OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 5 Introduction to OECD Test Guidelines on Pesticide Residues Chemistry - Section 5 Part A

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The objective of OECD Test Guidelines for the pesticide residue chemistry is to assess pesticide exposure by identifying these residues in food or animal feedstuffs for purposes of dietary risk assessment and setting Maximum Residue Levels. They ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 5 Test No. 508: Magnitude of the Pesticide Residues in Processed Commodities

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This Test Guideline describes how to plan and carry out processing studies, i.e. determine residue levels in primary processed commodities following pesticide application on raw agriculture commodities (RAC) under conditions likely to lead to ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 5 Test No. 507: Nature of the Pesticide Residues in Processed Commodities - High Temperature Hydrolysis

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This Test Guideline describes a method conducted as model studies to predict the degradation pathway of the active ingredient under hydrolytic conditions, to identify the degradation products, and to determine the relative amount of degradation ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 5 Test No. 504: Residues in Rotational Crops (Limited Field Studies)

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This Test Guideline describes a method to determine the amount of pesticide residues which may be accumulated into rotational crops via soil uptake following realistic agricultural practices. These data may be used to establish crop rotation ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 5 Test No. 509: Crop Field Trial

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Crop field trials are conducted to determine the magnitude of the pesticide residue in or on raw agricultural commodities, including feed items, and should be designed to reflect pesticide use patterns that lead to the highest possible residues ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals / Section 5: Other Test Guidelines Test No. 504: Residues in Rotational Crops (Limited Field Studies)

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This Test Guideline describes a method to determine the amount of pesticide residues which may be accumulated into rotational crops via soil uptake following realistic agricultural practices. These data may be used to establish crop rotation ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 5 Test No 506: Stability of Pesticide Residues in Stored Commodities

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The aim of these studies is to demonstrate the time period for which stability has been shown in representative commodities from crops. Freezer storage stability studies should include sufficient starting material and should have a sufficiently high ...

OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 5 Test No. 501: Metabolism in Crops

Book Description

Studies of Metabolism in Crops are used to elucidate the degradation pathway of the active ingredient and require the identification of the metabolism and/or degradation products when a pesticide is applied to a crop directly or indirectly. A ...