Offshore Tax Strategies

Book Description

Offshore Tax Strategies by Vernon Jacobs and Richard Duke is a concise, plain English introduction to the U.S. tax rules for cross border investments, foreign trusts, foreign corportions and other foreign entities owned by U.S. citizens or residents. Jacobs is a CPA with a focus on international tax law and Duke is an attorney with a concentration in international tax law.

Tax Strategies

Book Description

For almost a decade, the United States has aggressively reviewed the offshore asset holdings of U.S. citizens to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. To clamp down on tax evasion and criminal activity, the U.S. Department of the Treasury has instituted complex reporting requirements for everything from foreign bank accounts to overseas inheritances and trusts. Penalties can be severe and may even surpass the value of the unreported assets. The IRS Criminal Investigation Division has a presence in 11 foreign nations and has indicted hundreds of individual and corporate taxpayers, financial advisors, and bankers in alleged schemes to evade taxes. If you are planning to move offshore, you better get to read this book to know how to: -Move offshore & take a tax deduction worth over $100,000 per person, -Get the same tax deduction & still spend time in the US, -Protect your assets from litigation risk and jurisdictional risk, -Use the same tax laws big businesses use to pay little or no taxes, and -Pay way less tax and lock up your assets legally, safely, and with strategies that keep you in tax compliance.

Offshore Tax Strategies

Book Description

Offshore Tax Strategies is a plain English introduction to the U.S. tax rules that apply to U.S. citizens and long term residents that venture offshore by setting up a foreign trust, making foreign investments or doing business outside the U.S.

Non-Resident and Offshore Tax Planning

Book Description

In many respects this is the ultimate way to slash your tax bill. By becoming non-resident or moving your assets offshore it is possible to cut your tax bill to zero. However, there are also many traps and dangers for the unwary. This guide will arm you with the facts needed to avoid these pitfalls and, most importantly, save tax! This guide contains all the very latest tax changes.

Tax Planning With Offshore Companies & Trusts

Book Description

This guide contains detailed information on how offshore companies and trusts are taxed in 2013 and how (and when) you can use them to reduce your UK taxes. It is updated for the latest anti avoidance rules that apply from April 2013. Subjects covered include: Offshore Companies What benefits there are from using an offshore company Detailed explanations of how to establish your company as non resident...including a review of recent cases in this area How and when you are taxed on income of the offshore company...including how these rules are changing How and when you are taxed on capital gains of the offshore company including details of the latest 2013 rules How to use double tax treaties to make maximum use of offshore companies When you can use offshore companies to reduce your UK taxes How to show offshore company income on UK tax returns How non UK domiciliaries can take advantage of special rules for using offshore companies How to avoid having a UK trade and being taxed on UK profits How the new controlled foreign company (CFC) provisions will apply from 2012 Whether to trade overseas using a separate company or branch ...and how the reform of the tax treatment of foreign branches from April 2012 will impact on this Using an offshore company and trust structure Offshore company checklist Plus lots more... Offshore Trusts What tax benefits are available from using an offshore trust Information on the new annual charge and CGT regime from April 2013 How Offshore life interest trusts are taxed When and how to migrate a UK trust offshore Exactly how the income tax, CGT and IHT anti avoidance rules apply to offshore trusts ...and when they don't apply The top tax planning uses for offshore trusts How you can use offshore trusts to benefit your Grandchildren tax efficiently How non UK domiciliaries can take advantage of special offshore trust rules When you can use offshore trusts to purchase property tax efficiently How to extract cash from offshore trusts tax efficiently Techniques to "Wash out" capital gains with offshore trusts How to use double tax treaties to set up a tax efficient offshore trust structure Recent offshore trust Q&A's ...and much more

The World's Best Tax Havens

Book Description

The Guardian: "a useful guide". This 250 page book tells you everything you need to know about tax havens and how they can be used to reduce your taxes even after the G8 changes. The first half looks at the top 25 tax havens in detail. As well as covering the tax regime for each in detail we also look at how to obtain residence there, what its like to live and work there and typical property prices. The second half of the book looks at the tax planning strategies available and how you can use tax havens to reduce your taxes. Many of the strategies are the sames ones used by the large companies and super rich. We show you how to use these strategies to legally reduce your tax liabilities. Setting up offshore trusts, companies and foundations are all covered in detail. What Information is Contained in the Guide? This is the only book of its kind and The World's Best Tax Havens is written in clear English with plenty of examples and tax planning tips. You'll find out all about: How tax havens can help you pay less of the four 'Big Taxes': income tax, capital gains tax, inheritance tax and corporation tax. The best European tax havens, including one just 80 miles from the UK which has no capital gains tax, inheritance tax or company tax and is opening its arms to UK residents. Changes to the regime for a number of tax havens during 2015 A Mediterranean tax haven where property is booming, the cost of living is low and there is no capital gains tax or tax on investment income. Two beautiful Mediterranean islands where UK pensions are taxed at just 5% and 15% respectively. Everything you need to know about the gorgeous Caribbean tax havens: living there, buying property and setting up offshore companies and trusts. Countries covered include: Anguilla, The Bahamas, Barbados, The British Virgin Islands, The Cayman Islands, St Kitts and Nevis, and the Turks and Caicos Islands. How to become a HMWI and enjoy Gibraltar's fantastic lifestyle and low taxes. A prosperous English-speaking country just one hour from the UK with a company tax rate of just 12.5% and no tax on UK investment income or capital gains. The best Eastern European tax havens, from Estonia to Russia. Other important tax haven gems scattered around the globe -- some of these countries have 0% taxes, dirt cheap property and are practically begging you to go and take up what's on offer. Everything you need to know about setting up and using offshore companies and trusts. The tremendous benefits of foundations when it comes to protecting your privacy. How to protect your privacy with nominees Recent G20 changes Moving abroad to escape the taxman's clutches How to set up a completely anonymous offshore company using bearer shares. How big companies and the rich use tax havens to lower their taxes and keep their wealth strictly private and protected from the outside world. And much more... Which tax havens does the book cover? The book covers the following offshore tax havens: Andorra Anguilla The Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda The British Virgin Islands (BVI) Campione The Cayman Islands The Channel Islands The Cook Islands Costa Rica Cyprus Dubai Eastern Europe Gibraltar Hong Kong Ireland Isle of Man Italy Liechtenstein Malta Monaco Panama Seychelles Singapore St Kitts and Nevis Switzerland Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) United States Denmark United Kingdom Labuan Floating Tax Havens

International Tax Havens Guide 2003

Book Description

This comprehensive guide reveals precisely how each tax haven works for individuals, corporations, trusts and any other entity that wants to reduce today's crushing tax burden. You will not find a more complete information service of international offshore financial centers. Learn all of the world's best techniques to LAWFULLY slashing taxes. There are more than 40 country analyses. Each analysis includes: Geographic and demographic data. Political and economic stability. Legal system and form of government. Tax treaties and double taxation. Disclosure information. Social Security tax, import duties, capital gains tax. Types of corporations (includes a checklist). Banking. Also includes a companion CD-ROM containing a wide array of client letters, proposals, checklists and much more!

Offshore Strategies

Book Description

"Focusing on the theory of offshore tax planning, this book offers advice in a practical format, aimed at anyone who deals with offshore strategies both domestically and overseas. Containing real examples, it offers detailed information on the material points of offshore strategies, accompanied by numerous pieces of hands-on advice from experience in the field."

International Tax Planning

Book Description

By just opening an offshore company in a tax haven you are not guaranteed not to pay taxes in any jurisdiction. This might have been a reality in the past when it was just as easy as opening an offshore company, and you knew you were guaranteed that you would not pay taxes. Nowadays tax havens have been forced by third-party jurisdictions and multilateral organizations to implement rules, instruments, and regulations to avoid or facilitate tax evasion, and money laundering. Despite the above, it is still 0% possible to avoid paying taxes at all, nonetheless, it is now a more complex procedure, which is why it is essential that you are aware of these rules, regulations, and legal instruments to be able to reduce your tax base and obtain tax freedom and tax optimization. There are several factors to take into consideration when assessing your local and international tax affairs, as not only your tax status plays a role, but also the tax status of the payor, if the jurisdiction is a black or gray-listed jurisdiction, instruments implemented by jurisdictions to avoid the artificial transfer of income or artificial tax base erosion, CFC Rules, Transfer Pricing Rules, and more. For example, if you live in a jurisdiction where you don't pay income tax as an individual, let's say Dubai, U.A.E, and open a company in the British Virgin Islands, and this company receives royalty payments from the U.S.A., the U.S.A. will tax your royalty profits at a 30% tax rate. In the opposite scenario, if you live in a high-tax country, let's say the U.K. Canada, Japan, U.S.A, etc., and you open an Offshore Company in a tax haven, and this is a shell company with no office space or employees (substance) in the jurisdiction of formation, this would not be enough to legally not pay taxes or defer the payment of taxes in your country of individual tax residency as most likely the Controlled Foreign Company Rules (CFC Rules) would apply to you, and your country of tax residency will tax the income of the BVI company as if the net income of your offshore company was distributed and paid to you, even if you did not take the earnings out of the company. There are multiple ways to avoid paying these taxes, but first, you or your advisor must play by the rules and regulations to be able to find the loopholes or legally circumvent the regulations to legally avoid and not pay taxes. In this book we will provide insight so you understand these regulations and some ways to avoid paying taxes, as naturally, someone who is not an international tax lawyer generally is not well aware of all these instruments used by jurisdictions for individuals and companies to avoid paying taxes, especially if it is their first time opening an offshore company. Each type of tax has its own nature and ways to optimize/avoid it. That is when international tax planning comes into play, where we take into consideration all the possible aspects that might affect your tax situation, as just opening an offshore company in a random 0% tax jurisdiction will not suffice. Each concept will vary depending on jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and in some jurisdictions, some concepts might not even exist or not be implemented. This book focuses on providing you with ways to avoid, legally, these regulations and taxes. Herein we will mostly cover the following topics, which will include ways to legally circumvent or avoid them: Tax residency for companies and individuals. Worldwide and territorial tax systems. Offshore Companies and Tax Havens. Income and capital gains tax, and ways to reduce it or avoid it. Withholding tax Tax Information Exchange Agreements Exit tax. Controlled Foreign Companies (CFC Rules). Economic Substance Requirements (ESR) Transfer Pricing. Tax treaties and treaty shopping.