On the Theory of Weak Turbulence for the Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation

Book Description

The authors study the Cauchy problem for a kinetic equation arising in the weak turbulence theory for the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation. They define suitable concepts of weak and mild solutions and prove local and global well posedness results. Several qualitative properties of the solutions, including long time asymptotics, blow up results and condensation in finite time are obtained. The authors also prove the existence of a family of solutions that exhibit pulsating behavior.

Nonlinear Waves and Weak Turbulence

Book Description

This book is an outgrowth of the NSF-CBMS conference Nonlinear Waves £3 Weak Turbulence held at Case Western Reserve University in May 1992. The principal speaker at the conference was Professor V. E. Zakharov who delivered a series of ten lectures outlining the historical and ongoing developments in the field. Some twenty other researchers also made presentations and it is their work which makes up the bulk of this text. Professor Zakharov's opening chapter serves as a general introduction to the other papers, which for the most part are concerned with the application of the theory in various fields. While the word "turbulence" is most often associated with f:l. uid dynamics it is in fact a dominant feature of most systems having a large or infinite number of degrees of freedom. For our purposes we might define turbulence as the chaotic behavior of systems having a large number of degrees of freedom and which are far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Work in field can be broadly divided into two areas: • The theory of the transition from smooth laminar motions to the disordered motions characteristic of turbulence. • Statistical studies of fully developed turbulent systems. In hydrodynamics, work on the transition question dates back to the end of the last century with pioneering contributions by Osborne Reynolds and Lord Rayleigh.

Extended Abstracts 2021/2022

Book Description

Nonlinear PDE’s in Condensed Matter and Reactive Flows

Book Description

Nonlinear partial differential equations abound in modern physics. The problems arising in these fields lead to fascinating questions and, at the same time, progress in understanding the mathematical structures is of great importance to the models. Nevertheless, activity in one of the approaches is not always sufficiently in touch with developments in the other field. The book presents the joint efforts of mathematicians and physicists involved in modelling reactive flows, in particular superconductivity and superfluidity. Certain contributions are fundamental to an understanding of such cutting-edge research topics as rotating Bose-Einstein condensates, Kolmogorov-Zakharov solutions for weak turbulence equations, and the propagation of fronts in heterogeneous media.

Wave Turbulence

Book Description

Wave Turbulence refers to the statistical theory of weakly nonlinear dispersive waves. There is a wide and growing spectrum of physical applications, ranging from sea waves, to plasma waves, to superfluid turbulence, to nonlinear optics and Bose-Einstein condensates. Beyond the fundamentals the book thus also covers new developments such as the interaction of random waves with coherent structures (vortices, solitons, wave breaks), inverse cascades leading to condensation and the transitions between weak and strong turbulence, turbulence intermittency as well as finite system size effects, such as “frozen” turbulence, discrete wave resonances and avalanche-type energy cascades. This book is an outgrow of several lectures courses held by the author and, as a result, written and structured rather as a graduate text than a monograph, with many exercises and solutions offered along the way. The present compact description primarily addresses students and non-specialist researchers wishing to enter and work in this field.

The Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

Book Description

Filling the gap between the mathematical literature and applications to domains, the authors have chosen to address the problem of wave collapse by several methods ranging from rigorous mathematical analysis to formal aymptotic expansions and numerical simulations.

Statistical Physics of Non Equilibrium Quantum Phenomena

Book Description

This book provides an introduction to topics in non-equilibrium quantum statistical physics for both mathematicians and theoretical physicists. The first part introduces a kinetic equation, of Kolmogorov type, which is needed to describe an isolated atom (actually, in experiments, an ion) under the effect of a classical pumping electromagnetic field which keeps the atom in its excited state(s) together with the random emission of fluorescence photons which put it back into its ground state. The quantum kinetic theory developed in the second part is an extension of Boltzmann's classical (non-quantum) kinetic theory of a dilute gas of quantum bosons. This is the source of many interesting fundamental questions, particularly because, if the temperature is low enough, such a gas is known to have at equilibrium a transition, the Bose–Einstein transition, where a finite portion of the particles stay in the quantum ground state. An important question considered is how a Bose gas condensate develops in time if its energy is initially low enough.

Advances in Wave Turbulence

Book Description

Wave or weak turbulence is a branch of science concerned with the evolution of random wave fields of all kinds and on all scales, from waves in galaxies to capillary waves on water surface, from waves in nonlinear optics to quantum fluids. In spite of the enormous diversity of wave fields in nature, there is a common conceptual and mathematical core which allows us to describe the processes of random wave interactions within the same conceptual paradigm, and in the same language. The development of this core and its links with the applications is the essence of wave turbulence science (WT) which is an established integral part of nonlinear science.