Old Testament Theology and the Rest of God

Book Description

Rest is a largely neglected theme escaping Old Testament studies, yet is notably prominent in the text itself, arising at many of the key moments of the Old Testament--the creation, the flood, the conquest and exile of the land, the covenant with David, and the construction of the temple. Haydock explores the ways in which God's rest interacts with the direction of the narrative, noting also its role in shaping both Israel's worship and their messianic expectation. In this fascinating study, Haydock considers the importance and place of rest in the ancient Mesopotamian worldview, arguing that Israel's theology of rest played an important part in their message to the nations. This message of a sovereign and gracious God offering his rest to all peoples contrasts sharply with the nations' false perception of how "rest" was to be experienced and enjoyed.

An Old Testament Theology

Book Description

The Old Testament is more than a religious history of the nation of Israel. It is more than a portrait gallery of heroes of the faith. It is even more than a theological and prophetic backdrop to the New Testament. Beyond these, the Old Testament is inspired revelation of the very nature, character, and works of God. As renowned Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke writes in the preface of this book, the Old Testament’s every sentence is “fraught with theology, worthy of reflection.” This book is the result of decades of reflection informed by an extensive knowledge of the Hebrew language, the best of critical scholarship, a deep understanding of both the content and spirit of the Old Testament, and a thoroughly evangelical conviction. Taking a narrative, chronological approach to the text, Waltke employs rhetorical criticism to illuminate the theologies of the biblical narrators. Through careful study, he shows that the unifying theme of the Old Testament is the “breaking in of the kingdom of God.” This theme helps the reader better understand not only the Old Testament, but also the New Testament, the continuity of the entire Bible, and ultimately, God himself.

Old Testament Theology and the Rest of God

Book Description

Rest is a largely neglected theme escaping Old Testament studies, yet is notably prominent in the text itself, arising at many of the key moments of the Old Testament--the creation, the flood, the conquest and exile of the land, the covenant with David, and the construction of the temple. Haydock explores the ways in which God's rest interacts with the direction of the narrative, noting also its role in shaping both Israel's worship and their messianic expectation. In this fascinating study, Haydock considers the importance and place of rest in the ancient Mesopotamian worldview, arguing that Israel's theology of rest played an important part in their message to the nations. This message of a sovereign and gracious God offering his rest to all peoples contrasts sharply with the nations' false perception of how "rest" was to be experienced and enjoyed.

An Old Testament Theology of the Spirit of God

Book Description

Wilf Hildebrandt carefully explores the meaning of "the Spirit" in the Old Testament. He examines the role of God's Spirit in creation, in the establishment and preservation of God's people, in prophecy, and in Israel's leadership. He unveils the central role that the Spirit plays in creatively bringing about the directives of God. Through the Spirit, God brings order out of chaos, ushers the invisible into reality, makes a separation between the sacred and the profane, enables specific people to meet particular needs, and supersedes natural laws. This work sheds light on the Spirit of God in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Waiting for the Rest That Still Remains

Book Description

Waiting for the Rest That Still Remains. A Biblical Theology of the Former Prophets focuses on Israel’s squandering of God’s gift of rest from the enemy all around by worshiping at the altars of other gods, and its ultimate consequences: a second exile, this time from the landed presence of the Lord. Where land is the Pentateuch’s promised future, the Former Prophets proffer a future tied to the Lord’s dynastic covenant with David and Solomon’s dedicatory prayer. Pleas that God hear in heaven the prayers his people direct toward the temple in Jerusalem express hope for the good life in the land, but the culmination of Solomon’s prayer pleads that upon repentance their captors be compassionate to them in the land of their captivity; there is no plea for return to the land from exile. Outside of God’s promise to David Joshua-Kings do not identify an earthly place, like Noah’s ark or the land filled with God’s presence, to which they might return. Israel awaits the fulfillment of God’s promise to David.

The Rest of the Bible

Book Description

The writings explored in this book'authentic books of the Bible you've probably never read'are often dubbed ?Apocrypha,? and were cut from the Bible by the Reformers. The Rest of the Bible provides a brief and intriguing introduction to the writings unique to the Greek Old Testament, treasured by the Orthodox Church through the centuries and termed by St. Athanasius ?the Readables.'

Old Testament Theology

Book Description

Paul R. House provides a comprehensive theology of the Old Testament, carefully exploring each Old Testament book, thematically summarizing its content, and showing its theological significance within the whole of the Old Testament canon. Student friendly and useful to a wide audience, this impressive work has proved a profitable read for many.

The God of the Old Testament

Book Description

Walter Moberly is a top Old Testament theologian known for his creative, accessible, and provocative writing. His Old Testament Theology has been well received. This book, written in a similar vein, combines biblical criticism with constructive theology and engages both Jewish and Christian interpretations. Moberly offers robust readings of eight pivotal Old Testament passages that unpack the nature of God in Christian Scripture, demonstrating a Christian approach to reading the Old Testament that holds together the priorities of both scholarship and faith.

God with Us

Book Description

This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. "God's dynamic initiative" is the main theme of biblical testimony, says Christoph Barth. Here he expounds the message of the Old Testament in a manner that is faithful to the Old Testament itself -- as an account of the mighty acts of God rather than a series of abstract doctrines. A theology of the Old Testament is not simply a study of God, however. Old Testament theology also encompasses teaching about the world and humanity, about life and death, about origin, nature, and destiny. And Old Testament theology must also take into account the New Testament, which confirms what is announced in Israel's Scripture and thus is part of it. Barth elucidates the importance of the Old Testament for the New Testament and hence for Christians, surveys God's redemptive acts as recorded in the confessional summaries of history in the Old and New Testaments, and offers contemporary applications of these biblical themes. Working his way through the Old Testament, Barth treats nine key topics, each of which deals with one of the divine acts that are the essential subject matter of Israel's Scripture: creation, election of the patriarchs, exodus, wilderness wandering, Sinai revelation, gift of Canaan, election of David (kingship), election of Jerusalem and sending of prophets. He has divided each of the nine chapters into sections on one main aspect of the topic, considering theological, anthropological, soteriological, and eschatological points as well. Throughout his examination of each theme Barth pays special attention to its scriptural context. God With Us is an excellent textbook for introductory or survey courses in the Old Testament: each section begins with a thesis statement, summarizing its contents, and details are treated in small-print sections. Barth originally wrote his Old Testament theology in Indonesian and later rewrote the entire book in English; Geoffrey Bromiley has condensed the original four volumes in this edition.

I Will Give You Rest

Book Description

This is a valuable source book for the idea of rest as it occurs in a wide spectrum of ancient Jewish and Christian literature. The author provides a new way of understanding Matt 11:28-30 that challenges most recent scholarship and acts as a guide for application in the church.