The Nucleon Optical Model

Book Description

The nucleon optical model is widely used to calculate the elastic scattering cross-sections and polarisations for the interaction of neutrons and protons with atomic nuclei. The optical model potentials not only describe the scattering but also provide the wave functions needed to analyse a wide range of nuclear reactions. They also unify many aspects of nuclear reactions and nuclear structure. This book consists of a comprehensive introduction to the subject and a selection of papers by the author describing the optical model in detail. It contains full references to the original literature with many examples of the application of the model to the analysis of experimental data.

Development of Global Medium-energy Nucleon-nucleus Optical Model Potentials

Book Description

The authors report on the development of new global optical model potentials for nucleon-nucleus scattering at medium energies. Using both Schroedinger and Dirac scattering formalisms, the goal is to construct a physically realistic optical potential describing nucleon-nucleus elastic scattering observables for a projectile energy range of (perhaps) 20 meV to (perhaps) 2 GeV and a target mass range of 16 to 209, excluding regions of strong nuclear deformation. They use a phenomenological approach guided by conclusions from recent microscopic studies. The experimental database consists largely of proton-nucleus elastic differential cross sections, analyzing powers, spin-rotation functions, and total reaction cross sections, and neutron-nucleus total cross sections. They will use this database in a nonlinear least-squares adjustment of optical model parameters in both relativistic equivalent Schroedinger (including relativistic kinematics) and Dirac (second-order reduction) formalisms. Isospin will be introduced through the standard Lane model and a relativistic generalization of that model.