Ocho Principios Para Criar Hijos Exitosos

Book Description

¿Quieres hijos que sean pacientes, amables, humildes, agradecidos y respetuosos? ¿Que tengan una buena ética de trabajo, un carácter fuerte y una autoimagen saludable? ¿Que tengan éxito en todas las áreas de la vida--personal, profesional y relacionalmente--hasta el máximo de sus capacidades? No puedes obligar a tus hijos a estar agradecidos por todo lo que haces, pero puedes criar hijos exitosos y responsables que se conviertan en adultos de los que puedas estar orgulloso. Con su característico ingenio y sabiduría, el experto internacional en crianza, el Dr. Kevin Leman, revela ocho estrategias sensatas que se basan en los fundamentos del carácter, el buen comportamiento, el respeto, la disciplina y una actitud ganadora. Él te muestra cómo: Esperar lo mejor para obtener lo mejor Minimizar la fricción y optimizar las soluciones Poner tu relación en primer lugar Y mucho más Es posible criar a un niño exitoso en una generación de "lo que sea". El Dr. Leman te muestra lo simple que puede ser. ____________________________________________________ Do you want children who are patient, kind, humble, grateful, and respectful? Who have a good work ethic, strong character, and a healthy self-image? Who succeed in all areas of life--personally, professionally, and relationally--to the best of their abilities? You can't force your children to be grateful for everything you do, but you can raise successful and responsible children who become adults you can be proud of. With his characteristic wit and wisdom, international parenting expert Dr. Kevin Leman reveals eight sensible strategies based on the foundations of character, good behavior, respect, discipline, and a winning attitude. He shows you how to: Expect the best to get the best Minimize friction and optimize solutions Put your relationship first And much more It is possible to raise a successful child in a generation of "whatever." Dr. Leman shows you how simple it can be.

La Guia Definitiva Para Padres Extraordinarios

Book Description

ANTES DE EMPEZAR Debes saber que este no es un libro de crianza típico. En primer lugar, yo no elegí escribirlo. Durante tres años, mis hijos (ahora adultos), insistieron en que tenía que escribir cómo hice para criarlos tan bien, dadas nuestras circunstancias cambiantes. Ambos son tremendamente exitosos, y aprecian tanto la manera en que los crie, que me pidieron que escribiera una guía que explique cómo lo hice. Así, no solo ellos pueden aprender a ser padres extraordinarios, sino que otros podrán hacerlo también. Realmente creen que estos principios de crianza pueden tener un impacto en el mundo. Y, ¿sabes qué? Yo también lo creo. En segundo lugar, este libro es crudo, vulnerable y muy personal. Este libro no es una guía didáctica común. Te voy a contar mis momentos más bajos (también los más altos, no te preocupes). Te contaré mis historias, las divertidas, las vergonzosas y las que todavía me ponen la piel chinita. Este libro es maternidad/paternidad en todas sus formas, tamaños y matices. Es real. Tengo que reconocer que la manera en que eduqué a mis hijos se basó completamente en ensayo y error, repetición y experimentación constante. Todo esto me llevó a descubrir nuevas formas de pensar sobre la crianza. Los tres fuimos conejillos de indias durante el proceso. En tercer lugar, vas a leer lo que piensan mis hijos, Paulina y Sebastián, en sus propias palabras. Ellos profundizaron tanto como yo para compartir sus propias perspectivas sobre las historias crudas y personales que relato en este libro. Vas a vivir cada historia desde mi punto de vista y desde la de ellos. Te van a contar cada detalle vulnerable, cómo se sentían en esos momentos, qué pensaban y cómo reaccionaron ante mi manera de criarlos. Después comparten sus reflexiones sobre cómo se manejó cada situación particular, para convertirlos en las personas que son hoy. Por último, este libro rompe las reglas. Todas esas reglas que has oído sobre cómo los niños perfectos nacen de circunstancias perfectas, que una familia necesita una estructura ideal y convencional, que criar a los hijos como padre/madre soltero/a es una tarea imposible... ya sabes, las reglas. En mi familia, a esas reglas les decimos "Brules" (Bullshit rules, reglas de mierda.) ¿Sabes qué hacemos con esas Brules? Las rompemos. Este libro es para eso.

Educar sin gritos

Book Description

Aprende a desarrollar una mentalidad de crecimiento en tu Hijo o hija sin necesidad de gritos o peleas. El guiar correctamente a nuestros hijos desde temprana edad es crucial para el bienestar del circulo familiar ya que los hijos están adsorbiendo todo lo que ven y todo lo que oyen. Siempre será mejor decisión el hablar con tu hijo en forma calmada y con las palabras correctas para que este pueda verse en un futuro y no afectar a una futura familia. Este libro te puede ayudar a entender bien las maneras correctas de educar a tu hijo desde temprana edad.

Living in a Step-Family without Getting Stepped On

Book Description

"When two families unite, they don't blend, they collide," says Dr. Kevin Leman, bestselling author of The New Birth Order Book. But he also believes, "You can blend a family without breaking it. The principles in this book will help you wage the battle of blending your family-and come up not only a survivor but a winner!" By understanding the impact that birth order has on each family member, parents are better equipped to ease the transition into a new, different but functional family unit. Using his signature humor and real life examples, Dr. Leman provides both insight and practical advice about discipline, self-respect, parental authority, and the importance of the marriage relationship.

Be the Dad She Needs You to Be

Book Description

From the New York Times best-selling author of Have a New Kid by Friday comes a call to dads to step up to the plate and become the loving, actively engaged father that a daughter needs for life and relational success. The relationship that matters most to your daughter isn't always the one with her mother—sometimes it's the one with you, Dad. Her self-esteem, choices, behavior, character, and even her ideas about or choice of a marriage partner are all directly tied to you, as the most important representative to her of the male species. In Be the Dad She Needs You to Be Dr. Kevin Leman—internationally-known psychologist, New York Times best-selling author, and father of four daughters—will show you not only how to get the fathering job done and done well, but also how to: Make each daughter feel unique, special, and valued. Discipline the right way . . . when it's needed. Talk turkey about what guys are really thinking. Keep the critical eye at bay. Wave the truce flag when females turn your family room into a battleground. Set your daughter up for life and relational success. With some effort on your part, you can gain the kind of lasting relationship you dream of with your daughter—one based on mutual love and respect. The simple yet profound suggestions in this book will transform you into the kind of man your daughter needs . . . for a lifetime.

Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills

Book Description

We all negotiate on a daily basis. We negotiate with our spouses, children, parents, and friends. We negotiate when we rent an apartment, buy a car, purchase a house, and apply for a job. Your ability to negotiate might even be the most important factor in your career advancement. Negotiation is also the key to business success. No organization can survive without contracts that produce profits. At a strategic level, businesses are concerned with value creation and achieving competitive advantage. But the success of high-level business strategies depends on contracts made with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. Contracting capability—the ability to negotiate and perform successful contracts—is the most important function in any organization. This book is designed to help you achieve success in your personal negotiations and in your business transactions. The book is unique in two ways. First, the book not only covers negotiation concepts, but also provides practical actions you can take in future negotiations. This includes a Negotiation Planning Checklist and a completed example of the checklist for your use in future negotiations. The book also includes (1) a tool you can use to assess your negotiation style; (2) examples of “decision trees,” which are useful in calculating your alternatives if your negotiation is unsuccessful; (3) a three-part strategy for increasing your power during negotiations; (4) a practical plan for analyzing your negotiations based on your reservation price, stretch goal, most-likely target, and zone of potential agreement; (5) clear guidelines on ethical standards that apply to negotiations; (6) factors to consider when deciding whether you should negotiate through an agent; (7) psychological tools you can use in negotiations—and traps to avoid when the other side uses them; (8) key elements of contract law that arise during negotiations; and (9) a checklist of factors to use when you evaluate your performance as a negotiator. Second, the book is unique in its holistic approach to the negotiation process. Other books often focus narrowly either on negotiation or on contract law. Furthermore, the books on negotiation tend to focus on what happens at the bargaining table without addressing the performance of an agreement. These books make the mistaken assumption that success is determined by evaluating the negotiation rather than evaluating performance of the agreement. Similarly, the books on contract law tend to focus on the legal requirements for a contract to be valid, thus giving short shrift to the negotiation process that precedes the contract and to the performance that follows. In the real world, the contracting process is not divided into independent phases. What happens during a negotiation has a profound impact on the contract and on the performance that follows. The contract’s legal content should reflect the realities of what happened at the bargaining table and the performance that is to follow. This book, in contrast to others, covers the entire negotiation process in chronological order beginning with your decision to negotiate and continuing through the evaluation of your performance as a negotiator. A business executive in one of the negotiation seminars the author teaches as a University of Michigan professor summarized negotiation as follows: “Life is negotiation!” No one ever stated it better. As a mother with young children and as a company leader, the executive realized that negotiations are pervasive in our personal and business lives. With its emphasis on practical action, and with its chronological, holistic approach, this book provides a roadmap you can use when navigating through your life as a negotiator.

Empty Nest, Full Life

Book Description

How to Thrive After Your Kids Leave Home IT’S HAPPENING! You weren’t always sure you’d get here, but the kids grew up and are surviving—more or less successfully. But what now?! If you’re like most moms, you’re caught between grief and delight, and full of questions, loose ends, hopes, and regrets. Empty nesting can be a disorienting time, but it can also be the best time of your life. Jill Savage, an empty-nest veteran, offers you WISDOM for the murky waters ahead. Teaching you what you need to let go of and hold on to ENCOURAGEMENT for when you’re feeling confused and discouraged. Full of stories and new insights, you’ll find your spirits lifted and hope renewed. IDEAS for when you don’t know "What’s next?" Jill offers loads of practical ideas for coping and thriving in this encore season.


Book Description

Descended from a long and ancient lineage, tapirs are important tropical forest seed dispersers. However, today, all species of tapirs are threatened to various degrees by habitat destruction and hunting. This action plan was written with wildlife biologists, ecologists, administrators, educators and local conservation officials in mind and is aimed at those countries with tapir populations. It provides a brief natural history of each species and its objective is to aid in their conservation by catalyzing conservation action. In addition, it is hoped that the contents of the plan will stimulate further research into this fascinating group of animals.

Overcoming Autism

Book Description

There have been huge advances in our ability to diagnose autism and in the development of effective interventions that can change children’s lives. In this extraordinary book, Lynn Kern Koegel, a leading clinician, researcher, and cofounder of the renowned Autism Research Center at the University of California at Santa Barbara, combines her cutting-edge expertise with the everyday perspectives of Claire LaZebnik, a writer whose experience with a son with autism provides a rare window into the disorder. Together, they draw on the highly effective “pivotal response” approach developed at the center to provide concrete ways of improving the symptoms of autism and the emotional struggles that surround it, while reminding readers never to lose sight of the humor that lurks in the disability’s quirkiness or the importance of enjoying your child. From the shock of diagnosis to the step-by-step work with verbal communication, social interaction, self-stimulation, meltdowns, fears, and more, the answers are here-in a book that is as warm and nurturing as it is authoritative.