon, and the Hagwilget Canyon site (GhSv-2). Also included are reports on site surveys along the river and on the petroglyphs of the Kitselas Canyon area.

Examination of Prehistoric Copper Technology and Copper Sources in Western Arctic and Subarctic North America

Book Description

The results of investigations of copper technology and sources of copper of the prehistoric inhabitants of the North American Arctic and Subarctic are described. A total of 342 artifacts were examined from Arctic Small Tool tradition, Thule, Historic Eskimo, Chipewyan, Kutchin, and Ahtna contexts. Part 1 contains an analysis of copper composition, primarily by the neutron activation method, and a description of prehistoric manufacturing techniques. Part II is an annotated bibliography of metal occurrences in the north.

Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Review 1980-1981 / Commission archéologique du Canada, rapports annuels 1980-1981

Book Description

This volume describes the activities of the Archaeological Survey of Canada, National Museum of Man, for the years 1980 and 1981. / Un rapport sur les activités du Commission archéologique du Canada, Musée national de l’Homme pendant les années 1980 à 1981.

Archaeological Research at Calling Lake, Northern Alberta

Book Description

An archaeological survey of Calling Lake, situated in the mixed wood forest zone approximately 225 km north of Edmonton, found an abundance of prehistoric material at sites on the east and southeast shore. Four prehistoric campsites were excavated in three field seasons from l966 to 1968. Comparison of projectile point styles with types dated elsewhere suggest that occupation of two of the sites began in the interval 3000 to 1000 B.C. with major occupation of the other two sites starting somewhat later. Cultural affiliations appear to be with the Taltheilei tradition and earlier, with the Plains area.

Archaeological Survey of Canada Annual Reviews, 1977-1979

Book Description

A report on the activities of the Archaeological Survey of Canada, National Museum of Man for the years 1977 to 1979.

Marriage Patterns in an Archaic Population

Book Description

This study is based on the premise that marriage patterns determine the composition of the adult segment of hunter-gatherer groups, and that the composition is reflected in the expression of osteological traits within and between sexes. Analysis of metric and non-metric traits in adult skeletons from Locus II of the Port au Choix3 site suggest the practice of exogamy coupled with a virilocal post-nuptial marriage pattern.

Patrimonio cultural / Património cultural / Patrimoine culturel / Cultural heritage

Book Description

The proceedings of the Interamerican Seminar on Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage and the Technical Meeting on Rescue Archaeology are presented in Spanish, French, English and Portuguese. These meetings, held jointly in the Panamanian Museum of Man, were organized by the Working Group on Conservation of Historical and Prehistorical Heritage (Pan American Institute of Geography and History), the Cultural Heritage Technical Unit (Organization of American States) and the National Directorate (Historical Heritage of Panama). / Les comptes rendus de l’Interamerican Seminar on Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage et de la Technical Meeting on Rescue Archaeology sont présentés en espagnol, en français, en anglais et en portugais. Ces réunions, tenues conjointement dans le Musée national de l’Homme du Panama, étaient organisées par le groupe de travail sur la conservation du patrimoine historique et préhistorique (Institut panaméricain de géographie et d’histoire), l’Unité technique du patrimoine culturel (Organisation des États américains) et la Direction nationale (Patrimoine historique du Panama).