Book Description
You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself. It is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. We never realise that we need to love ourselves first; how much do we value and feel good about ourselves that we expect love and appreciation from others! The hunt is always outside: "Where can we find love and the lover?" Until we learn to embrace ourselves, there is no way we can be loved by and love others too. As you read the book, you will learn that loving yourself is a life-long romance. Self-love is considered important because loving yourself means that you become fully aware of your being, of your strengths and weaknesses, you are more aware of your gift to the world. You'll see how to: - -Become a powerful source within yourself that attracts better. -Cultivate an acceptance of who you are and what you feel impassioned to do. -Embrace setbacks more when you slip off the road. -Evolve your ability to create a positive atmosphere around you. -Define yourself in shaping the kind of life you want. -Adopt healthy habits and take care of your physical self. -Be your own kind. -Stay true to yourself. MIND is a flexible MIRROR, adjust it to see a better version of yourself," writes Asha Nair.