Real Algebraic Geometry and Topology

Book Description

This book contains the proceedings of the Real Algebraic Geometry-Topology Conference, held at Michigan State University in December 1993. Presented here are recent results and discussions of new ideas pertaining to such topics as resolution theorems, algebraic structures, topology of nonsingular real algebraic sets, and the distribution of real algebraic sets in projective space.

Mathematical Reviews

Book Description

Actions of holomorphic maps on spaces of holomorphic functions

Book Description

This thesis is devoted to investigating some aspects of the geometry and function theory on domains in complex vector spaces. The link between geometry and function theory stems from the standard approach whereby, if D is a domain in Cn, S is a semigroup of holomorphic maps of D into itself, and Hol(D) is the space of all scalar valued holomorphic functions on D, then S induces a semigroup of linear operators on Hol(D) whose invariant subspaces give information on the structure of S. In the one-dimensional case, the theory of Riemann surfaces leads to precise results. Passing from one to several complex variables the situation changes radically. In order to obtain further information on Aut D, one has to drastically restrict the class of bounded domains D under consideration, focusing the attention on bounded homogeneous domains or even on the narrower class of bounded symmetric domains.

Two Reports On Harmonic Maps

Book Description

Harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds are solutions of systems of nonlinear partial differential equations which appear in different contexts of differential geometry. They include holomorphic maps, minimal surfaces, σ-models in physics. Recently, they have become powerful tools in the study of global properties of Riemannian and Kählerian manifolds.A standard reference for this subject is a pair of Reports, published in 1978 and 1988 by James Eells and Luc Lemaire.This book presents these two reports in a single volume with a brief supplement reporting on some recent developments in the theory. It is both an introduction to the subject and a unique source of references, providing an organized exposition of results spread throughout more than 800 papers.

Twistor Theory for Riemannian Symmetric Spaces

Book Description

In this monograph on twistor theory and its applications to harmonic map theory, a central theme is the interplay between the complex homogeneous geometry of flag manifolds and the real homogeneous geometry of symmetric spaces. In particular, flag manifolds are shown to arise as twistor spaces of Riemannian symmetric spaces. Applications of this theory include a complete classification of stable harmonic 2-spheres in Riemannian symmetric spaces and a Bäcklund transform for harmonic 2-spheres in Lie groups which, in many cases, provides a factorisation theorem for such spheres as well as gap phenomena. The main methods used are those of homogeneous geometry and Lie theory together with some algebraic geometry of Riemann surfaces. The work addresses differential geometers, especially those with interests in minimal surfaces and homogeneous manifolds.

Lectures on Differential Topology

Book Description

This book gives a comprehensive introduction to the theory of smooth manifolds, maps, and fundamental associated structures with an emphasis on “bare hands” approaches, combining differential-topological cut-and-paste procedures and applications of transversality. In particular, the smooth cobordism cup-product is defined from scratch and used as the main tool in a variety of settings. After establishing the fundamentals, the book proceeds to a broad range of more advanced topics in differential topology, including degree theory, the Poincaré-Hopf index theorem, bordism-characteristic numbers, and the Pontryagin-Thom construction. Cobordism intersection forms are used to classify compact surfaces; their quadratic enhancements are developed and applied to studying the homotopy groups of spheres, the bordism group of immersed surfaces in a 3-manifold, and congruences mod 16 for the signature of intersection forms of 4-manifolds. Other topics include the high-dimensional h h-cobordism theorem stressing the role of the “Whitney trick”, a determination of the singleton bordism modules in low dimensions, and proofs of parallelizability of orientable 3-manifolds and the Lickorish-Wallace theorem. Nash manifolds and Nash's questions on the existence of real algebraic models are also discussed. This book will be useful as a textbook for beginning masters and doctoral students interested in differential topology, who have finished a standard undergraduate mathematics curriculum. It emphasizes an active learning approach, and exercises are included within the text as part of the flow of ideas. Experienced readers may use this book as a source of alternative, constructive approaches to results commonly presented in more advanced contexts with specialized techniques.