On Stability and Endoscopic Transfer of Unipotent Orbital Integrals on $p$-adic Symplectic Groups

Book Description

The invariant integrals of spherical functions over certain infinite families of unipotent orbits in symplectic groups over a p-adic field of characteristic zero are explicitly calculated. The results are then put into a conjectural framework that predicts for split classical groups which linear combinations of unipotent orbital integrals are stable distributions. No index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Matching of Orbital Integrals on $GL(4)$ and $GSp(2)$

Book Description

The trace formula is the most powerful tool currently available to establish liftings of automorphic forms, as predicted by Langlands principle of functionality. The geometric part of the trace formula consists of orbital integrals, and the lifting is based on the fundamental lemma. The latter is an identity of the relevant orbital integrals for the unit elements of the Hecke algebras. This volume concerns a proof of the fundamental lemma in the classically most interesting case of Siegel modular forms, namely the symplectic group Sp(2). These orbital integrals are compared with those on GL(4), twisted by the transpose inverse involution. The technique of proof is elementary. Compact elements are decomposed into their absolutely semi-simple and topologically unipotent parts also in the twisted case; a double coset decomposition of the form H\ G/K--where H is a subgroup containing the centralizer--plays a key role.

Rational $S^1$-Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory

Book Description

The memoir presents a systematic study of rational S1-equivariant cohomology theories, and a complete algebraic model for them. It provides a classification of such cohomology theories in simple algebraic terms and a practical means of calculation. The power of the model is illustrated by analysis of the Segal conjecture, the behaviour of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence, the structure of S1-equivariant K-theory, and the rational behaviour of cyclotomic spectra and the topological cyclic homology construction.

Treelike Structures Arising from Continua and Convergence Groups

Book Description

This book is intended for graduate students and research mathematicians working in group theory and generalizations

Invariant Measures for Unitary Groups Associated to Kac-Moody Lie Algebras

Book Description

The main purpose of this paper is to prove the existence, and in some cases the uniqueness, of unitarily invariant measures on formal completions of groups associated to affine Kac-Moody algebras, and associated homogeneous spaces. The basic invariant measure is a natural generalization of Haar measure for a simply connected compact Lie group, and its projection to flag spaces is a generalization of the normalized invariant volume element. The other "invariant measures" are actually measures having values in line bundles over these spaces; these bundle-valued measures heuristically arise from coupling the basic invariant measure to Hermitian structures on associated line bundles, but in this infinite dimensional setting they are generally singular with respect to the basic invariant measure.

Bosonic Construction of Vertex Operator Para-Algebras from Symplectic Affine Kac-Moody Algebras

Book Description

Begins with the bosonic construction of four level -1/2 irreducible representations of the symplectic affine Kac-Moody Lie algebra Cl. The direct sum of two of these is given the structure of a vertex operator algebra (VOA), and the direct sum of the other two is given the structure of a twisted VOA-module. The dissertation includes the bosonic analog of the fermionic construction of a vertex operator superalgebra from the four level 1 irreducible modules of type Dl. No index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Special Groups

Book Description

This monograph presents a systematic study of Special Groups, a first-order universal-existential axiomatization of the theory of quadratic forms, which comprises the usual theory over fields of characteristic different from 2, and is dual to the theory of abstract order spaces. The heart of our theory begins in Chapter 4 with the result that Boolean algebras have a natural structure of reduced special group. More deeply, every such group is canonically and functorially embedded in a certain Boolean algebra, its Boolean hull. This hull contains a wealth of information about the structure of the given special group, and much of the later work consists in unveiling it. Thus, in Chapter 7 we introduce two series of invariants "living" in the Boolean hull, which characterize the isometry of forms in any reduced special group. While the multiplicative series--expressed in terms of meet and symmetric difference--constitutes a Boolean version of the Stiefel-Whitney invariants, the additive series--expressed in terms of meet and join--, which we call Horn-Tarski invariants, does not have a known analog in the field case; however, the latter have a considerably more regular behaviour. We give explicit formulas connecting both series, and compute explicitly the invariants for Pfister forms and their linear combinations. In Chapter 9 we combine Boolean-theoretic methods with techniques from Galois cohomology and a result of Voevodsky to obtain an affirmative solution to a long standing conjecture of Marshall concerning quadratic forms over formally real Pythagorean fields. Boolean methods are put to work in Chapter 10 to obtain information about categories of special groups, reduced or not. And again in Chapter 11 to initiate the model-theoretic study of the first-order theory of reduced special groups, where, amongst other things we determine its model-companion. The first-order approach is also present in the study of some outstanding classes of morphisms carried out in Chapter 5, e.g., the pure embeddings of special groups. Chapter 6 is devoted to the study of special groups of continuous functions.

Differential Equations Methods for the Monge-Kantorovich Mass Transfer Problem

Book Description

In this volume, the authors demonstrate under some assumptions on $f $, $f $ that a solution to the classical Monge-Kantorovich problem of optimally rearranging the measure $\mu{ }=f dx$ onto $\mu =f dy$ can be constructed by studying the $p$-Laplacian equation $- \roman{div}(\vert DU_p\vert p-2}Du_p)=f -f $ in the limit as $p\rightarrow\infty$. The idea is to show $u_p\rightarrow u$, where $u$ satisfies $\vert Du\vert\leq 1, -\roman{div}(aDu)=f -f $ for some density $a\geq0$, and then to build a flow by solving a nonautonomous ODE involving $a, Du, f $ and $f $

Tensor Products and Independent Sums of $\mathcal L_p$-Spaces, $1

Book Description

Two methods of constructing infinitely many isomorphically distinct $\mathcal L_p$-spaces have been published. In this volume, the author shows that these constructions yield very different spaces and in the process develop methods for dealing with these spaces from the isomorphic viewpoint.

Controllability, Stabilization, and the Regulator Problem for Random Differential Systems

Book Description

This volume develops a systematic study of time-dependent control processes. The basic problem of null controllability of linear systems is first considered. Using methods of ergodic theory and topological dynamics, general local null controllability criteria are given. Then the subtle question of global null controllability is studied. Next, the random linear feedback and stabilization problem is posed and solved. Using concepts of exponential dichotomy and rotation number for linear Hamiltonian systems, a solution of the Riccati equation is obtained which has extremely good robustness properties and which also preserves all the smoothness and recurrence properties of the coefficients. Finally, a general version of the local nonlinear feedback stabilization problem is solved.