On occult masonry and hermetic initiation

Book Description

Jean-Marie Ragon de Bettignies (1781-1862) was a French Freemason, author and publisher. He is one of the most important Masonic writers of the 19th century. On Occult Masonry and Hermetic Initiation covers a wide range of topics, including the numbers, the teachings of Agrippa and Paracelsus, Mesmer's experiments, magic, hermeticism, alchemy and animal symbolism.

Masonic Orthodoxy

Book Description

This classic tome on Masonic history and doctrine is available in English for the first time since its publication in 1853. This important work is often referenced by Masonic historians. Indeed, most English-speaking Masonic enthusiasts are familiar with the name of Ragon, but very few have read his principal work. Every student of Masonic and para-Masonic organizations will want this volume on their shelves.

Esoteric Studies in Masonry - Volume 1: France, Freemasonry, Hermeticism, Kabalah and Alchemical Symbolism (Bilingual)

Book Description

This Text presents an introduction to the Alchemical Philosophy of the Ancient Mysteries, it contains extracts from many different books and is organized into 2 main sections: 1) An explanation of the Alchemical Symbolism which has 3 parts that are mostly extracts from 3 of Jean Marie Ragon's books published together in 1853: Masonic Orthodoxy, Philosophical Masonry and Occult Masonry. Taken together, these extracts are a wonderful synthesis of how Masonry is a continuation of the Ancient Mysteries. 2) Contains the Instructions and/or Catechisms from 3 different French Masonic orders: FRENCH RITE (early to mid 1700s), ADONHIRAMITE RITE (late 1700s), and MEMPHIS RITE (mid 1800s). These show the Ancient Philosophical, Hermetic, and Alchemical symbolism which was explained in the first section. Finally, in the Editor's Appendix, there is an explanation of the "Masonic Tablet", followed by an article about the "Generation of Beings" and then a list of the "Shem Hamphorash" or the '72 Names of God'.

Western Esotericism and Rituals of Initiation

Book Description

For more than three hundred years the practice of Masonic rituals of initiation has been part of Western culture, spreading far beyond the boundaries of traditional Freemasonry. Henrik Bogdan explores the historical development of these rituals and their relationship with Western esotericism. Beginning with the Craft degrees of Freemasonry—the blueprints, as it were, of all later Masonic rituals of initiation—Bogdan examines the development of the Masonic High Degrees, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn—the most influential of all nineteenth-century occultist initiatory societies—and Gerald Gardner's Witchcraft movement of the 1950s, one of the first large-scale Western esoteric New Religions Movements.


Book Description

In the late 18th century two prominent German esoteric masons wrote a fantasy about an Ancient Egyptian Magical Order called the Crata Repoa. It was influential in the development of many masonic and esoteric groups through-out the 18th and 19th centuries and its influence can be indirectly seen on modern groups such as the Order of the Golden Dawn, the Ordo Templi Orientis and even modern Wicca. As the knowledge of Egyptian history developed, Crata has become disregarded by those who had taken it literally and it has been largely ignored. What Nick Farrell sets out in this book is that Crata Ropea was an example of an esoteric allegory written by two adepts to explain the path of initiation and goal posts to other esoteric experts. Once you have broken the symbolic code behind the book you can see advice, guidance and direction for various points of your esoteric life.

Esoteric Freemasonry

Book Description

The Sacred Realm of Freemasonry Awaits Esoteric Freemasonry takes you deep into the mystical side of this fascinating secret society and shows you how to carry out the most powerful practices. Learn how to enter your inner temple and accomplish the ancient mysteries. Discover the compelling links to Egyptian Freemasonry as you progress through the degrees of initiation. Using this guide's profound rituals and its exploration of Masonic tradition, you'll take the next step in your spiritual practice and improve all realms of life. As a leading Mason in Europe, Jean-Louis de Biasi was appointed Grand Officer after successfully restoring the esoteric and Egyptian degrees in one of the most important French Masonic groups, the Grand Orient of France. With access to highly restricted teachings, Jean-Louis is a foremost authority on little-known rituals and practices that can be used by lodges and individually. Freemasonry is an ancient and powerful initiatic organization, with both public and esoteric doctrines. The inner teachings and practices of the esoteric tradition are indispensable for any serious student of this often misunderstood fellowship.

Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons

Book Description

Uncover the fascinating truth behind Freemasonry and incorporate symbolic rituals into your life with this remarkably detailed and comprehensive insider's guide. Jean-Louis de Biasi, a 32nd Degree Freemason who's been involved in the order for over twenty years, offers a candid look at the essential aspects of Freemasonry. Basing his work on original texts and archaeological findings, de Biasi details the Masonic tradition's history, the degree-based system of the Scottish Rite, and their ethical teachings and philosophies. He provides evidence of Freemasonry's origination in the Ancient Western Mysteries and its Hermetic and Qabalistic underpinnings, and then traces how the Founding Fathers used this knowledge to embed sacred symbolism into the U.S. Capitol and throughout Washington, DC. From the power-charged grids within architecture to Albert Pike's highly influential teachings, from the Rose-Cross mysteries to the Masonic themes in Dan Brown's popular books, Secrets and Practices of the Freemasons shines a revelatory light on this captivating subject. Also featured: genuine Masonic meditations and individual rituals with easy-to-follow instructions, plus interviews with scientists who lend their perspectives on Freemasonry as it is viewed and practiced today.

The Hermetic Science of Transformation

Book Description

A classic initiatic primer for the serious magical aspirant, available now for the first time in English • Details occult purification and preparations for the path of natural and divine magic • Explains how initiation into the hermetic science transforms the novice not only mentally but also physically, altering even the very fluids of the body • Offers a return to the original hermetic path of initiation, following the strict procedures and symbolism as defined in the spiritual practices of Pythagoras and his tradition The main purpose of the hermetic science, as seen by Giuliano Kremmerz (1861-1930), Italian alchemist, hermeticist, philosopher, and member of the Ur Group, is to allow the adept to concentrate on the natural and divine magic that will allow him or her to develop the latent powers innate in every human being. The initiatory path this opens, one the author compares to the Royal Way of Alchemy, transforms the novice not only mentally but also physically, altering even the very fluids of his or her body. For Kremmerz, magic is the supreme science, the highest expression of what exists and what is possible. With this book, first published in Italian in 1897 and available here for the first time in English, Kremmerz sought to redefine magical initiation as well as other key components of the occult sciences. His aim was to bring the hermetic path of initiation back into alignment with the strict procedures and symbolism that defined the spiritual practices of Pythagoras and the heirs to his tradition. He visualized the initiate as a disciple who has escaped the stagnant water in which the rest of humanity is immersed and entered a state of non-ordinary consciousness, one that allows for the successful pursuit of realization and contact with the magical will. In this transformative initiatory guide, Kremmerz details the occult purification and preparation the path of natural and divine magic requires. The spiritual course advocated by Kremmerz is arduous--to move forward on the path of true realization, one that will allow the initiate to “climb to heaven” while still alive, the aspirant must commit to total severance from everyday life. Yet Kremmerz’s words themselves serve to trigger the beginning of transformation within us, making the very act of reading this primer the first step on the path of initiation into the hermetic science.

The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Book Description

Acclaimed by Publishers Weekly as "a classic reference, dizzying in its breadth," this volume explores the themes underlying ancient mythology, philosophy, and religion. Hundreds of entries range from esoteric elements of Islamic and Christian history to arcane rituals practiced by Druids, Freemasons, alchemists, and other secret societies. 16 pages of color plates, 100 black-and-white illustrations.