OECD Public Governance Reviews Kazakhstan: Review of the Central Administration

Book Description

This review examines the functioning, structure and organisation of the central government and line ministries in Kazakhstan, as well as their capacities to implement national objectives and priorities, outlined in the Kazakhstan’s Vision 2050.

OECD Multi-level Governance Studies Making Decentralisation Work A Handbook for Policy-Makers

Book Description

This report offers a comprehensive overview of decentralisation policies and reforms in OECD countries and beyond. Sometimes called a “silent” or “quiet” revolution, decentralisation is among the most important reforms of the past 50 years. The report argues that decentralisation outcomes – in ...

OECD Public Governance Reviews Towards an Open Government in Kazakhstan

Book Description

This review looks at the cultural, economic, historical and political context for open government reforms in Kazakhstan and proposes recommendations for concrete actions Kazakhstan can take to fully implement open government reforms.

OECD Multi-level Governance Studies Maintaining the Momentum of Decentralisation in Ukraine

Book Description

This Multi-level Governance Series study focuses on Ukraine’s advances in regional development, territorial reform and decentralisation since 2014. The Government launched a reform to merge local governments and strengthen the decentralisation process, giving additional power and resources...

OECD Multi-level Governance Studies Decentralisation and Regionalisation in Bulgaria Towards Balanced Regional Development

Book Description

Bulgaria has made solid progress in its territorial governance and socio-economic development. Yet, it has not been able to counteract large and increasing territorial disparities. Doing so will require addressing remaining structural challenges that may be limiting further transformation, government performance and regional resilience.