OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship Strengthening SMEs and Entrepreneurship for Productivity and Inclusive Growth OECD 2018 Ministerial Conference on SMEs

Book Description

SMEs that grow have a considerable positive impact on employment creation, innovation, productivity growth and competitiveness. Digital technologies and global value chains offer new opportunities for SMEs to participate in the global economy, innovate and strengthen productivity. Yet SMEs are lagging behind in the digital transition and are disproportionately affected by market failures, trade barriers, policy inefficiencies and the quality of institutions. A cross-cutting approach to SME policy can enhance SME innovation and scale-up, as well as their contributions to inclusive growth. This includes a business environment conducive to risk-taking and experimentation by entrepreneurs, as well as access to entrepreneurship competencies, management and workforce skills, technology, innovation, and networks.

Strengthening SMEs and Entrepreneurship for Productivity and Inclusive Growth

Book Description

SMEs that grow have a considerable positive impact on employment creation, innovation, productivity growth and competitiveness. Digital technologies and global value chains offer new opportunities for SMEs to participate in the global economy, innovate and strengthen productivity. Yet SMEs are lagging behind in the digital transition and are disproportionately affected by market failures, trade barriers, policy inefficiencies and the quality of institutions. A cross-cutting approach to SME policy can enhance SME innovation and scale-up, as well as their contributions to inclusive growth. This includes a business environment conducive to risk-taking and experimentation by entrepreneurs, as well as access to entrepreneurship competencies, management and workforce skills, technology, innovation, and networks.

Strengthening SMEs and Entrepreneurship for Productivity and Inclusive Growth

Book Description

SMEs that grow have a considerable positive impact on employment creation, innovation, productivity growth and competitiveness. Digital technologies and global value chains offer new opportunities for SMEs to participate in the global economy, innovate and strengthen productivity. Yet SMEs are lagging behind in the digital transition and are disproportionately affected by market failures, trade barriers, policy inefficiencies and the quality of institutions. A cross-cutting approach to SME policy can enhance SME innovation and scale-up, as well as their contributions to inclusive growth. This includes a business environment conducive to risk-taking and experimentation by entrepreneurs, as well as access to entrepreneurship competencies, management and workforce skills, technology, innovation, and networks.

Strengthening SMEs and Entrepreneurship for Productivity and Inclusive Growth

Book Description

SMEs that grow have a considerable positive impact on employment creation, innovation, productivity growth and competitiveness. Digital technologies and global value chains offer new opportunities for SMEs to participate in the global economy, innovate and strengthen productivity. Yet SMEs are lagging behind in the digital transition and are disproportionately affected by market failures, trade barriers, policy inefficiencies and the quality of institutions. A cross-cutting approach to SME policy can enhance SME innovation and scale-up, as well as their contributions to inclusive growth. This includes a business environment conducive to risk-taking and experimentation by entrepreneurs, as well as access to entrepreneurship competencies, management and workforce skills, technology, innovation, and networks.

2018 OECD Ministerial Conference on SMEs

Book Description

Abstract: SMEs are key to strengthening productivity, delivering more inclusive growth and adapting to the major transformations of our time. SMEs that grow have a considerable positive impact on employment creation, innovation, productivity growth and competitiveness. While the population of SMEs is very diverse, innovation and scale-up are at the reach of many SMEs. Digital technologies and global value chains offer new opportunities for SMEs to participate in the global economy, innovate and grow. However, SMEs are lagging behind in the digital transition and are disproportionately affected by market failures, trade barriers, policy inefficiencies and the quality of institutions. A conducive business environment, is essential to incentivise risk-taking and experimentation by entrepreneurs, and foster business growth potential. Access to entrepreneurship competencies, management and workforce skills, technology, innovation, and networks, is also critical to enable SME growth. A cross-cutting approach to SME policy can enhance SME contributions to inclusive growth

OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship Financing Growth and Turning Data into Business Helping SMEs Scale Up

Book Description

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that scale up have long raised policy interest for their extraordinary potential in terms of job creation, innovation, competitiveness and economic growth. Yet, little is known about which firms could effectively become scalers, and what policies could effectively promote SME growth.

Policy Toolkit for Strengthening FDI and SME Linkages

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Strengthening linkages between foreign direct investment (FDI) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is important to boost productivity and innovation across countries and regions in the OECD and beyond. This policy toolkit offers policy advice to national and subnational governments on how to increase knowledge and technology benefits from FDI on domestic SMEs and the local economy.

OECD Studies on SMEs and Entrepreneurship Promoting Start-Ups and Scale-Ups in Denmark’s Sector Strongholds and Emerging Industries

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Start-ups and scale-ups often make outsized contributions to innovation and job creation. This report examines the entrepreneurial ecosystems of three of Denmark's sector strongholds, sectors where future growth is likely to be generated - advanced production, energy technology and food and bio resources.

Inclusive Growth Review of Korea Creating Opportunities for All

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In recent years Korea has stepped up efforts to reduce inequalities in recognition that a fairer economic model is also the most sustainable one. In order to support this new policy direction, the OECD has carried out novel analysis of inclusive growth building on its Framework for Policy Action, developed by the OECD to improve the prospects of the groups left behind.

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship

Book Description

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 is the fifth edition in a series of biennial reports that examine how public policies at national, regional and local levels can support job creation, economic growth and social inclusion by overcoming obstacles to business start-ups and self-employment by people from disadvantaged or under-represented groups in entrepreneurship.