Bayesian Analysis of a Threshold Stochastic Volatility Model

Book Description

This paper proposes a parsimonious threshold stochastic volatility (SV) model for financial asset returns. Instead of imposing a threshold value on the dynamics of the latent volatility process of the SV model, we assume that the innovation of the mean equation follows a threshold distribution in which the mean innovation switches between two regimes. In our model, the threshold is treated as an unknown parameter. We show that the proposed threshold SV model not only can capture the time-varying volatility of returns, but also can accommodate the asymmetric shape of conditional distribution of the returns. Parameter estimation is carried out by using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. For model selection and volatility forecast, an auxiliary particle filter technique is employed to approximate the filter and prediction distributions of the returns. Several experiments are conducted to assess the robustness of the proposed model and estimation methods. In the empirical study, we apply our threshold SV model to three return time series. The empirical analysis results show that the threshold parameter has a nonzero value and the mean innovations belong to two separately distinct regimes. We also find that the model with an unknown threshold parameter value consistently outperforms the model with a known threshold parameter value.

Asymmetry in Stochastic Volatility Models

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We compare the ability of correlation and threshold effects in a stochastic volatility model to capture the asymmetric relationship between stock returns and volatility. The parameters are estimated using Maximum Likelihood based on the extended Kalman filter and uses numerical integration over the latent volatility process. The stochastic volatility model with only correlation does a better job of capturing asymmetry than a threshold stochastic volatility model even though it has fewer parameters. We develop a stochastic volatility model that includes both threshold effects and correlated innovations. We find that the general model with both threshold effects and correlated innovations dominates purely threshold and correlated models. In this augmented model volatility and returns are negatively correlated, and volatility is more persistent, less volatile and higher following negative returns even after accounting for the negative correlation.

Stochastic Volatility and Realized Stochastic Volatility Models

Book Description

This treatise delves into the latest advancements in stochastic volatility models, highlighting the utilization of Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations for estimating model parameters and forecasting the volatility and quantiles of financial asset returns. The modeling of financial time series volatility constitutes a crucial aspect of finance, as it plays a vital role in predicting return distributions and managing risks. Among the various econometric models available, the stochastic volatility model has been a popular choice, particularly in comparison to other models, such as GARCH models, as it has demonstrated superior performance in previous empirical studies in terms of fit, forecasting volatility, and evaluating tail risk measures such as Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall. The book also explores an extension of the basic stochastic volatility model, incorporating a skewed return error distribution and a realized volatility measurement equation. The concept of realized volatility, a newly established estimator of volatility using intraday returns data, is introduced, and a comprehensive description of the resulting realized stochastic volatility model is provided. The text contains a thorough explanation of several efficient sampling algorithms for latent log volatilities, as well as an illustration of parameter estimation and volatility prediction through empirical studies utilizing various asset return data, including the yen/US dollar exchange rate, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and the Nikkei 225 stock index. This publication is highly recommended for readers with an interest in the latest developments in stochastic volatility models and realized stochastic volatility models, particularly in regards to financial risk management.

Modeling Stochastic Volatility with Application to Stock Returns

Book Description

A stochastic volatility model where volatility was driven solely by a latent variable called news was estimated for three stock indices. A Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm was used for estimating Bayesian parameters and filtering volatilities. Volatility persistence being close to one was consistent with both volatility clustering and mean reversion. Filtering showed highly volatile markets, reflecting frequent pertinent news. Diagnostics showed no model failure, although specification improvements were always possible. The model corroborated stylized findings in volatility modeling and has potential value for market participants in asset pricing and risk management, as well as for policymakers in the design of macroeconomic policies conducive to less volatile financial markets.

Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models with Correlated Errors

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We develop a Bayesian approach for parsimoniously estimating the correlation structure of the errors in a multivariate stochastic volatility model. Since the number of parameters in the joint correlation matrix of the return and volatility errors is potentially very large, we impose a prior that allows the off-diagonal elements of the inverse of the correlation matrix to be identically zero. The model is estimated using a Markov chain simulation method that samples from the posterior distribution of the volatilities and parameters. We illustrate the approach using both simulated and real examples. In the real examples, the method is applied to equities at three levels of aggregation: returns for firms within the same industry, returns for different industries and returns aggregated at the index level. We find pronounced correlation effects only at the highest level of aggregation.

Essays on Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models

Book Description

The first essay describes a very general stochastic volatility (SV) model specification with leverage, heavy tails, skew and switching regimes, using realized volatility (RV) as an auxiliary time series to improve inference on latent volatility. The information content of the range and of implied volatility using the VIX index is also analyzed. Database is the S & P 500 index. Asymmetry in the observation error is modeled by the generalized hyperbolic skew Student-t distribution, whose heavy and light tail enable substantial skewness. Resulting number of regimes and dynamics differ dependent on the auxiliary volatility proxy and are investigated in-sample for the financial crash period 2008/09 in more detail. An out-of-sample study comparing predictive ability of various model variants for a calm and a volatile period yields insights about the gains on forecasting performance from different volatility proxies. Results indicate that including RV or the VIX pays off mostly in more volatile market conditions, whereas in calmer environments SV specifications using no auxiliary series outperform. The range as volatility proxy provides a superior in-sample fit, but its predictive performance is found to be weak. The second essay presents a high frequency stochastic volatility model. Price duration and associated absolute price change in event time are modeled contemporaneously to fully capture volatility on the tick level, combining the SV and stochastic conditional duration (SCD) model. Estimation is with IBM stock intraday data 2001/10 (decimalization completed), taking a minimum midprice threshold of a half tick. Persistent information flow is extracted, featuring a positively correlated innovation term and negative cross effects in the AR(1) persistence matrix. Additionally, regime switching in both duration and absolute price change is introduced to increase nonlinear capabilities of the model. Thereby, a separate price jump.

A Threshold Model for Local Volatility

Book Description

In financial markets, low prices are generally associated with high volatilities and vice-versa, this well known stylized fact usually being referred to as leverage effect.We propose a local volatility model, given by a stochastic differential equation with piecewise constant coefficients, which accounts of leverage and mean-reversion effects in the dynamics of the prices. This model exhibits a regime switch in the dynamics accordingly to a certain threshold. It can be seen as a continuous time version of the Self-Exciting Threshold Autoregressive (SETAR) model. We propose an estimation procedure for the volatility and drift coefficients as well as for the threshold level. Tests are performed on the daily prices of 21 assets. They show empirical evidence for leverage and mean-reversion effects, consistent with the results in the literature.