On Good Works - Theological Commonplaces

Book Description

James 2:17 tells us, "Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." When Christians feel obligated to do good works, they are crushed by the Law. It is only through viewing good works as part of God's Gospel promise that doing good works is a joyous expression of one's faith. In this new addition to the Theological Commonplaces series, we learn Gerhard's teachings about the etymology and synonyms of the phrase "good works"; the divisions, cause, forms, purpose, necessity, perfection, and merits of good works; second justification through works; and the loss of faith through sins.

The Doctrine of Good Works

Book Description

In Titus, Paul says Christ redeemed a people "zealous for good works." Despite this declaration and others like it, the doctrine of good works has fallen on hard times in contemporary Protestant theology and practice. At best, it's neglected--as in most systematic theologies and in too much church teaching. At worst, it's viewed with suspicion--as a threat to salvation by grace alone through faith alone. In this important work addressing a significant gap in current theological literature, the authors argue that by jettisoning a doctrine of good works, the contemporary church contradicts historical Protestantism and, more importantly, biblical teaching. They combine their areas of expertise--exegesis, systematic and historical theology, and practical theology--to help readers recover and embrace a positive doctrine of good works. They survey historical Protestant teaching to show the importance of the doctrine to our forebears, engage the scriptural testimony on the role of good works, formulate a theology of salvation and good works, and explore pastoral applications.

Theological Commonplaces

Book Description

In On Justification by Faith, the latest relase in the English translation of Gerhard's Theological Commonplaces, Gerhard defines justification in regard to Calvinism and the Christian life. He draws from Luther and Chemnitz to support his beliefs, which place justification entirely outside of humanity and instead on God alone who saves. This classic work is a necessity for anyone seeking to better understand a biblical interpretation of justification.

Common Places in Christian Theology

Book Description

Common Places in Christian Theology invites readers to discover the rich and complex world of Christian theology. Sponsored by the journal Lutheran Quarterly and written by some of the finest contemporary Lutheran theologians, this collection of essays helps Christian teachers understand and explain the grammar and inner logic of faith. Exploring everything from scriptural authority to salvation and justification and the last things, these writers provide a unique and compelling introduction to Lutheran theology. As you receive the essentials of each topic, you will also consider contemporary concerns, whether in theology, or from the natural sciences, social sciences, political theories, or hermeneutics. Whether you are a seasoned preacher looking to sharpen your understanding of faith or a curious Christian seeking to better articulate your relationship with God, Common Places in Christian Theology will challenge and inspire you to think through your faith and share it with others.

Theological Commonplaces:

Book Description

Part of the popular Theological Commonplaces Gerhard series, this second volume of "On the Ministry" discusses grades of ministers, marriage of the clergy, duties of clergy including preaching, administering the Sacraments, church discipline, care of the poor, and visitation of the sick.

On the End of the World and on Hell

Book Description

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, God creates the heavens, the earth, the sea, and all of its things. It's only fitting that in the last two chapters in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, that He reveals what is to happen at the end of creation and the world. This Theological Commonplace looks at the End of the Word, Hell, and Eternal Death. In this translation of Johann Gerhard's work, the reader will be introduced to the onomatology of different words and phrases at the beginning of each topic before diving into crucial questions about the topic. Pulling from Scripture and addressing questions such as Is there a hell? or Will the end of the world come? the reader will be able to see sound biblical arguments answering these questions. Additionally, the antithesis is given room to be discussed to show how both sides of the argument have come to fruition.

The Great Works of God: Exodus

Book Description

The exodus of God's chosen Israel is the greatest story of redemption in the Old Testament. In more than 120 Christocentric, devotional meditations on the book of Exodus, Valerius Herberger shows his fervent belief that Jesus Christ is the center of every part of Scripture. Herberger does not seek to give an academic analysis or a grammatical exposition of each passage, but rather to emphasize the life and work of the Son of God. In these meditations the reader will find spiritual and practical applications for every Christian today. Intertwining the words of Scripture and the poetry of the Church's hymnody with his own pastoral insight, Herberger teaches the faith and preaches the truth of salvation in Jesus.

On the Gospel and Repentance - Theological Commonplaces

Book Description

About this Volume On the Gospel and Repentance includes two of Gerhard's commonplaces: On the Gospel and On Repentance. On the Gospel defines the Gospel carefully as the proclamation of God's promises and forgiveness of sins for the sake of Jesus Christ. Since confusions continually arise on the relationship of the Gospel to the text of the New Testament, Old Testament, and the Law of God, Gerhard carefully distinguishes Law from Gospel and explains how the Gospel is found in both testaments. Against the Roman Catholic idea of "supererogation," Gerhard explains that Christ revealed the same moral Law as had been given in the Old Testament, but did not add to new laws that are supposedly optional for Christians. On Repentance deals with salutary turning-away from sins, which Lutherans commonly define as including contrition (grief over sins committed) and faith in the promise of forgiveness for Christ's sake. Much of this commonplace takes apart the Roman Catholic sacrament of Penance, defined as consisting of contrition, confession, and satisfaction, as well as the concept of indulgences that is bound up with this. At the same time, Gerhard supports and defends private, individual confession and absolution of Christians before their pastors as a practice fully in accord with Holy Scripture. About This Series The Theological Commonplaces series is the first-ever English translation of Gerhard's monumental Loci Theologici. Gerhard was the premier Lutheran theologian of the early seventeenth century. Combining his profound understanding of evangelical Lutheran theology with a broad interest in ethics and culture, he produced significant works on biblical, doctrinal, pastoral, and devotional theology. Gerhard interacts with the writings of the church fathers, Luther and his contemporaries, and the Catholic and Calvinist theologians of his day. His 17-volume Loci is regarded as the standard compendium of Lutheran orthodoxy, with topics ranging from the proper understanding and interpretation of Scripture to eschatology. Useful for research on Lutheran doctrine, Gerhard's accessible style makes this a must-have on the bookshelf of pastors and professional church workers. Each embossed hardback volume includes the translation of Gerhard's Loci (originally published from 1610 to 1625) - a glossary of key theological, rhetorical, and philosophical terms - a name index - a Scripture index - a carefully researched works cited list that presents guidance for deciphering the numerous abbreviations of the other titles from which Gerhard quotes.

Outlines of Romantic Theology

Book Description

Romantic theology is where an ordinary relationship between two people can become one that is extraordinary, one that grants them glimpses, visions of perfection. In experiencing romantic love, we experience God, according Charles Williams, one of the finest and most unusual theologians of the 20th century.

On the Nature of Theology and Scripture

Book Description

Volumes 2-3 edited with annotations by Benjamin T.G. Mayes.