Of Special Humanitarian Concern

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This study consists of an evaluation of the effectiveness of the United States Refugee Act of 1980 in achieving its objectives and submits recommendations in the light of the analysis undertaken. The objectives of the Act reflect the need for a balance between the desire to furnish a generous humanitarian response to the refugee problem by removing geographical and ideological considerations and establishing permanent mechanisms to respond to refugee emergencies, and the need for exercising greater control over this response by adequately taking into account the domestic impacts of refugee admissions. The study identifies several areas of concern. The first is the inadequacy of existing mechanisms, due to the elimination by the Refugee Act of the Attorney General's parole authority. To overcome this shortcoming, it recommends the establishment of a special humanitarian admission status. The second concerns the budget for refugees, based upon projections. The inconsistencies between these and the actual arrivals could be resolved by regular consultations between the appropriate authorities and the setting up of a contingency fund. The third relates to the US standards for refugee admissions, which are generally based upon nationality, foreign policy considerations and the promotion of family reunification. The study recommends the need for protection be regarded as a capital element in granting refugee admissions. The fourth concerns the processing of applications and includes the question of bureaucratic inflexibility. This could be improved by training, better information about country conditions and greater use of data and information systems. Finally, the existing mechanisms for policy development are inadequate. The study admits that this is a particularly difficult question to resolve, but contends that greater inter-agency coordination and education of the public opinion might help.

Refugee Admissions and Resettlement Policy

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A refugee is a person fleeing his or her country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Typically, the annual number of refugees that can be admitted into the United States, known as the refugee ceiling, and the allocation of these numbers by region are set by the President after consultation with Congress at the start of each fiscal year. For FY2018, the worldwide refugee ceiling is 45,000. The FY2018 regional allocations are, as follows: Africa (19,000), East Asia (5,000), Europe and Central Asia (2,000), Latin America/Caribbean (1,500), and Near East/South Asia (17,500). Refugee admissions in FY2017 totaled 53,716. On October 24, 2017, a 120-day suspension of the refugee admissions program put in place by President Donald Trump expired. The same day, President Trump issued an executive order that provided for the resumption of the refugee program subject to certain conditions. The executive order referenced "special measures" that would be applied to refugees whose entry poses potential threats to the United States. Among other provisions, it directed the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence, to determine within 90 days whether any steps that were taken to address the risks posed by the admission of any category of refugees should be modified or terminated. The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) within the Department of State (DOS) coordinates and manages the U.S. refugee program. Generally, PRM arranges for a non-governmental organization, an international organization, or U.S. embassy contractors to manage a Resettlement Support Center that assists in refugee processing. Overseas processing of refugees is conducted through a system of three priorities for admission. Priority 1 comprises cases involving persons facing compelling security concerns. Priority 2 comprises cases involving persons from specific groups of special humanitarian concern to the United States (e.g., Iranian religious minorities). Priority 3 comprises family reunification cases involving close relatives of persons admitted as refugees or granted asylum. The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS's) U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is responsible for adjudicating refugee cases. To be eligible for admission to the United States as a refugee, an individual must meet the definition of a refugee, not be firmly resettled in another country, be determined to be of special humanitarian concern to the United States, and be admissible to the United States. The Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS/ORR) administers an initial transitional assistance program for temporarily dependent refugees, Cuban/Haitian entrants, and others. For FY2017, the Refugee and Entrant Assistance account was funded at $2.141 billion, which included $1.675 billion appropriated in P.L. 115-31 and $467 million in funds transferred from within HHS.

U.S. Refugee Programs for 1992

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U.S. Refugee Programs for 1994

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U.S. Refugee Program for 1993

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Refugee Admission Proposal

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