On Natural Coalgebra Decompositions of Tensor Algebras and Loop Suspensions

Book Description

Introduction Natural coalgebra transformations of tensor algebras Geometric realizations and the proof of Theorem 1.3 Existence of minimal natural coalgebra retracts of tensor algebras Some lemmas on coalgebras Functorial version of the Poincare-Birkhoff-Whitt theorem Projective $\mathbf{k}(S_n)$-submodules of Lie$(n)$ The functor $A^{\mathrm{min}}$ over a field of characteristic $p>0$ Proof of Theorems 1.1 and 1.6 The functor $L^\prime_n$ and the associated $\mathbf{k}(\Sigma_n)$-module $\mathrm{Lie}^\prime(n)$ Examples References.

On Maps from Loop Suspensions to Loop Spaces and the Shuffle Relations on the Cohen Groups

Book Description

The maps from loop suspensions to loop spaces are investigated using group representations in this article. The shuffle relations on the Cohen groups are given. By using these relations, a universal ring for functorial self maps of double loop spaces of double suspensions is given. Moreover the obstructions to the classical exponent problem in homotopy theory are displayed in the extension groups of the dual of the important symmetric group modules Lie$(n)$, as well as in the top cohomology of the Artin braid groups with coefficients in the top homology of the Artin pure braid groups.

Homotopy Theory of the Suspensions of the Projective Plane

Book Description

Investigates the homotopy theory of the suspensions of the real projective plane. This book computes the homotopy groups up to certain range. It also studies the decompositions of the self smashes and the loop spaces with some applications to the Stiefel manifolds.

The Decomposition and Classification of Radiant Affine 3-Manifolds

Book Description

An affine manifold is a manifold with torsion-free flat affine connection - a geometric topologist would define it as a manifold with an atlas of charts to the affine space with affine transition functions. This title is an in-depth examination of the decomposition and classification of radiant affine 3-manifolds - affine manifolds of the type that have a holonomy group consisting of affine transformations fixing a common fixed point.

Smooth Molecular Decompositions of Functions and Singular Integral Operators

Book Description

Under minimal assumptions on a function $\psi$ the authors obtain wavelet-type frames of the form $\psi_{j, k}(x) = r DEGREES{(1/2)n j} \psi(r DEGREESj x - sk), j \in \integer, k \in \integer DEGREESn, $ for some $r > 1$ and $s > 0$. This collection is shown to be a frame for a scale of Triebel-Lizorkin spaces (which includes Lebesgue, Sobolev and Hardy spaces) and the reproducing formula converges in norm as well as pointwise a.e. The construction follows from a characterization of those operators which are bounded on a space of smooth molecules. This characterization also allows us to decompose a broad range of singular integral operators in ter

Spectral Decomposition of a Covering of $GL(r)$: the Borel case

Book Description

Let $F$ be a number field and ${\bf A}$ the ring of adeles over $F$. Suppose $\overline{G({\bf A})}$ is a metaplectic cover of $G({\bf A})=GL(r, {\bf A})$ which is given by the $n$-th Hilbert symbol on ${\bf A}$

Algebraic Topology and Related Topics

Book Description

This book highlights the latest advances in algebraic topology, from homotopy theory, braid groups, configuration spaces and toric topology, to transformation groups and the adjoining area of knot theory. It consists of well-written original research papers and survey articles by subject experts, most of which were presented at the “7th East Asian Conference on Algebraic Topology” held at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali, Punjab, India, from December 1 to 6, 2017. Algebraic topology is a broad area of mathematics that has seen enormous developments over the past decade, and as such this book is a valuable resource for graduate students and researchers working in the field.

Equivariant $E$-Theory for $C^*$-Algebras

Book Description

This title examines the equivariant e-theory for c*-algebra, focusing on research carried out by Higson and Kasparov. Let A and B be C*-algebras which are equipped with continuous actions of a second countable, locally compact group G. We define a notion of equivariant asymptotic morphism, and use it to define equivariant E-theory groups EULG(A, B) which generalize the E-theory groups of Connes and Higson. We develop the basic properties of equivariant E-theory, including a composition product and six-term exact sequences in both variables, and apply our theory to the problem of calculating K-theory for group C*-algebras. Our main theorem gives a simple criterion for the assembly map of Baum and Connes to be an isomorphism. The result plays an important role in the work of Higson and Kasparov on the Bau m-Connes conjecture for groups which act isometrically and metrically properly on Hilbert space

Graded Simple Jordan Superalgebras of Growth One

Book Description

This title examines in detail graded simple Jordan superalgebras of growth one. Topics include: structure of the even part; Cartan type; even part is direct sum of two loop algebras; $A$ is a loop algebra; and $J$ is a finite dimensional Jordan superalgebra or a Jordan superalgebra of a superform.