OECD Territorial Reviews: Czech Republic 2004

Book Description

This report examines the performance and potential of the various Czech regions, examines strategies and policies for fostering better regional peformance, and looks at the institutions involved and makes recommendations for their improvement.

OECD Territorial Reviews OECD Territorial Reviews: Czech Republic 2004

Book Description

The Czech Republic has registered relatively regular growth and attracted a high level of Foreign Direct Investment over its first ten years but territorial disparities between the fast growing capital city Region of Prague and structurally affected regions are increasing. At the dawn of EU accession, how can each region fully exploit its assets and overcome its handicaps? The Territorial Review of the Czech Republic analyses growth factors and obstacles to territorial development in that country, with specific recommendations in different areas. Thus, overcoming high unemployment, particularly in structurally affected old industrial regions, is linked to infrastructure priorities facilitating access but also to innovation through development of human capital, support to entrepreneurship and adoption of new technologies and processes. Obstacles to labour-force mobility such as the lack of a liberalised housing market are examined, bearing in mind the requirement to safeguard and develop social housing. The review takes into account the unique geographic location of the Czech Republic, in the heart of the new Europe, and the promising signs of development of major urban centres but also of medium sized towns acting as economic and service hubs for surrounding rural areas.

OECD Territorial Reviews: Brazil 2013

Book Description

This review, which draws on data and comparative perspectives from OECD countries, highlights challenges that Brazil will need to tackle.

OECD Territorial Reviews Competitive Cities in the Global Economy

Book Description

A synthesis report drawing from OECD metropolitan reviews, this book shows large cities' performance within their countries and addresses key dilemmas including competitiveness and social cohesion, intergovernmental relationships and urban finance.

OECD Territorial Reviews: Mexico City 2004

Book Description

OECD's comprehensive review of economic policy for metropolitan Mexico City.

Trends in Urbanisation and Urban Policies in OECD Countries What Lessons for China?

Book Description

This report presents an overview of trends in urban policies in OECD countries with the objective to identify successes and failure that could inform national Chinese policy-makers in their preparation of an Urbanisation Strategy.

OECD Territorial Reviews: Chile 2009

Book Description

Chile has achieved strong economic growth. Yet there are large regional disparities, revealing underutilised growth potential. This report recommends moving towards a territorial approach to better adapt public management to the different opportunities of the diverse territories of the country.

OECD Territorial Reviews: Slovenia 2011

Book Description

This review finds that, despite its relatively small size, Slovenia is a good illustration of the potential of regional development policy. Its internal diversity, openness and experience of rapid structural change all reinforce the need for efficient reallocation of resources.

OECD Territorial Reviews: Poland 2008

Book Description

This report explores the various challenges and opportunities for Polish regional development policy, and provides recommendations to best design and implement the policy mix, looking in particular at governance challenges.