OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Norway 2003 Preparing for the Future Now

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This OECD Review of Regulatory Reform of Norway presents an overall picture, set within a macro-economic context, of regulatory achievements and challenges including regulatory quality, competition policy, and market openness.

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Finland 2003 A New Consensus for Change

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This OECD review of Finland presents an overall picture, set within a macro-economic context, of regulatory achievements and challenges including regulatory quality, competition policy, and market openness.

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: Finland 2003

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Finland's reform efforts over the last 20 years have strengthened competition in many parts of the economy and fostered above-average growth. A key feature of reform has been the deregulation of important sectors of the economy, reversing a legacy of state control.However, the challenges posed by high unemployment and a rapidly aging population underline the need to spread reforms across all parts of Finnish society. Finland also needs to improve efficiency in its large public sector.The economy has also changed significantly, to complement the country's traditional strength in industrial goods and natural resources, an information and communications technology sector has flourished. RandD expenditure is now the second highest in the OECD, as a percentage of GDP. To build on those successes, further reforms are needed. The public sector remains large relative to other OECD countries, as do tax burdens. Although significant reforms of the public sector have already taken place, further steps are needed to promote greater efficiency. Finland has worked hard to improve its regulatory governance since the1980s, but stronger political drive for impact assessments of new laws and regulations, as well as supporting structures in the centre of government, would improve the efficiency and coherence of regulatory instruments.There is need for further reform, as Finland's population is aging more rapidly than it is in most OECD countries. The number of people over age 65 is projected to increase by more than 50% by 2020, and the labour force could start to decline within a decade. Rapid aging also underscores the need for labour market reforms. Although unemployment has halved since 1994, at 9% it is still above the EU average. Structural unemployment, especially long-term unemployment, remains a major problem. Centralized wage negotiations offer little incentive for improvement in sheltered sectors of the economy. Moreover, the regulatory regime does little to encourage unemployed individuals to return to work.

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform Regulatory Policies in OECD Countries: From Interventionism to Regulatory Governance (Bulgarian version)

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In the past 20 years, few reforms of the public sector have received more attention, and stimulated more controversy, than the reforms made to regulation making and regulatory management. The rise of regulatory policies -explicit policies aimed at continuously improving the quality of the regulatory environment -- shows how early notions of "deregulation" or "cutting red tape" quickly gave way to a central "good governance" notion. This notion is based on an understanding of how regulatory practices can substantially improve market performance, public sector effectiveness and citizens’ satisfaction, through a mix or deregulation, re-regulation and better quality regulation, backed up by new or improved institutions. Regulatory Policies in OECD Countries documents the development and emergence of that understanding. It describes the "state of play" in the regulatory policy agenda in OECD countries, and identifies the key challenges facing regulatory practitioners in the future.

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform Regulatory Impact Analysis A Tool for Policy Coherence

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This publication brings together recent OECD research and analysis concerning methodological issues and country experiences with regulatory impact analysis (RIA). The collected papers cover a number of challenges to the effectiveness of RIA.

OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform Regulatory Policy in Slovenia Oversight Matters

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The OECD Regulatory Policy Review of Slovenia assesses the regulatory management capacity of Slovenia. It takes stock of regulatory policies, institutions and tools; describes trends and recent developments; and identifies areas for improvement in the design, delivery and evaluation of regulations.