Debate the Issues

Book Description

New Challenges, New Approaches Introduction: The Romeo and Juliet of Economic Transformation UNIVERSAL The Sustainable Development Goals: A Duty and an Opportunity Answering the Queen's Question: New Approaches to Economic Challenges Policy Coherence from New Data, New Research, New Mindsets Measuring Multidimensional Well-being and Sustainable Development The Importance of a Policy Coherence Lens for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals INTEGRATED How Tajik weddings helped me understand Wall Street Turning the Tide Towards Inclusiveness Inclusive Growth: An Opportunity to Put Growth on a Socially Sustainable Footing The Productivity and Equality Nexus: Is there a Benefit in addressing them together? Structural Policies and Distributional Consequences Environmental Policies and Economic Performance Understanding and Managing the Unequal Consequences of Environment Pressures and Policies Resilience of Economies to Exogenous Shocks Gender Equality and the Sustainable Development Goals Finance, Growth and Inequality Challenges Facing Asia and Pacific in Terms of Sustainable Development From Analysis to Action - Multidimensional Country Reviews TRANSFORMATIVE Making Trade and Investment Work for People The Sustainable Development Goals and Development Co-operation Benefiting from the Next Production Revolution Learn to Earn: Skills, Inequality and Well-being The Future of Development is Ageing A New Paradigm for Rural Development New Approaches to Economic Challenges in a Century of Cities Food Security and Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals Coordination and Implementation of the SDGs: The Role of the Centres of Government The Implications of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda for the OECD A Policy Pathfinder for the Sustainable Development Goals NAEC and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward

OECD Insights Debate the Issues: Investment

Book Description

Why do financial markets see so little risk, while companies that invest in the real economy appear to be much more prudent? How will we fund future pensions when interest on the products that finance them are so low? Where will the trillions of dollars needed to improve and extend ...

OECD Insights Ageing Debate the Issues

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OECD Insights: Ageing discusses the problems, challenges, and opportunities that ageing brings to citizens and governments in developed and developing countries.

OECD Insights Income Inequality The Gap between Rich and Poor

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This book explores income inequality across five main headings. It starts by explaining some key terms in the inequality debate. It then examines recent trends and explains why income inequality varies between countries.

OECD Insights International Trade Free, Fair and Open?

Book Description

Argues that prosperity has rarely, if ever, been achieved or sustained without trade. Trade alone, however, is not enough; policies targeting employment, education, health and other issues are also needed to promote well-being and tackle the challenges of a globalised economy.


Book Description

Abstract: Ageing has a wide range of impacts on individuals and society as a whole. But the consequences for health care, working life, income and well-being in general are not always what many people imagine. OECD Insights: Ageing: Debate the Issues discusses the problems, challenges, and opportunities that ageing brings to citizens and governments in developed and developing countries. Experts on demography, medical research, pensions, employment and other domains from inside and outside the OECD present their latest analyses and views on one of the most important trends shaping our societies

OECD Insights Debate the Issues: New Approaches to Economic Challenges

Book Description

To capitalise on the new international resolve epitomised by COP21 and the agreement on the universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires a renewed effort to promote new policy thinking and new approaches to the great challenges ahead. Responding to new challenges means we have to ...

Debate the Issues

Book Description

Why do financial markets see so little risk, while companies that invest in the real economy appear to be much more prudent? How will we fund future pensions when interest on the products that finance them are so low? Where will the trillions of dollars needed to improve and extend infrastructures come from? How should international capital flows be regulated? These and other challenges are discussed in this collection of expert opinions on the social, economic and policy perspectives facing international investors, governments, businesses, and citizens worldwide.