OECD Public Governance Reviews Hungary: Towards a Strategic State Approach

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This report makes a series of recommendations for strengthening the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and integrity of the public administration and supporting sustainable and inclusive growth and development in Hungary.

OECD Public Governance Reviews Hungary: Reforming the State Territorial Administration

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This review focuses on the objectives and direction of the State Territorial Administration Reform (STAR) that the Government of Hungary launched in 2010. It provides an evidence-based evaluation of the current state of the reform and identifies actions for improvement.


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OECD Public Governance Reviews A Strategic Approach to Public Integrity in Hungary The 2023-25 National Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan

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This report provides an assessment of Hungary’s Draft Medium Term National Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2023-2025 (NACS) and the Action Plan for its implementation. The NACS is one of several steps Hungary is taking to improve its rule of law performance.

OECD Public Governance Reviews Life-Cycle Costing in Public Procurement in Hungary Stocktaking of Good Practices

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This report provides Hungary with key recommendations and policy options to establish comprehensive and user-friendly methodologies and tools for the greater uptake of life-cycle costing (LCC) methodology in public procurement. The report introduces the concept of LCC and its links to the wider sustainable public procurement agenda, and maps the current practices in Hungary and existing LCC tools in other EU and OECD countries, with a view of drawing insights to promote the development and uptake of LCC tools.

Government at a Glance: How Hungary Compares

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This publication presents recent comparable data on key indicators of government activities and performance in Hungary, compared with its neighbouring countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia) as well as the OECD average. The main goal of this publication is to identify progress and persisting challenges in public sector reform in Hungary and to highlight some areas where public sector efficiency might be further improved in future years. It provides indicators on a wide range of government activities, including public finance management, public employment and pay, administrative burden for businesses, and the delivery of services in two key areas (health care and education).

OECD Public Governance Reviews Enhancing the Public Procurement Performance Measurement Framework in Hungary Assessing Efficiency, Compliance and Strategic Objectives

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Public procurement measurement frameworks are essential, both to assess progress and achievements periodically and consistently and to identify gaps in progress against objectives and targets. This report assesses the public procurement performance measurement framework in Hungary and provides recommendations for its improvement. It also explores aspects to consider in developing a public procurement measurement framework and communicating the results of the framework.


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This report analyses Hungary's Public Administration and Public Service Development Strategy 2014-2020, focusing on human resources management, digital government, and budgeting practices. It also provides practical recommendations for improving efficiency.