OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2 Test No. 207: Earthworm, Acute Toxicity Tests

Book Description

This Test Guideline includes two methods: a paper contact toxicity test and an artificial soil test. The recommended specie is Eisenia foetida (Michaelsen). The initial screening test (filter paper contact test) involves exposing earthworms to test ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2 Test No. 203: Fish, Acute Toxicity Test

Book Description

The fish are exposed to the test substance preferably for a period of 96 hours. Mortalities are recorded at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours and the concentrations which kill 50 per cent of the fish (LC50) are determined where possible. One or more species ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2 Test No. 204: Fish, Prolonged Toxicity Test: 14-Day Study

Book Description

This Test Guideline presents guidance for measurement of lethal and other observed effects in fish exposed to test substances. It may be used in place of Test Guideline 203 if a longer observation period is considered useful and appropriate and the ...

Test No. 222: Earthworm Reproduction Test (Eisenia fetida/Eisenia andrei)

Book Description

This Test Guideline is designed to be used for assessing the effects of chemicals in soil on the reproductive output (and other sub-lethal end points) of the earthworm species Eisenia fetida or Eisenia andrei. Adult worms are exposed to a range of ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2 Test No. 246: Bumblebee, Acute Contact Toxicity Test

Book Description

This Test Guideline describes a method to assess effects of a test chemical on the phagocytotic activity of activated sludge containing protozoan organisms under defined conditions in the presence of different concentrations of the test chemical. The principle of biological sewage-treatment ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2 Test No. 210: Fish, Early-life Stage Toxicity Test

Book Description

The test method described in this Test Guideline, is intended to define the lethal and sub-lethal effects of chemicals on the early life stages of the species tested. The early-life stages of fish are exposed to five concentrations of the test ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2 Test No. 213: Honeybees, Acute Oral Toxicity Test

Book Description

This Test Guideline is a laboratory test method, designed to assess the oral acute toxicity of pesticides and other chemicals, to adult worker honeybees. Adult worker honeybees are exposed to five doses in a geometric series of the test substance ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2 Test No. 225: Sediment-Water Lumbriculus Toxicity Test Using Spiked Sediment

Book Description

This Test Guideline is designed to assess the effects of prolonged exposure to sediment-associated chemicals on the reproduction and the biomass of the endobenthic oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller). The method is described for static test ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2 Test No. 247: Bumblebee, Acute Oral Toxicity Test

Book Description

This Test Guideline describes a method to assess effects of a test chemical on the phagocytotic activity of activated sludge containing protozoan organisms under defined conditions in the presence of different concentrations of the test chemical. The principle of biological sewage-treatment ...