OECD Rural Policy Reviews Innovation and Modernising the Rural Economy

Book Description

This book show how innovation can take place in rural areas and how the modern rural economy differs from the traditional rural economy and metropolitan areas. In addition, it offers four perspectives on modernisation and innovation in rural areas by experts.

Innovation and Modernising the Rural Economy

Book Description

This publication is a result of the discussions from the OECD 8th Rural Development Policy Conference: "Innovation and modernising the rural economy" which took place in Krasnoyarsk, Russia on 3-5 October 2012. The first section provides an overall view of the pre-conference sessions on the new rural paradigm, persistent fiscal constraint and economic opportunities and service delivery challenges. The second section describes modern rural economies as presented in the conference. The third section defines innovation in the context of rural areas and the fourth section presents collection of selected papers on the two main conference topics: modernising rural economies and innovation in the context of rural areas.

OECD Rural Studies Rural Well-being Geography of Opportunities

Book Description

Rural Well-being: Geography of Opportunities presents the latest iteration on this policy framework, reflecting several important changes in rural development in recent years. Fully taking into account the variety of situations characterising rural regions, the new policy framework leverages improved data and analysis while broadening the scope from economic focus to encompass the environmental and social dimensions of well-being.

OECD Rural Policy Reviews The New Rural Paradigm

Book Description

The report highlights the diverse challenges facing rural areas, their unused potential, and the inability of sectoral policy alone to address these challenges.

OECD Rural Policy Reviews Rural-Urban Partnerships An Integrated Approach to Economic Development

Book Description

This report provides a framework to understand the changing relationships between urban and rural areas. Specifically, it documents the characteristics of these partnerships and the factors that can hinder as well as enable rural-urban co-operation.

OECD Rural Studies Enhancing Rural Innovation in the United States

Book Description

When it comes to high-tech innovations, the United States leads the path amongst OECD economies. However, in the context of the national record-breaking activities in high tech innovation, there lies distinct and growing geographical disparities. This report dives into strategies for better understanding innovation that occurs in rural places, and places outside major metropolitan areas, often going beyond science and technology.